The End of the World

Bit extreme to deal with a very real problem of overpopulation.

Humans have no natural predators, competition for resources isn't limiting numbers and medical research is removing (gradually) the problem of disease.

We need population control, but culling the majority of the people on Earth is extreme.

Ref the 'global elite'. Is this 'global elite' an organised entity?

No we don't. I say instead of empowering an elite and giving them the power of life and death over the species, we deal with the problems the elite allege as they occur instead of preempitively choosing death. there is so much uncultivated land all over the world. and after that, there is hydroponics. All posited shortages are false; they are merely lies the elite use to give themselve the ability to play god.
Food shortages have thus far only been money shortages in certain areas to buy food with.
But as the population grows....
You and your 'elites' You talk some crap....

You intend to cultivate all available land as the population continues to expand? Ever heard of eco-systems, or are they just a conspiracy of the elite?

And the organisation that would be required to set-up a hydroponic system that will feed the world would require global organisation. To run hydroponics, you would also need to use vast quantities of scarce resources such as water and fuel.

Ever grown weed by hydroponics? The water and electricity bills are phenomenal. Is that a conspiracy by the global elite?
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You and your 'elites' You talk some crap....

You intend to cultivate all available land as the population continues to expand?
Ever heard of eco-systems, or are they just a conspiracy of the elite?
Other plants and animals are what we cultivate when we cultivate, so we will be adding to eco-systems, and creating new ones.
And the organisation that would be required to set-up a hydroponic system that will feed the world would require global organisation.
No it wouldn't. I think all individuals should be taught all agricultural techniques, so we are not dependant on a centralized structure. your belief that all things must be centralized is and indicator of your brainwashedness.
To run hydroponics, you would also need to use vast quantities of scarce resources such as water and fuel.
Not necessarily.
Ever grown weed by hydroponics? The water and electricity bill is phenomenal.
that's because it has to be indoors and out of sight.

a hydro setup could be outdoors, if the crop were not illegal.

The future doesn't have to be what you want it to be. And humanity is not necessarily an enemy of nature. Gaiea loves mankind.
I was watching a doomsday special on ABC last night that had 7 possible events that could wipe out human civilization as we know it - ya know real feel good entertainment.

The one that really kind of scared me was the meteor hitting earth. Apparently in 2029 there is going to be one that will be a "near miss", it will come close enough to our satellite systems such that 7 years later when it comes around, there's a possibility it could hit. The model showed global destruction, but I don't know if that meteor could do actually that.

Anyone else have any doomsday fears?

Nope that's the real hale bopp. Nothing to fear.
Anyone else have any doomsday fears?

Not really. The statistical probabity of me - or any of us - being around when a catostrophic event like that happens, is slim to none. I used to worry a little about getting nuked during the cold war.

I'm more worried about whether the air I breath or the food I eat is going to give me cancer.

It's far more likely you'll die of a heart attack from that donut your eating that anything an evil corporation is putting in the air. About 100 times more likely, actually. Anyway - you're far more likely to get cancer from perfectly natural causes.
Well, according to the scientists, another meteor WILL hit earth at some point. One hit siberia in the early 1900s. Luckily it was just forest and not a heavily populated area. That would be worse than any hurricane, tornado or earth quake.

No one knows what hit siberia in the 1900's. Whatever it was caused the largest explosion in mankinds history. But it didn't really "hit" - if it was a meteor, it was a very tiny one that burnt up miles before it even touched ground. Comforting, eh?
No one knows what hit siberia in the 1900's. Whatever it was caused the largest explosion in mankinds history. But it didn't really "hit" - if it was a meteor, it was a very tiny one that burnt up miles before it even touched ground. Comforting, eh?
It could have been a micro-singularity which would also explain why there was no huge-assed crater.
The low probability of a large impact is little consolation to me. Over a long period of time the probability of a mass extinction event becomes 100%. Also the probability of this extinction is the same at all point in time. Thus the probability that it will happen in 2055 is the same as 452055.

I happen to want the human race to survive and I suggest that we begin work on protecting our planet from such collisions immediately.

If we continue to have the attitude that "well it won't happen in my lifetime we will be saying that until we have a doomsday collision on the horizon.

A stitch in time saves nine.

If a meteors going to hit Earth, 90-100% of mankind will be wiped out. End of story. There's nothing we can do about that without causing an extinction ourselves.

The only way we could rationally further live after that would be to have a second colonized, self sustained planet. That's at least another 100 years off, probably more.
If a meteors going to hit Earth, 90-100% of mankind will be wiped out. End of story. There's nothing we can do about that without causing an extinction ourselves.

The only way we could rationally further live after that would be to have a second colonized, self sustained planet. That's at least another 100 years off, probably more.
Meteors hit the earth all the time, no need to be so chicken little about things...

OK, so we send a nuke at the meteor. That way, we not only have a meteor heading at Earth, we have a radioactive meteor, which is so much cooler.
If a meteors going to hit Earth, 90-100% of mankind will be wiped out. End of story. There's nothing we can do about that without causing an extinction ourselves.

The only way we could rationally further live after that would be to have a second colonized, self sustained planet. That's at least another 100 years off, probably more.

We have the technology to divert a killer meteor, the question is will we be smart enought to use it or just keep squabbling among ourselves and let it hit ?
If a meteors going to hit Earth, 90-100% of mankind will be wiped out. End of story. There's nothing we can do about that without causing an extinction ourselves.

Bloody nihilist elitist meteorites wanting to exterminate mankind, eh AHZ.....
I thought someone said it was going to be a planet or moon with aliens on it that would get us ?
Brent maybe ?
I thought someone said it was going to be a planet or moon with aliens on it that would get us ?
Brent maybe ?
Yes, Wormwood... It's a brown dwarf with a population on it with stealth technology that allows them to hide the planet/star until it hits us with it's "moon" in 2012... at the end of that Mayan calendar.
Especially since the calendar doesn't tell us what brings our end... It just stops.

LOL. Gotta give those people credit, there always is another end coming! Immediately following the failure of their previous horrible prediction they move on to the next one as if the past one didn't exist.

All Calendars stop. THat just means you gotta go get a new one.