The End of the World


JPP Modarater
I was watching a doomsday special on ABC last night that had 7 possible events that could wipe out human civilization as we know it - ya know real feel good entertainment.

The one that really kind of scared me was the meteor hitting earth. Apparently in 2029 there is going to be one that will be a "near miss", it will come close enough to our satellite systems such that 7 years later when it comes around, there's a possibility it could hit. The model showed global destruction, but I don't know if that meteor could do actually that.

Anyone else have any doomsday fears?
I was watching a doomsday special on ABC last night that had 7 possible events that could wipe out human civilization as we know it - ya know real feel good entertainment.

The one that really kind of scared me was the meteor hitting earth. Apparently in 2029 there is going to be one that will be a "near miss", it will come close enough to our satellite systems such that 7 years later when it comes around, there's a possibility it could hit. The model showed global destruction, but I don't know if that meteor could do actually that.

Anyone else have any doomsday fears?

Anyone else have any doomsday fears?

Not really. The statistical probabity of me - or any of us - being around when a catostrophic event like that happens, is slim to none. I used to worry a little about getting nuked during the cold war.

I'm more worried about whether the air I breath or the food I eat is going to give me cancer.
Nope no doomsday fears here. I don't expect to be alive in 2029 anyway. You youngsters can worry about that :)
The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, so we will end then. Haven't you heard? I mean, worrying about 2029 is just overkill.
That doesn't stop the overwhelming amount of paranoid listeners to George Noory from believing the world will end then. Get with the program. Their calendar is more predictive than any other one made by any other ancient civilization...

No problem Damo. I just have more pressing issues to worry about. Like what to do on the holiday weekend, or how my cat is doing, one is in the vet.
I sure can't be bothered by something as insignificant as the world ending ;)
wouldn't do any good anyway....
Especially since the calendar doesn't tell us what brings our end... It just stops.

LOL. Gotta give those people credit, there always is another end coming! Immediately following the failure of their previous horrible prediction they move on to the next one as if the past one didn't exist.
Well, according to the scientists, another meteor WILL hit earth at some point. One hit siberia in the early 1900s. Luckily it was just forest and not a heavily populated area. That would be worse than any hurricane, tornado or earth quake.
No prob on the killer meteor anyway. We will just send up some redneck drillers and drill exactly 800 ft down and blow it to hell.
Or would the impending destruction of our world be spun off as liberal/con/christian/islamic rhetoric till we were smashed into oblivion ?
Or would the impending destruction of our world be spun off as liberal/con/christian/islamic rhetoric till we were smashed into oblivion ?
It might also be spun as ineffectual otherland's lefty rhetoric as they point the finger at the Right and say it was their fault...

The first thing that would happen is the rest of the world would look to the US and say, "What are you going to do about it?"

Then the running and screaming would start.

France would promise to send 2000 astronauts with a nuke, but only send 3 with some TNT...

Russia would veto the Security Council resolution because it was put forward by the US, France would abstain from voting while China would take a more hardline stance and begin putting their population in underground prisons rather then the current above-ground ones they reside in.

The Muslim Countries would call it the Wrath of God or God's Hammer and ignore any attempt to get them to help. The US would send up a Space Shuttle that would promptly explode, followed by a second that would explode just before it got there leaving no time to save the world.

It might also be spun as ineffectual otherland's lefty rhetoric as they point the finger at the Right and say it was their fault...

The first thing that would happen is the rest of the world would look to the US and say, "What are you going to do about it?"

Then the running and screaming would start.

France would promise to send 2000 astronauts with a nuke, but only send 3 with some TNT...

Russia would veto the Security Council resolution because it was put forward by the US, France would abstain from voting while China would take a more hardline stance and begin putting their population in underground prisons rather then the current above-ground ones they reside in.

The Muslim Countries would call it the Wrath of God or God's Hammer and ignore any attempt to get them to help. The US would send up a Space Shuttle that would promptly explode, followed by a second that would explode just before it got there leaving no time to save the world.


good one!

btw, where is the smiley for a laugh or a cry?
Well, according to the scientists, another meteor WILL hit earth at some point. One hit siberia in the early 1900s. Luckily it was just forest and not a heavily populated area. That would be worse than any hurricane, tornado or earth quake.
That's very true: one will. Many will, over the next few billion years. Probability can be deceptive, however. More to the point, human beings don't believe in it, for the most part. Our little monkey brains reject the implications. Too damaging to the ego, I suspect. :D

As cypress said, while it is virtually certain that the Earth will experience another mass extinction due to an impact event someday, the chances of it happening at any given moment are vanishingly tiny. The chances of one happening in your lifetime are only very slightly greater.

None of us are around long enough to make the chances of seeing such an event anything more than ridiculously remote.
Well, according to the scientists, another meteor WILL hit earth at some point. One hit siberia in the early 1900s. Luckily it was just forest and not a heavily populated area. That would be worse than any hurricane, tornado or earth quake.

Actually, it's thought that that was an asteroid, not a meteor that hit siberia. Less deadly, because its composed of ice, dust and gas, rather than solid rock.

I'm saying that catastrophic meteor strikes on earth only occury every 26 million years or so. It is statistically almost impossible that you or I will be alive when it happens. Of course, some day it will happen. Almost certainly, not in our lifetimes.
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