The End Of Christian America

I think this is self-explanatory! The worried/terrified Christian can't even come up with the exact words of his so-called savior. You're right to be scared though, because I think in your myth someone is going to be waiting at those "Pearly Gates" to hold you accountable. And if I were you I would be sweating bullets about now!

I hope it's not you standing there to great me in stretch latex and winking at me you faggot.

Otherwise I'll follow you into the other place.
Left wing Christians have thrown the son of man and his father out with the trash and invented their own special little tin God.

Whoever heard of a true believing Christian being ashamed, embarrassed, and insulting of their God?

I've never once heard a Christian say or do so. Again....your magic 8 Ball is messing with you. Try praying, maybe you'll get better answers that way.

(Altho lots of *so called* Christians shame and embarrass the religion, no doubt. I count you on that list. God doesnt like ignorance nor other people doing his judging for Him.)
The west is dying. Europe is turning into a nursing home. Westerners are not pro creating enough to maintain their own cultures and abortion and the pursuit of the good life has replaced marriage and family.

The bill is due my friends and those who scoff at this reality are themselves whistling past the graveyard. The egalitarians who demand that everybody and everything be equal have systematically replaced a culture in America which contained a religious moral base with their own secularism and their own demands of multiculturalism which has doomed the west.

The right? They are only generally interested in having a good time over sex and ball games and the egalitarianism of the left has silenced them with race cards and along with it social rejection if they do not conform and get along. Who on the right is willing to stand and fight and sacrifice as they enjoy the American version of the Roman baths and play R is good, D is bad back and forth games with their social circle friends? They talk a good game but when the weekend rolls around it's party time again.
And when the consumers take a break from consuming, they're just as if not more miserable as when they started.

You'll have that in a Capitalistic, consumer driven economy. Buyer's remorse is common and advertising is always misleading.

However, in order for businesses to make money, people need to buy their products and services. Which brings us to a problem that is becoming more and more prevalent in our country....

If the consumers don't have the money to buy those goods and services, the system collapses.
The west is dying. Europe is turning into a nursing home. Westerners are not pro creating enough to maintain their own cultures and abortion and the pursuit of the good life has replaced marriage and family.

The bill is due my friends and those who scoff at this reality are themselves whistling past the graveyard. The egalitarians who demand that everybody and everything be equal have systematically replaced a culture in America which contained a religious moral base with their own secularism and their own demands of multiculturalism which has doomed the west.

The right? They are only generally interested in having a good time over sex and ball games and the egalitarianism of the left has silenced them with race cards and along with it social rejection if they do not conform and get along. Who on the right is willing to stand and fight and sacrifice as they enjoy the American version of the Roman baths and play R is good, D is bad back and forth games with their social circle friends? They talk a good game but when the weekend rolls around it's party time again.

Yes, early Christians were so righteous, they burned witches, killed native Americans and owned slaves. We know you long to return to those days!
You'll have that in a Capitalistic, consumer driven economy. Buyer's remorse is common and advertising is always misleading.

However, in order for businesses to make money, people need to buy their products and services. Which brings us to a problem that is becoming more and more prevalent in our country....

If the consumers don't have the money to buy those goods and services, the system collapses.

Capitalism always seeks it's cheapest form of labor. Who's been minding the store to insure the nation doesn't commit economic suicide? Which of the old hippies running the business communities of the country adopted the golden rule and practiced ethical behavior with their investors money?
Capitalism always seeks it's cheapest form of labor. Who's been minding the store to insure the nation doesn't commit economic suicide? Which of the old hippies running the business communities of the country adopted the golden rule and practiced ethical behavior with their investors money?

that will kill your business if your employee is also your consumer.

hey idiot ,

the American worker is also the customer
The west is dying. Europe is turning into a nursing home. Westerners are not pro creating enough to maintain their own cultures and abortion and the pursuit of the good life has replaced marriage and family.

