Don't fence me in
I'm telling you that America WAS a Christian nation and now it is a secular nation as it self destructs. The Christian God was everywhere in America. On monuments, on historical documents, in town squares, in cemeteries, even on American currency.
Despite the efforts of the secularists in trying to remove all this evidence as they have stripped away as much as they could possibly manage, the Christian God is still evident although it is now more difficult to find than it was before.
Whoever controls the present, controls the past. You might want to keep that in mind as you continue reading this thread.
The country was settled by mostly Christians. Yes. They brought their religion and culture and values, just like any other group that came here. Dominant population certainly drives history and culture. However that doesnt mean it should be the exclusive culture. (Not that I object to true Christian principles of love and tolerance, etc)
But Christianity is in people and their behavior, not monuments, not laws, not currency. As far as I'm concerned God is everywhere in America....no 'display' changes that.
And if you can remove Christianity from people and society by removing images and labeling, mottos, or religious passages *on GOVT buildings/things*, then it's not a very strong faith. There are few restrictions out in the private sector or on private people on displaying a religion or religious text/items. (some zoning, some community CC&Rs, etc but most of those are agreements a person enters into voluntarily).