The End Of Christian America

"All men are created equal..."

That part works for me.

People can have any religious beliefs they want and no one stops them (for the most part. No cutting off hands or anything.

The GOVERNMENT may not make laws based on any specific religious beliefs....because those could infringe on people who do not hold those religious beliefs. It coud force them to act against their own religion or other beliefs. That is unConstitutional.

I think the "it" in rabbit's post refers tothe Constitution. Unfortunately your quote is from the Declaration of Independence. That's OK many people confuse the two documents. One is legally binding, the other is simply a statement attached to a list of grievances. And is not legally binding!
I think the "it" in rabbit's post refers tothe Constitution. Unfortunately your quote is from the Declaration of Independence. That's OK many people confuse the two documents. One is legally binding, the other is simply a statement attached to a list of grievances. And is not legally binding!

Yah, I know. But it certainly proves their intent. They all signed it. Not only that, it is used when the courts are interpreting the Constitution.
Ugh, that does disgust me. Just participate and you are valuable! The world has news for them when they grow up....that aint reality. I'd like to see kids actually find out what they're good and actually accomplish something, rather than just feel good about themselves. I did envir education in the schools and parks for 13 is total BS.
Child hater,
When you have one religion represented to the exclusion of all others, that goes against the 1st amendment (the SCOTUS has ruled on this several times). The fact that your particular religion is not displayed on courthouse lawns does not effect your religious freedom. You are free to worship as you please. You simply cannot take over gov't facilities to do so. When you do that you exclude all other faiths, and that DOES effect their religious freedom.

You just confirmed the difference between religious freedom and the free expression of religion.. The Christian religion through expression never excluded the expression of other religions, it simply was the dominate religion of expression in the country. It is you the egalitarian secularist who excluded the free expression of religion in the name of "fairness and equality."

Again, the first amendment DOES NOT declare that all religions must be equal, it states that everyone has the freedom of religious expression. And because Christianity was the dominate religion of the country by free expression, all other religions had the same free religious capacities.
You were talking religion, initially. All religions need to be treated equally by our government, so in order to do so, none are represented, as it should be.

The government is supposed to have no business "treating or regulating" religion at all. This is where the egalitarians play both ends of the stick over separation of church and state then insisting that the government regulate religion and make each one equal and "diverse." This is how the egalitarian secularists justify removing Christian symbolism from the country's landscape and it has no constitutional basis whatsoever.
Equal treatment under the law, if one does it the rest will need to display their symbols, it is just easier to say no symbols.

Except if it's a non Christian religion. The goal here by you is to secularize the entire country in the name of social justice by way of the government. The excuse being used by you is equality and diversity. And there's nothing constitutional about either.
You just confirmed the difference between religious freedom and the free expression of religion.. The Christian religion through expression never excluded the expression of other religions, it simply was the dominate religion of expression in the country. It is you the egalitarian secularist who excluded the free expression of religion in the name of "fairness and equality."

Again, the first amendment DOES NOT declare that all religions must be equal, it states that everyone has the freedom of religious expression. And because Christianity was the dominate religion of the country by free expression, all other religions had the same free religious capacities.

I don't know where you got the idea that the Christian religion never excluded expression of other faiths. When Judge Roy Moore put that granite monument of the 10 Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Courthouse lobby, he was asked to allow other faiths to have displays. He adamantly refused. And he is not alone in his attitude. Just look at ILA's rants that other faiths are devil worshippers.

No one is stopping you from worshipping as you choose. What we ARE doing is stopping a single religion from usurping public resources.
Congratulations are indeed in store to philly rabbit. He has here made two responses to Rana without demeaning or gendering the respondent in either of them. Congratulations. Well done!
Except if it's a non Christian religion. The goal here by you is to secularize the entire country in the name of social justice by way of the government. The excuse being used by you is equality and diversity. And there's nothing constitutional about either.

It isn't my goal, it is reality, ours is not a Theocracy, ours is a secular government.
I don't know where you got the idea that the Christian religion never excluded expression of other faiths. When Judge Roy Moore put that granite monument of the 10 Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Courthouse lobby, he was asked to allow other faiths to have displays. He adamantly refused. And he is not alone in his attitude. Just look at ILA's rants that other faiths are devil worshippers.

No one is stopping you from worshipping as you choose. What we ARE doing is stopping a single religion from usurping public resources.

Do you support the separation of church and state? Only when it's suits you otherwise you wouldn't be supporting the government's efforts to make all religions equal in the name of fairness and social justice. You play both ends of the stick. You don't want religion in government so you proclaim separation of church and state then you'll support the government regulating religion in order to make all religions equal.

The reason Christianity became the dominate religion in the country is because the government by way the constitution stayed out of it. Now you claim first amendment separation to allow the government to regulate it.
Do you support the separation of church and state? Only when it's suits you otherwise you wouldn't be supporting the government's efforts to make all religions equal in the name of fairness and social justice. You play both ends of the stick. You don't want religion in government so you proclaim separation of church and state then you'll support the government regulating religion in order to make all religions equal.

The reason Christianity became the dominate religion in the country is because the government by way the constitution stayed out of it. Now you claim first amendment separation to allow the government to regulate it.

More of your lies. Please point out where I ever advocated the gov't regulating any religion?
When you have one religion represented to the exclusion of all others, that goes against the 1st amendment (the SCOTUS has ruled on this several times). The fact that your particular religion is not displayed on courthouse lawns does not effect your religious freedom. You are free to worship as you please. You simply cannot take over gov't facilities to do so. When you do that you exclude all other faiths, and that DOES effect their religious freedom.

It isn't my goal, it is reality, ours is not a Theocracy, ours is a secular government.

How do you and him claim you support the separation of church and state then support the government regulating religion at the same time? You want religion out of government but at the same time you support the government regulating religion.

America's history has been slowly eradicated from the landscape by both you and him and your support of governmental regulation but you also claim religion has no place in government.

So how does government have a place in religion?