The End Of Christian America

It's an answer, again, for some reason you cannot put 2 + 2 together to get 4.

And you are back to labelling....and incorrect there as well! LOLOLOLOLOL On all counts, altho I'm somewhat liberal.

And you also can't answer non intellectual challenging questions that only require a simplistic answer either.
And you also can't answer non intellectual challenging questions that only require a simplistic answer either.

LOL, you may require a simplistic answer.

Unfortunately, the answer to every question isnt 'simple.' In order to maintain your outrage, you should try and understand deeper explanations :-)
Not a lecture...the answer was an 'explanation.' Which you either rejected or couldnt connect in your mind to your question. Or both! You got an answer, it's not my fault you cant understand it. It's 5th grade writing level at the most...I try to make concessions for my audience :-)

Did you read the last question I answered for you?

Now tell me why the new age church you attend has at least an 80% congregation that's made up of females.
Did you read the last question I answered for you?

Now tell me why the new age church you attend has at least an 80% congregation that's made up of females.

You mean the fallacy you posted? I read it. (Pssst....writing something doesnt make it true. Writing it even bigger...still doesnt make it true, lol)

And attend a United Methodist church that is mostly families. What is the reason behind the question?
LOL, you may require a simplistic answer.

Unfortunately, the answer to every question isnt 'simple.' In order to maintain your outrage, you should try and understand deeper explanations :-)

No you don't want to answer the questions because you'll look like the new age fraud that you are is all.

You're a liberal feminist and a member of the sisterhood.
Did you read the last question I answered for you?

Now tell me why the new age church you attend has at least an 80% congregation that's made up of females.

Females have always attended church in greater numbers than males in the US, it was one reason why I used the Billy Sunday reference to mock you. He tried to make attending church more "manly" in order to attract mire en to Sunday services.

It is why the Jewish make women the religious standard bearers and resposeteries of their faith.
Females have always attended church in greater numbers than males in the US, it was one reason why I used the Billy Sunday reference to mock you. He tried to make attending church more "manly" in order to attract mire en to Sunday services.

It is why the Jewish make women the religious standard bearers and resposeteries of their faith.

No they didn't.

Churches used to preach a more masculine Christianity unlike the new age feminine like Christianity that the communist national of churches preach today like the Methodist church the new ager attends that has a much greater number of females in attendance.

So far you haven't said a thing during this latest exchange that was true, you seldom do.

Male attendance at churches is at an all time low on account of it.
Why were the Bibles in the schools in the first place then?

Here's another toughie for this fraud with her goody two shoes.

You got an answer, you just cant understand it.

You're lying. Prayers and Bibles were prevalent in most public schools including in the northeast because I attended such a school .. in the northeast.

I'm sorry, I cant dumb down the answers anymore than this:

So was slavery prevalent (ch). Didnt make it right. Just because something was once practiced (in the case of prayer, etc) was because it was consistent with a *very large* and vocal majority....not because it was Constitutional. Or even right.
No I'm not going to see your last post, just answer the damn question.


Bibles were used to teach reading. The reason there were bibles in schools is because they were almost always donated by religious groups. That and the fact that there were bibles in most homes meant the kids could practice their reading at home too. It was a matter of budgets and logistics, not religion.
If that were true then they wouldn't be constantly ridiculing believers They wouldn't be relentlessly smearing believers as anti intellectuals and they wouldn't be constantly trying to leave the impression that they are always superior to believers because they use science and reason and believers do not which isn't the case with believers. They always do this because they hate what they fear the most. Otherwise, they'd just proclaim themselves as atheists then go down the road and leave the believers still believing.

Considering that they have had to fight for their right to be atheist, you are absolutely wrong. The atheists that harrass christians are not even the majority of atheists. But those who do harrass christians do so as a backlash for decades of christians forcing their religion into laws and public affairs. The Blue Laws that forbid businesses from being open on sunday, the rants against gay marriages (indeed against sodomy and homosexuality in general), the harrassment of pagan businesses, the expectation that the only faith that will be used in public will be christian, and more have created a generation of atheists who have had their fill. The fact that there are still school systems having to fight in court to avoid teaching Intelligent Design alongside Evolution is proof that christians will continue to expect their faith to be followed.
Is that so?