The bill is due my friends and those who scoff at this reality are themselves whistling past the graveyard. The egalitarians who demand that everybody and everything be equal have systematically replaced a culture in America which contained a religious moral base with their own secularism and their own demands of multiculturalism which has doomed the west.

The right? They are only generally interested in having a good time over sex and ball games and the egalitarianism of the left has silenced them with race cards and along with it social rejection if they do not conform and get along. Who on the right is willing to stand and fight and sacrifice as they enjoy the American version of the Roman baths and play R is good, D is bad back and forth games with their social circle friends? They talk a good game but when the weekend rolls around it's party time again.

Obviously god has realized he made a big mistake in creating man and is trying to reverse himself!
Capitalism has NOT failed you silly gits.

We have failed caplitalism.

It is like a field of crops you have to tend.

the republican right idiots think you can just plant capitalism and walk away and leave the field unattended.

Never pull the weeds

Never water.

Never chase away the vermin.

Never protect it from robbers

Never protect it from vandals.

They are idiots.

It is the crop of mans creative mind.

Its the only thing that will allow mankind to grow his ingenuity.

That crop has to be correctly tended.
The west is dying. Europe is turning into a nursing home. Westerners are not pro creating enough to maintain their own cultures and abortion and the pursuit of the good life has replaced marriage and family.

The bill is due my friends and those who scoff at this reality are themselves whistling past the graveyard. The egalitarians who demand that everybody and everything be equal have systematically replaced a culture in America which contained a religious moral base with their own secularism and their own demands of multiculturalism which has doomed the west.

The right? They are only generally interested in having a good time over sex and ball games and the egalitarianism of the left has silenced them with race cards and along with it social rejection if they do not conform and get along. Who on the right is willing to stand and fight and sacrifice as they enjoy the American version of the Roman baths and play R is good, D is bad back and forth games with their social circle friends? They talk a good game but when the weekend rolls around it's party time again.

You never answered my question: What is stopping Christians from behaving like good Christians?
Hitler was a Pagen.

All his top lieutenants acknowledge that.

In fact, he preferred the Muslim faith to the Christians, who he saw as weak compared to the Muslims.

He only used religion much like Clinton did when he carried that Bible with the HUGE cross on it while he was "schtuking" Monica.

To influence gullible suckers.
Silly child...

Hitler was a Socialist

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” –Adolf Hitler
Hitler was a Pagen.

All his top lieutenants acknowledge that.

In fact, he preferred the Muslim faith to the Christians, who he saw as weak compared to the Muslims.

He only used religion much like Clinton did when he carried that Bible with the HUGE cross on it while he was "schtuking" Monica.

To influence gullible suckers.

Are you saying Christians are gullible suckers? I would tend to agree with you.
You'll have that in a Capitalistic, consumer driven economy. Buyer's remorse is common and advertising is always misleading.

However, in order for businesses to make money, people need to buy their products and services. Which brings us to a problem that is becoming more and more prevalent in our country....

If the consumers don't have the money to buy those goods and services, the system collapses.
Thankfully consumers have way more than ever to spend.
The End Of Christian America?

Another right wing fantasy.

December 24, 2012
In U.S., 77% Identify as Christian
Eighteen percent have no explicit religious identity
by Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- The large majority of Americans -- 77% of the adult population -- identify with a Christian religion, including 52% who are Protestants or some other non-Catholic Christian religion, 23% who are Catholic, and 2% who affiliate with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Another 18% of Americans do not have an explicit religious identity and 5% identify with a non-Christian religion.

Does that sound like the end of Christian America to you idiot? Really? Get a life outside your delusions!
You never answered my question: What is stopping Christians from behaving like good Christians?

If five people were running in a race, your Jesus would stop the race half way through it and declare everybody the winner.

Your Jesus would have never chosen his disciples because to do that wouldn't be fair to everybody else.

And your Jesus would have never chosen one disciple as his number one man and another as the bottom guy because that wouldn't be "fair" to the other disciples.