The Emerging Democratic Majority


Once again for the record as you also have a short memory...I am a Registered American Independent

Translation: I claim to belong to some irrelevant third-party, because I'm too embarrased to admit that I defend and vote for republicans most of the time.

Because, these days, only total Bush-whores and Bush-liars even bother to use this lame excuse:

Battleborne: "It was never proven that there were no WMD's in Iraq prior to the invasion..only that they disappeared...via Syria into Lebanon/Iran and elswhere with a little help of the KGB...speculation maybe... on both sides of the aisle..."

Sorry Charlie'...I have been a 'Independent' long before it was cool...and was voting conservative before you were outta diapers...nice try though!
I think it's too premature to talk about a democratic majority because the impediment to that is the Democratic Party itself. These are not courageous people by any stretch of the imagination. Nor does the Democratic Party have any solid bedrock political foundation other than a desrire to win.

They are the lessor of two evils .. period. In many cases, they really are no different than republicans. I'm a bleeding heart liberal so please don't accuse me of any neo-con, neo-lib, neo-anything bias. It is the undisputed truth.

Case in point .. democrats are playing that "benchmark" game in Iraq every bit as much as republicans and the benchmark they're insisting on is called the "let us rape your country" law, otherwise known as the Iraq Oil Law. The law was designed in Washington and is being forced down the throsts of the Iraqi Parliament even thougn they don't want it. They don't want it because it gives control of their oil resources to foreign corporations and investors who will rape 70% of the profit and leave the Iraqi with peanuts and not in control of their own resources. This law is not critical to solving the chaos in Iraq, in fact, it only adds to it.

"If a nation's government cannot influence the export and price of its most vital commodity, then that nation is no longer sovereign."

But democrats are pushing it and only Kucininch, along with some members of the CBC are seeking to strip it from being any "benchmark" demanded by democrats. It is an impediment to bringhing our troops home.

Additionally, how many democrats are screaming about the US building the largest embassy/palace on planet earth in Baghdad. Both the Oil Law and the embassy are dead give-aways that this war was NEVER about anything else but oil .. but democrats play right along with the game.

Unfortunately, the problem with America is Americans. We keep lying to ourselves and walking off the same cliff like lemmings everytime. We've allowed this country to become a plutocracy and until we find a way out of this trap, we will continue to get just what we deserve.
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That's true. I did call you a name first. I apologize. I'm trying to stop that even if the person I'm talking to is a complete idiot who speaks in stream of conscience half the time.

Honestly, I'll try to watch that.

apology not accepted...your runon sentence killed the implication of a real apology...try again later teach!:cof1:
my follow turbolib cypress is pro to sophmoric rants.
Failed ideology!!! lol good one cy
Dems won 06 on Iraq and corruption, don't forget it.
Try to sell the moderates down the river on turbolib packed agendas and you'll see a GW clone in 08.:clink:
"They are the lessor of two evils .. period. In many cases, they really are no different than republicans. I'm a bleeding heart liberal so please don't accuse me of any neo-con, neo-lib, neo-anything bias. It is the undisputed truth."

Neo-cons and neo-libs are so entirely different it's a wonder how they both got the 'neo' label attached to them.
Damn...I just had to compete with your 'Cute' I posted one of me...He-He:cof1:
My avatar is really me. while the acompanying comment was Tongue-in-cheek. In your case, I would hope it isn't real, but the way you talk, ---who knows.
I think it's too premature to talk about a democratic majority because the impediment to that is the Democratic Party itself. These are not courageous people by any stretch of the imagination. Nor does the Democratic Party have any solid bedrock political foundation other than a desrire to win.

They are the lessor of two evils .. period. In many cases, they really are no different than republicans. I'm a bleeding heart liberal so please don't accuse me of any neo-con, neo-lib, neo-anything bias. It is the undisputed truth.

Case in point .. democrats are playing that "benchmark" game in Iraq every bit as much as republicans and the benchmark they're insisting on is called the "let us rape your country" law, otherwise known as the Iraq Oil Law. The law was designed in Washington and is being forced down the throsts of the Iraqi Parliament even thougn they don't want it. They don't want it because it gives control of their oil resources to foreign corporations and investors who will rape 70% of the profit and leave the Iraqi with peanuts and not in control of their own resources. This law is not critical to solving the chaos in Iraq, in fact, it only adds to it.

