The End Of Christian America

What property ISN'T public property according to you and your people?

Do you know of any property that isn't .. according to you?

I win again!!

This is an outright lieo n your part. Never have I advocated that all land belongs to the gov't. I have always stood for the individual's rights and the property owner's rights.

I am talking about Public/Gov't land, and you know it. If you want to debate, at least stay near the topic and stick to what people actually say instead of making up bullshit.
You privileged little runt.

You can type with an upper middle class silver spoon in your mouth.

Right! My Dad's summer job before college was picking cotton in MS. I am so wealthy and privileged! Wearing hand-me-down clothes was our way of showing the neighbors how nice my brother's clothes were after he out grew them.

And camping is such an expensive way to travel! I bet we spent $75 on that campsite for long weekend!! Such extravagance!!

Look, if you want to try and invent a debate partner, feel free to do so. But this whining about me being wealthy and privileged sure sounds like a Marxist's rant to me.

Oh, and runt? LMAO!!!
Yes but you want to tax the churches. there isn't an inch of property in America in fact that you do not consider public property. You're a socialist and somebody like you doesn't want anything private and either does he.

Its handy to make up facts as you go along, isn't it?

I challenge you to show me where I have advocated that private lands belong to anyone other than the one who holds the deed? Come on, Sparky, if you are going to make these accusations, have the balls to back them up. Or admit you are lying.
It is sad that it took me so long to see you for what you are, philly. You have blamed women, immigrants, blacks, Marxists, liberals, the rich, christian feminists, and those who went to college.

You are an utter failure in life, and you want to blame someone (anyone) else for that. The only group you have not blamed is the white, christian male. Because that would include you. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Whatever wealth I have, I have created. The only privilege that gave me anything is the privilege of being able to work my ass off and make good decisions.

You have obviously failed at that. I pity you. Your pathetic attempts to blame the world for your failure is transparent.
I'm extremely wary of historical landmarks and monuments being removed by the government.

Why? You have yet to explain how that could possibly affect Christians behaving like Christians and your opening post was about the 'de-Christianization' of America.

As a Christian, I can tell you that no monument or display (or lack of) affects MY ABILITY, my free will, to exercise my Christian beliefs.
It is sad that it took me so long to see you for what you are, philly. You have blamed women, immigrants, blacks, Marxists, liberals, the rich, christian feminists, and those who went to college.

You are an utter failure in life, and you want to blame someone (anyone) else for that. The only group you have not blamed is the white, christian male. Because that would include you. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Whatever wealth I have, I have created. The only privilege that gave me anything is the privilege of being able to work my ass off and make good decisions.

You have obviously failed at that. I pity you. Your pathetic attempts to blame the world for your failure is transparent.

I agree with you.
Its handy to make up facts as you go along, isn't it?

I challenge you to show me where I have advocated that private lands belong to anyone other than the one who holds the deed? Come on, Sparky, if you are going to make these accusations, have the balls to back them up. Or admit you are lying.

Well nobody actually owns private land because they have to pay property taxes to their counties. if you want to find out who actually owns your property, stop paying your property taxes for awhile and you'll find out real fast who actually does own it.
There never has been a common culture or common religion unless you are talking about the people on the Mayflower. There is no such thing as an ethnic American, its a country of mutts unless you are talking about Native Americans.

Quit living in a fantasy world.

Jamestown beat the pilgrims here.
Why? You have yet to explain how that could possibly affect Christians behaving like Christians and your opening post was about the 'de-Christianization' of America.

As a Christian, I can tell you that no monument or display (or lack of) affects MY ABILITY, my free will, to exercise my Christian beliefs.

I already answered your question above. The taking down or destruction of historical landmarks and monuments that are historical in nature is a violation of constitutionally protected free speech and their removal doesn't have anything to do with either being or not being a Christian, a good Christian, or a phony new age Christian with a secular leftist agenda like you are and like you possess.
When the western nations united and went to war against a common outside enemy they stopped fighting each other and joined together under the banner of Christianity for a common cause and an effort to preserve Christendom against outside forces of evil. From the crusades to world war two just before America's entry into it, the allies united under the same western Christian banner against the evils of Nazism as a continuing tradition.

yeah thats why we went to war with Germany
There never has been a common culture or common religion unless you are talking about the people on the Mayflower. There is no such thing as an ethnic American, its a country of mutts unless you are talking about Native Americans.

