The End Of Christian America

One quick example. Shades of PR and delusions:

So you support the secularists removing the images of America's historical past?

So now tell me why the secularists who destroyed American culture deny that it ever existed?

A culture is a culture so tell me why all who come to America shouldn't be required to assimilate into it?

No I dont support that. I think it's part of history and culture.

Funny, it also proves that I answer questions directly!
LOL, you write like you are delusional. I never even wrote the things I bolded in your quote. And you are not even close on your description of pulled that fantasy out of your ass. Or is that what you really do fantasize about? LOL sorry you cant get it then.

Some of that might apply to what others posted....what's the matter, cant you keep things straight?

And you are so dense or uneducated or biased (or all 3, that you dont even realize that your explanation about the Bibles in schools *supports* my answer to you.)

Care to prove you're right? Feel free to show me where I wrote or even implied any of the stuff I bolded.

So did America used to be a Christian nation?
No they didn't.

Churches used to preach a more masculine Christianity unlike the new age feminine like Christianity that the communist national of churches preach today like the Methodist church the new ager attends that has a much greater number of females in attendance.

So far you haven't said a thing during this latest exchange that was true, you seldom do.

Male attendance at churches is at an all time low on account of it.

A "more masculine Christianity"? What does that mean?
Only in the exact same way that it is now: that Christians make up the predominant population.

You are a real phony through and through. Your God is made of transparent plastic that changes with your moods. You don't worship your God, you keep her around for political expedite reasons. At least the other feminists are up front about who and what they are. You try to goody two shoes your way through the political landscape with your new age magic show.

A true Christian who worships the God of our fathers would never keep avoiding answering this key question with a definite yes answer because a true Christian would be committing blasphemy if they kept dancing around it like you do.
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You are a real phony through and through. Your God is made of transparent plastic that changes with your moods. You don't worship your God, you keep her around for political expedite reasons. At least the other feminists are up front about who and what they are. You try to goody two shoes your way through the political landscape with your new age magic show.

A true Christian who worships the God of our fathers would never keep avoiding answering this key question with a definite yes answer because a true Christian would be committing blasphemy if they danced around it like you do.

You may want to look in a mirror brother.

Anyone who is pro greed can't be a Christian.
You may want to look in a mirror brother.

Anyone who is pro greed can't be a Christian.

I'm anti industrialist and anti consumerism. I think that the lust for consumerism is one of the things that's driving America into extinction because it's anti saving and pro credit.

I haven't said anything about capitalist greed. I'm not a greed is good advocate.
What did Christ say? Something like: I am here to turn brother against brother, father against son, mother against daughter or something along those lines.

He didn't say: Do not proclaim my name because you might offend somebody.
I'm anti industrialist and anti consumerism. I think that the lust for consumerism is one of the things that's driving America into extinction because it's anti saving and pro credit.

I haven't said anything about capitalist greed. I'm not a greed is good advocate.

Consumerism comes from 100+ years of media conditioning.....ever since newspapers, there has been advertising and marketing.
Answer the G damned question, little mizz goody two shoes new age Christian and stop lecturing me.


Here's one for you, Mister Misogynist? Why did the Athenians build the Parthenon? Or the Egyptians the Pyramids? Do you still think you are crossing the River Styx in a hollowed out boat when you die? Or that Poseidon rules the sea? Why not? All you've done is trade one set of superstitions for another! Your pretensions are legion and your put downs of women are sickening and tiring in the extreme! Can you forget for a minute what a gender a poster is? You're nothing but a scared and guilt-ridden survivor! Get some help with your hate!
All this is irrelevant.

I just asked her why the states put Bibles in their public schools and now you tell me why they did because little mizz progressive Christian with her liberal feminist social calendar has great difficulty answering questions and enjoys lecturing me instead.

There you go again, leave gender out of it! Her gender has absolutely nothing to do with her argument you ignorant bigot!
There you go again, leave gender out of it! Her gender has absolutely nothing to do with her argument you ignorant bigot!

I know. He's not a true Christian because he believes in magic...believes that he can read my mind. He doesnt know anything about me. He spews stuff about my church and assumes some weird gender ratio? I set him straight and he ignores it. And where in the Bible does it say that feminists cant be Christians? Some men are just afraid of independent women. (I can tell that he's curious tho....because he's constructed some pretty complicated fantasies about me in this thread....his wife or gf must be a doormat).

He is "all-knowing" apparently. If that isnt blasphemy, I dont know what is! LMAO
What did Christ say? Something like: I am here to turn brother against brother, father against son, mother against daughter or something along those lines.

He didn't say: Do not proclaim my name because you might offend somebody.

I think this is self-explanatory! The worried/terrified Christian can't even come up with the exact words of his so-called savior. You're right to be scared though, because I think in your myth someone is going to be waiting at those "Pearly Gates" to hold you accountable. And if I were you I would be sweating bullets about now!
* The U.S. illegitimacy rate has rocketed from 5 percent of all births to 41 percent.

* Among African Americans the share of births out of wedlock is 71 percent, up from 23 percent in 1960.

* The percentage of households that were married - couple families with children under eighteen plummeted by 2006 to just 21.6 percent.

* Since Roe vs. Wade fifty million abortions have been performed.

* Between 1960 and 1990, the teenage suicide rate tripled. Though the numbers then fell, as of 2006 suicide was the third leading cause of death of young adults and adolescents aged 15 to 24, just behind homicides.

* Cheating in sports, scholastics, business, and marriage is pandemic.

* Between 1960 and 1992, violent crime - murder, rape, assault, soured 550 percent. the subsequent decline is due to the baby boomers passing out of the high crime ages (sixteen to thirty six.) the birth dearth, and a 700 percent increase in the prison population, which today stands at 2.3 million, with 5 million more on probation and parole.

* Individualistic hedonism, the Playboy philosophy, and MTV morality have and are destroying a nation founded on religion and the lessons it taught being it's morality.

* A nation founded on religion and it's morality which throws both away is a nation that is in the process of self destruction.

Have you read ancient history? King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Can you imagine the number of illegitimate children?
Solomon was the illegitimate son of King David and Bathsheba. King David had Bathsheba's husband murdered.
Abraham slept with his wife's handmaiden and they conceived an illegitimate child.
I know. He's not a true Christian because he believes in magic...believes that he can read my mind. He doesnt know anything about me. He spews stuff about my church and assumes some weird gender ratio? I set him straight and he ignores it. And where in the Bible does it say that feminists cant be Christians? Some men are just afraid of independent women. (I can tell that he's curious tho....because he's constructed some pretty complicated fantasies about me in this thread....his wife or gf must be a doormat).

He is "all-knowing" apparently. If that isnt blasphemy, I dont know what is! LMAO

Left wing Christians have thrown the son of man and his father out with the trash and invented their own special little tin God.

Whoever heard of a true believing Christian being ashamed, embarrassed, and insulting of their God?