The End Of Christian America

I'm not talking about the government. You're the one who's talking about the government because you want social justice and equality meaning equal people and nowhere in the constitution does it say that all Americans are equal people therefore making it impossible for some to excel above others.

If you are not referring to the gov't, then to what do you refer? None of us have, as far as I have seen, suggested that society make us all equal regardless of our talents or our efforts.

If you are not referring to our gov't, then why do you bring up the US Constitution?
I'm not talking about the government. You're the one who's talking about the government because you want social justice and equality meaning equal people and nowhere in the constitution does it say that all Americans are equal people therefore making it impossible for some to excel above others.

You were talking religion, initially. All religions need to be treated equally by our government, so in order to do so, none are represented, as it should be.
It means that you think that all Christian religious and historical symbolism should be removed from the American landscape in the interest of "fairness and equality."

I've shown you posts twice where I explicitly wrote the opposite.

And I never ever referred to 'fairness and equality.'

What is wrong with your ability to read and assimilate information?
Why not public places?

Because you also are an egalitarian.

Does the constitution state anywhere that all religions are equal?

Equal treatment under the law, if one does it the rest will need to display their symbols, it is just easier to say no symbols.
If you believe that, then why do you believe that all religions should be equal?

You are an egalitarian.

I never even alluded to equality and religion in the same statement or post. Please quote where I did so.

Religion has nothing to do with equality. The Constitution of the USA does.

And I am an egalitarian....I view all humans with the same inherent rights. No matter what religion, creed, race, ethnicity, etc.

Religion is about how *I* practice it, no one else. And it has nothing to do with America. Happily, there are no laws in America that prevent me from practicing my religion and behaving accordingly.
Everyone is a winner in their own way! They may not be a winner in the race but, I believe in fostering positive reenforcement in young people! There are seven areas of intelligence, unfortunately we focus on three in our system, we place far too much emphasis on athletics.

I always thank young people for their participation.

Such a narrow view:
--competition is only about athletics
--only winning means anything
--just because you dont win doesnt mean you are a loser
--you dont have to work hard to be a winner

If you want to reinforce those things, fine. I consider it damaging.
It says that we have equal constitutional rights, it doesn't say we are all equal nor does it say that all religions are equal.

It does not say that the majority religion among the American people shall not infringe upon other religions of other people by expressing their religion and offending them by doing so. It doesn't also say that all persons are equal in any capacity.

"All men are created equal..."

That part works for me.

People can have any religious beliefs they want and no one stops them (for the most part. No cutting off hands or anything)

The GOVERNMENT may not make laws based on any specific religious beliefs....because those could infringe on people who do not hold those religious beliefs. It coud force them to act against their own religion or other beliefs. That is unConstitutional.
Tell me what the difference is between religious freedom and freedom of religious expression?

When you remove a cross from a war memorial, don't I still have religious freedom? When I can have religious freedom to pray and worship as I please inside a box I can fit in, don't I still have religious freedom?

When you remove a manger scene in front of a courthouse or remove a confederate battle flag from the staff of a state house, you're doing this in the name of equality and social justice. And there's nothing in the constitution that says you have the right to make everything equal or even make people equal.

Because those are govt. displays. People and businesses can have displays. Why should athiests or Jews have to pay for Christmas displays? That is making them pay for someone else's beliefs. It's not about equality and if it's about justice, it's about financial justice. As I wrote, I dont object to existing monuments, displays, etc but why spend *everyone's* money on things the govt should have NO PART in?

So it is not inhibiting your religious expression or freedom. You may worship, express, as can your church or business.
If it's the end of Christianity in gov, not a moment too soon!
It's bullshit though even progressives cow tow to the ignorant pagan religious
The founding fathers knew that equal people cannot excel and freedom cannot exist because making people equal is socialism and it has nothing to do with freedom.

"All men are created equal..."

You were saying?

(I know it's the Declaration of Ind. but you cant deny one without denying the other.)
Equal treatment under the law, if one does it the rest will need to display their symbols, it is just easier to say no symbols.

Why should any of us pay for that stuff (thru our taxes and upkeep and maint)? We can find it in our own churches and religious communities if we want it.
Such a narrow view:
--competition is only about athletics
--only winning means anything
--just because you dont win doesnt mean you are a loser
--you dont have to work hard to be a winner

If you want to reinforce those things, fine. I consider it damaging.

Are you aware of how much winning is emphasized in our culture? The participation certificates reenforcement the idea that just because you didn't win you aren't a loser, you just didn't win, but you tried and next time you may win, so keep trying.

I think it hilarious that people think participation certificates kill competition, those kids are still painfully aware of who won and who didn't. The participation ribbon gives them pride that they tried, but believe me, they still are aware that they did not win.
So you are ok with the Capitol in DC putting up a display celebrating the birth of Mohammad?

Like Christians do for Christmas?

How about it...ok for the govt to spend our tax $$ on OTHER religious displays?

How about a huge mural of skylad pagans? Lol
Are you aware of how much winning is emphasized in our culture? The participation certificates reenforcement the idea that just because you didn't win you aren't a loser, you just didn't win, but you tried and next time you may win, so keep trying.

I think it hilarious that people think participation cartificates kill competition, those kids are still painfully aware of who won and who didn't. The participation ribbon gives them pride that they tried, but believe me, they still are aware that they did not win.

Ugh, that does disgust me. Just participate and you are valuable! The world has news for them when they grow up....that aint reality. I'd like to see kids actually find out what they're good and actually accomplish something, rather than just feel good about themselves. I did envir education in the schools and parks for 13 is total BS.
Ugh, that does disgust me. Just participate and you are valuable! The world has news for them when they grow up....that aint reality. I'd like to see kids actually find out what they're good and actually accomplish something, rather than just feel good about themselves. I did envir education in the schools and parks for 13 is total BS.

Well, I am sorry you are disgusted. I worked in early childhood development and the trouble with most adults is low self esteem, it comes from not being valued as a child. I will continue to value children and cheer their small accomplishments, you can be disgusted, and let's see which benefits children.
Well, I am sorry you are disgusted. I worked in early childhood development and the trouble with most adults is low self esteem, it comes from not being valued as a child. I will continue to value children and cheer their small accomplishments, you can be disgusted, and let's see which benefits children.

There are plenty of ways for people to develop self-esteem and to find success in something. THey dont have to be 'winners.' I agree that 'winning' may be overemphasized but by no means do I think working hard and succeeding at something should be minimized. (It also diminishes the winners or people who succeed...suggesting that 'anyone' could have done what they worked so hard to do).

And we are seeing what benefits children (or not)....look at this generation of entitlement! They expect everything to be handed to them. It's a generalization, yes, but still seems obvious. They expect high-paying jobs without paying their dues or immediately out of HS or college, for ex. This trend started back in the 80s....I was there.
There are plenty of ways for people to develop self-esteem and to find success in something. THey dont have to be 'winners.' I agree that 'winning' may be overemphasized but by no means do I think working hard and succeeding at something should be minimized.

And we are seeing what benefits children (or not)....look at this generation of entitlement! They expect everything to be handed to them. It's a generalization, yes, but still seems obvious. They expect high-paying jobs without paying their dues or immediately out of HS or college, for ex. This trend started back in the 80s....I was there.

Funny, my children never expected that and still don't, and I praised them when they won and when they lost.