The Emerging Democratic Majority

I disagree to a point. Americans aren't very good at demanding anything. A vast majority of Americans are against the war but it goes on without much consideration of what Americans want.

That's not necessarily true. If it involves breasts being shown over public airwaves, that's where we draw the line.
I'll take another nap while waiting for another 2hr response!

"Another 2 hour nap"? People don't take more than one 2 hour nap in a day. (and you have to be real old to even take one) We all know you mean you're going to pass out again and you'll get back when you come to, so drop the act.
Maybe...Maybe not...

That's not necessarily true. If it involves breasts being shown over public airwaves, that's where we draw the line.

I love Chicken Breasts....KFC anyone???..just kidding...but hey post em' let me be the judge...or not...your call Lady!

"Another 2 hour nap"? People don't take more than one 2 hour nap in a day. (and you have to be real old to even take one) We all know you mean you're going to pass out again and you'll get back when you come to, so drop the act.

Right sugar pie...I really need a nap to keep up with you and Cippie...In your dreams...wet or dry whichever fits for

Tiana, post a pic of your feet. He won't know the diff. It's been 30 years since he's seen a pair, we'll tell him things have changed.

Like we all oldies forgot how to ride a Bike! lmao...I was just joking to trap a perv!...but y'all are in another world...a sorry state of affairs...!
Yeah, you "trapped the perv" alright. Good work!

Once again...if ya did your job...all us old farts...would not have to carry your mistakes( i would love to just have summer fun-get the drift?) lost the mark not I...have a good summer though!
I am retired I can say what I want to whom I want...I lost the PC when I retired..feels so good!:pke:

Its really not about you being PC. Its about your embarassingly obvious attempts at hitting on anything with two boobs and a heart beat.

Its really not about you being PC. Its about your embarassingly obvious attempts at hitting on anything with two boobs and a heart beat.

Like I have ever... I mean ever asked you or Darla for a phone number...***sigh*** sorry I have a life that is say the least...boobs are cool, but I have seen my No, this is a fun board...not a dating board...ask damo...he knows me!:shock:

ps: I think you are confusing me with
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Me thinks ya spend too much time with cippie and darla...the wanna bees..they will take y'all down the wrong road...they know everything about absolutely nothing...but they are about as entertaining as y'
I have no Idea who cippie is, but I suppose it's another of your Area 51 imaginary Friends.

And just for your imformation. Obviously Unlike you.,NO ONE takes me down a road that I haven't researched to some degree.
That's not necessarily true. If it involves breasts being shown over public airwaves, that's where we draw the line.

Who is this "WE' who draws the line?

I have no objection to seeing them tstefully displayed. (Much more modest bare than in these dresses which purposely show everything but the imagination. (Notably dresses or tops which are cut all the way to the Navel)
When channel 31 first started on the airwaves in our area (what was later to become fox) they used to show, late at night, Benny Hill, uncut. Breasts were most definitely broadcast over the airwaves, and my impressionable young eyes used to watch it all the time! :D