I don't know of any believers who are constantly ragging on non believers for not believing. The old fire and brimstone clergymen did it that the men liked, the faggot lesbian new age clergy don't do it because we have to have luv .. luv .. luv.

Who among the believers feels offended by atheists?

Are you kidding me?? Yes the christians rag on atheists for not believing. And they are constantly fighting to put prayer back in schools, the 10 Commandments back in state courthouse lobbies, and to teach I.D. alongside Evolution in biology classes.
Why can't you leave the believers alone?

I don't know of any attempt to stop christians from attending the church of their choice or believing as they choose. What they have been stopped from doing is putting their beliefs in the forefront of state activities. Fortunately that has been largely stopped.
Winterborn, I asked a couple of times in this thread, if we are a 'Christian nation' but Philly sees us becoming 'less and less Christian,' what is preventing all these Christians from behaving in a Christian manner? Are they (we) not free to be good Christians?
Winterborn, I asked a couple of times in this thread, if we are a 'Christian nation' but Philly sees us becoming 'less and less Christian,' what is preventing all these Christians from behaving in a Christian manner? Are they (we) not free to be good Christians?

The christians that behave in a "christ like" manner are becoming more and more uncommon. There is more and more hostility in almost every facet of our lives.

But the main issue with society is an ever increasing lack of face-to-face or community contact. It started when air conditioning pulled people off their front stoops and porches, and really became pandemic with the internet and smartphones.
Winterborn, I asked a couple of times in this thread, if we are a 'Christian nation' but Philly sees us becoming 'less and less Christian,' what is preventing all these Christians from behaving in a Christian manner? Are they (we) not free to be good Christians?

This fraud faux Christian with the plastic Jesus on her shoulder which is just as fake as she is wants to remove America's monuments of her religious heritage and her past, continues her sob story about atheist activists somehow being persecuted by faith based folks, then calls for multiculturalist special interests provinces all begging for dollars and social services from her Leviathan government, simply will not answer simple basic questions because her and her evil demeanor will not admit that the culture she helped destroy in order to insert her culture of evil and Marxist egalitarianism was Christian.

The Bibles placed in American community schools were payed for with the taxes of the people within the different communities being the numerical majority who wanted their own schools to produce a healthy moral atmosphere for learning and as a reflection of those community folks within them where these public schools were located. Now the middle class has been stripped of their religious freedoms and are forced to pay their taxes instead for her social justice agenda composed of free loading invading immigrants, Wall Street and big bank entities for bailouts, and any and all special interests within her brave new world secular Marxist venue.
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This fraud faux Christian with the plastic Jesus on her shoulder which is just as fake as she is wants to remove America's monuments of her religious heritage and her past, continues her sob story about atheist activists somehow being persecuted by faith based folks, then calls for multiculturalist special interests provinces all begging for dollars and social services from her Leviathan government, simply will not answer simple basic questions because her and her evil demeanor will not admit that the culture she helped destroy in order to insert her culture of evil and Marxist egalitarianism was Christian.

The Bibles placed in American community schools were payed for with the taxes of the people within the different communities being the numerical majority who wanted their own schools to produce a healthy moral atmosphere for learning and as a reflection of those community folks within them where these public schools were located. Now the middle class has been stripped of their religious freedoms and are forced to pay their taxes instead for her social justice agenda composed of free loading invading immigrants, Wall Street and big bank entities for bailouts, and any and all special interests within her brave new world secular Marxist venue.

LOL, you write like you are delusional. I never even wrote the things I bolded in your quote. And you are not even close on your description of pulled that fantasy out of your ass. Or is that what you really do fantasize about? LOL sorry you cant get it then.

Some of that might apply to what others posted....what's the matter, cant you keep things straight?

And you are so dense or uneducated or biased (or all 3, that you dont even realize that your explanation about the Bibles in schools *supports* my answer to you.)

Care to prove you're right? Feel free to show me where I wrote or even implied any of the stuff I bolded.