This fraud faux Christian with the plastic Jesus on her shoulder which is just as fake as she is wants to remove America's monuments of her religious heritage and her past, continues her sob story about atheist activists somehow being persecuted by faith based folks, then calls for multiculturalist special interests provinces all begging for dollars and social services from her Leviathan government, simply will not answer simple basic questions because her and her evil demeanor will not admit that the culture she helped destroy in order to insert her culture of evil and Marxist egalitarianism was Christian.
The Bibles placed in American community schools were payed for with the taxes of the people within the different communities being the numerical majority who wanted their own schools to produce a healthy moral atmosphere for learning and as a reflection of those community folks within them where these public schools were located. Now the middle class has been stripped of their religious freedoms and are forced to pay their taxes instead for her social justice agenda composed of free loading invading immigrants, Wall Street and big bank entities for bailouts, and any and all special interests within her brave new world secular Marxist venue.