"If a nation's government cannot influence the export and price of its most vital commodity, then that nation is no longer sovereign."

But democrats are pushing it and only Kucininch, along with some members of the CBC are seeking to strip it from being any "benchmark" demanded by democrats. It is an impediment to bringhing our troops home.

Additionally, how many democrats are screaming about the US building the largest embassy/palace on planet earth in Baghdad. Both the Oil Law and the embassy are dead give-aways that this war was NEVER about anything else but oil .. but democrats play right along with the game.

Unfortunately, the problem with America is Americans. We keep lying to ourselves and walking off the same cliff like lemmings everytime. We've allowed this country to become a plutocracy and until we find a way out of this trap, we will continue to get just what we deserve.

Agreed. Also on health care. Americans are only waiting for a leader on that. Other than Kucinich, who will not be nominated, not one of them will utter the words "single-payer plan". Their "universal health care plans" are not universal at all, and will not give this country what it needs.

And yet, as you say, they are the lesser of the two evils, and we have all found out just how evil and destructive the greater of those two evils can be over the past 7 years.
I think it's too premature to talk about a democratic majority because the impediment to that is the Democratic Party itself. These are not courageous people by any stretch of the imagination. Nor does the Democratic Party have any solid bedrock political foundation other than a desrire to win.

I wasn't specifically talking about the Democratic "Party" establishment. I agree that the Party professionals and consultants leave much to be desired. I was thinking more of the electorate in general....the electorate is trending towards progressive issues on health care, environment, gays, global climate change, trade, tax policy, etc. Of the two parties - no matter how imperfect both are - which party at least is somewhat progressive on these issues?

They are the lessor of two evils .. period. In many cases, they really are no different than republicans. I'm a bleeding heart liberal so please don't accuse me of any neo-con, neo-lib, neo-anything bias. It is the undisputed truth.

Case in point .. democrats are playing that "benchmark" game in Iraq every bit as much as republicans and the benchmark they're insisting on is called the "let us rape your country" law, otherwise known as the Iraq Oil Law. The law was designed in Washington and is being forced down the throsts of the Iraqi Parliament even thougn they don't want it. They don't want it because it gives control of their oil resources to foreign corporations and investors who will rape 70% of the profit and leave the Iraqi with peanuts and not in control of their own resources. This law is not critical to solving the chaos in Iraq, in fact, it only adds to it.

No argument here. The democratic establishment in Washington is imperfect. Rather than throwing up my hands in despair though, I would like to work to elect more Bernie Sanders, Barbara Boxers, and Russ Fiengolds. And you know what? I also find much common ground with the Jim Webbs and the Jon Testers, on the moderate-populist wing of the party. These guys may love their guns and their bibles. But they are spot on with regard to trade, globalization, unions, and economic disparity.

"If a nation's government cannot influence the export and price of its most vital commodity, then that nation is no longer sovereign."

But democrats are pushing it and only Kucininch, along with some members of the CBC are seeking to strip it from being any "benchmark" demanded by democrats. It is an impediment to bringhing our troops home.

Additionally, how many democrats are screaming about the US building the largest embassy/palace on planet earth in Baghdad. Both the Oil Law and the embassy are dead give-aways that this war was NEVER about anything else but oil .. but democrats play right along with the game.

Unfortunately, the problem with America is Americans. We keep lying to ourselves and walking off the same cliff like lemmings everytime. We've allowed this country to become a plutocracy and until we find a way out of this trap, we will continue to get just what we deserve.

A left-center coalition is only as strong as its weakest member. Kucinich can't unite the left-center coalition. And let's face it: in our system of government, only coalitions can wield power and enact change. To a large degree, it's irrelevant to haggle about which individual politician is more progressive, and which is not. Individual politicians never single-handedly implement a vision. Vision and change comes from people - the citizenry - demanding change. FDR didn't just wake up one morning, and walked out deciding to change the world. He was forced to implement change, because people demanded it. Ordinary americans demanded it.

(L) center is a dead horse...the last election won by the DNC was Moderate to (R) center...get it right cippie!

Well, you should know, that's about all you are good for, if even that.