Quit living in a fantasy world.

You're just an extension of the sixties radicals who's cause and long bloody fight has always been against the middle class value system which was of course white and Christian at it's genesis. The middle class bourgeois has always been the enemy here as you continue to rewrite American history. The bourgeois values of the middle class are what all statists of western secularism detest.

You and your so called back then "new left" Marxist forbearers had to get rid of the old liberal establishment in the country because "it" didn't have a problem with the bourgeois middle's values and in fact supported them in most cases counter to their socialist mentalities.
Why? You have yet to explain how that could possibly affect Christians behaving like Christians and your opening post was about the 'de-Christianization' of America.

As a Christian, I can tell you that no monument or display (or lack of) affects MY ABILITY, my free will, to exercise my Christian beliefs.

If that were the case, why couldn't you exercise them when the monuments and the landmarks were in place?

Your Jesus is this old hippy philosopher of sixties martyrdom who rose up and presented an alternative created religion against America's established religion of moral absolutes which you reject in the name of multiculturalism, fairness, and social justice. Your innocent appearance atop your horse doesn't deter the fact that your sisterhood within the liberal feminist establishment is agenda driven by secular methods and is completely motivated by nothing else except political expediency.
I already answered your question above. The taking down or destruction of historical landmarks and monuments that are historical in nature is a violation of constitutionally protected free speech and their removal doesn't have anything to do with either being or not being a Christian, a good Christian, or a phony new age Christian with a secular leftist agenda like you are and like you possess.

Of all the issues facing this nation right now, you want to worry about removing old religious symbols from public places? Weird priorities there.

And ift hose old religious symbols are so important to your faith, aren't you treading dangerously close to worshipping a graven image?
If that were the case, why couldn't you exercise them when the monuments and the landmarks were in place?

Your Jesus is this old hippy philosopher of sixties martyrdom who rose up and presented an alternative created religion against America's established religion of moral absolutes which you reject in the name of multiculturalism, fairness, and social justice. Your innocent appearance atop your horse doesn't deter the fact that your sisterhood within the liberal feminist establishment is agenda driven by secular methods and is completely motivated by nothing else except political expediency.

THe revolt against the "old" Christianity is partly because of the extreme control the leaders exercised over their followers. PLus, that same faith subjugated women, was used to justify killing other people, and put a handful of white men in charge of everyone. That sort of control and subjugation is not what a "God of Love" would want for his flock.
Of all the issues facing this nation right now, you want to worry about removing old religious symbols from public places? Weird priorities there.

And ift hose old religious symbols are so important to your faith, aren't you treading dangerously close to worshipping a graven image?

I said that they were historical symbols of America's historical past. If you want current and future generations of civic slaves in the country to believe your rot about America never being a Christian nation AMONG IT'S PEOPLE and not it's government, then you'd be removing monuments that state otherwise.
I said that they were historical symbols of America's historical past. If you want current and future generations of civic slaves in the country to believe your rot about America never being a Christian nation AMONG IT'S PEOPLE and not it's government, then you'd be removing monuments that state otherwise.

THe revolt against the "old" Christianity is partly because of the extreme control the leaders exercised over their followers. PLus, that same faith subjugated women, was used to justify killing other people, and put a handful of white men in charge of everyone. That sort of control and subjugation is not what a "God of Love" would want for his flock.

It is always because a more educated populace finds holes in the teachings.
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THe revolt against the "old" Christianity is partly because of the extreme control the leaders exercised over their followers. PLus, that same faith subjugated women, was used to justify killing other people, and put a handful of white men in charge of everyone. That sort of control and subjugation is not what a "God of Love" would want for his flock.

The "God of love" that you speak of was also a moral judgmental God and moral absolutes are something that you on the (new) left wanted badly to discard. You spoke of women of your ilk meaning AOD which doesn't correspond with a judgmental God as an example. This is where the girl on the horse comes into play with her new age, non judgmental fluff.