Awh another under achiever blaming the rich!
So cute
I know you shed crocodile tears about the evil rich daily!Cock a doodle doo, you ignorant bugger! What do you aknow about me, you clown? Go shoot someone to prove how free you are, millionairebag!
I know you shed crocodile tears about the evil rich daily!
Sure sign one is poor
I'm 53Jesus wept! Spend your footling time comparing your dick with horses', do you? How old are you? Do you go to school yet?
Older than you, kid, and with more degrees. So?I'm 53
MBA and accounting
How old are you crybaby
And still full of shit and crying about the rich!Older than you, kid, and with more degrees. So?
And still full of shit and crying about the rich!
What did you study, social welfare worker
There is nothing Marxist about thinking people are equal. It does not mean that they are the same. It means their voices carry as much weight and that they are as important as everyone else.
I think it is quite obvious you do not think anyone is equal to you. Which is why I chuckle so often when posting here.
People aren't equal little football. No two people are equal. If people were equal then there wouldn't be anybody who could excel.
You are quite welcome!!
Oh yeah no butthurt hereI have no more interest in the rich than in turds, obviously. Who has, except the thieves themselves? I just want them to be deprived of their thieving. Since you deliberately rejected education in favour of money you are never going to understand that, so I suggest you just go back to your dungheap while it lasts. Clearly you have nothing to say to educated people, have you, except cock-a-doodle-doo?
You have way too much interest in turds apparentlyExcelling at thieving, hard-heartedness and showing off doesn't seem to most people very admirable. What is wrong with American extremists, I wonder? It looks as if the lack of moral values is becoming the key divide between them and decency.
You have way too much interest in turds apparently
Sorry you failed
Lots of poor are bitter like youOh - you're GOD, eh? Sorry - you are a turd! Rot away!
Excelling at thieving, hard-heartedness and showing off doesn't seem to most people very admirable. What is wrong with American extremists, I wonder? It looks as if the lack of moral values is becoming the key divide between them and decency.
People aren't equal little football. No two people are equal. If people were equal then there wouldn't be anybody who could excel.