Did you lose again at Bingo...or did Granny reject your advances?? Well ya are entitled to your opinion of I will let it go...for now!:cof1:

ps: I will take a short nap while waiting for your response...I know ya have to hit the 'Icy Hot' to limber up the old typing fingure...sorry but ya do ask for a hit or two from time to time!
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I wasn't specifically talking about the Democratic "Party" establishment. I agree that the Party professionals and consultants leave much to be desired. I was thinking more of the electorate in general....the electorate is trending towards progressive issues on health care, environment, gays, global climate change, trade, tax policy, etc. Of the two parties - no matter how imperfect both are - which party at least is somewhat progressive on these issues?

I assumed you were talking about the Democratic Party and my comments were in disagreement with that thought. However, while I agree that the electorate is trending more progressive, I disagree that Americans will continue look to the party that is simply less evil, or more or less progressive. Today the elctorate is increasingly candidate-centered and less focused on political party. Both parties have contributed heavily to that trend.

No argument here. The democratic establishment in Washington is imperfect. Rather than throwing up my hands in despair though, I would like to work to elect more Bernie Sanders, Barbara Boxers, and Russ Fiengolds. And you know what? I also find much common ground with the Jim Webbs and the Jon Testers, on the moderate-populist wing of the party. These guys may love their guns and their bibles. But they are spot on with regard to trade, globalization, unions, and economic disparity.

My point exactly.

A left-center coalition is only as strong as its weakest member. Kucinich can't unite the left-center coalition. And let's face it: in our system of government, only coalitions can wield power and enact change. To a large degree, it's irrelevant to haggle about which individual politician is more progressive, and which is not. Individual politicians never single-handedly implement a vision. Vision and change comes from people - the citizenry - demanding change. FDR didn't just wake up one morning, and walked out deciding to change the world. He was forced to implement change, because people demanded it. Ordinary americans demanded it.

I disagree to a point. Americans aren't very good at demanding anything. A vast majority of Americans are against the war but it goes on without much consideration of what Americans want. The dynamics of the situation on the ground play a larger role in pushing politicians a solution. Americans put democrats in office to end the war .. but did they get it? During Vietnam, Americans had to get in the streets before that fiasco ended, 58,000 dead troops later. The same was true of civil rights. Health care has been an issue for at least 15 years and we aren't one step closer to a solution. Changes on the environment have occured from developing evidence, not necessarily because of what Americans demand.

Much of what FDR did was because of who FDR was, which brings me back to the point that Americans are now looking to candidates more than political parties for solutions, Kucinich does not represent the left/center, he represents the left, which is why he has limited appeal.

I also agree that coalitions are important, but coalitions built on issues important to the electorate, not based on political party. The success of Bloomberg in New York was based on that very premise. He crossed party affiliation and built coalitions based on issues. In lesser ways, Guiliani did the same thing. Although I obvioiusly disagree, the noteriety of Ron Paul is build on a candidate-centered electorate. He's supported by people of varying political perspectives. Obama's sudden rise in politics is due in part that people think he can build bridges and form coalitions across party lines.

My point is that although the electorate is moving more progressive, ther is also an understanding that faith in political parties is a trap. Democrats just proved that and their poll numbers are now close to Bush.

Progressive, but candidate-centered seems to be where we're heading and I believe that's a good thing.
Did you lose again at Bingo...or did Granny reject your advances?? Well ya are entitled to your opinion of I will let it go...for now!:cof1:
HA HA, you don't have a hold on anything to let go of.

ps: I will take a short nap while waiting for your response...I know ya have to hit the 'Icy Hot' to limber up the old typing fingure...sorry but ya do ask for a hit or two from time to time!
No, I was playin backgammon on another site, while waiting for action on this one. I like the site. but it doesn't really have enought action for me. and You don't help a bit. You are just a pimple on this site's butt.

HA HA, you don't have a hold on anything to let go of.

No, I was playin backgammon on another site, while waiting for action on this one. I like the site. but it doesn't really have enought action for me. and You don't help a bit. You are just a pimple on this site's butt.

Me thinks ya spend too much time with cippie and darla...the wanna bees..they will take y'all down the wrong road...they know everything about absolutely nothing...but they are about as entertaining as y'