The End of the World

I watched this special Lady T and the thing that hit me the hardest was global warming... it pissd me off royaly .... The fact that all the powers that be know this is a fact ..and what are we doing? We are Warring over the very thing that is most responsible in terms of human contribution. ....that being OIL.
Its time we get off this addiction .. to save our future, to make a better place for our children. Do we really want to be the generation that is remembered for changing the earths landscape ... and not for the better... especially when we have the technology to make the change.

This is the very reason why I want Gore as the next President.. because he is the only one out there that would put this issue as the center piece of his presidency.... because it is the most important issue facing mankind. If there is another individual out there who is running for President that would make Global Warming and Alternative Energy the number one issue of their campaign..please let me know.
Klaatu, global warming can't be that important , our economy is still good ?

The ironic thing about this USC.. if we fast tracked Alternative Energy.. we would create an all new economy ... great opportunities for the next generation. Its insanity ....
I watched this special Lady T and the thing that hit me the hardest was global warming... it pissd me off royaly .... The fact that all the powers that be know this is a fact ..and what are we doing? We are Warring over the very thing that is most responsible in terms of human contribution. ....that being OIL.
Its time we get off this addiction .. to save our future, to make a better place for our children. Do we really want to be the generation that is remembered for changing the earths landscape ... and not for the better... especially when we have the technology to make the change.

This is the very reason why I want Gore as the next President.. because he is the only one out there that would put this issue as the center piece of his presidency.... because it is the most important issue facing mankind. If there is another individual out there who is running for President that would make Global Warming and Alternative Energy the number one issue of their campaign..please let me know.

I agree with you there. The potential harm from global warming is easily as big a threat to us, our economy, and national security, as the potential threat from terrorist attacks.
The ironic thing about this USC.. if we fast tracked Alternative Energy.. we would create an all new economy ... great opportunities for the next generation. Its insanity ....

That was John Kerry's platform: to make alternative energy, the equivalent of the moon program in the 1960s - a top national priority and vision.
No prob on the killer meteor anyway. We will just send up some redneck drillers and drill exactly 800 ft down and blow it to hell.

they actually mentioned that would be a very bad idea. A better way to deter it would be to use a gigantic ships gravitational pull to steer it off course with earth a few years ahead of time.
Its time we get off this addiction .. to save our future, to make a better place for our children. Do we really want to be the generation that is remembered for changing the earths landscape ... and not for the better... especially when we have the technology to make the change.

This is the very reason why I want Gore as the next President..

I agree
The ironic thing about this USC.. if we fast tracked Alternative Energy.. we would create an all new economy ... great opportunities for the next generation. Its insanity ....
I fully agree Klaatu, my post was sarcasm as you spotted :)

And weaken the ME as well as our demand for oil dropped.
they actually mentioned that would be a very bad idea. A better way to deter it would be to use a gigantic ships gravitational pull to steer it off course with earth a few years ahead of time.

Another suggestion was to try to divert the course of the object with powerful missiles; mathematical models were prepared and the feasibility of the project was under study. If the object has an orbit, the longterm effect of missile impact on the orbit would have to be considered -- what would be the consequences on all objects in the solar system, including Earth, ultimately, in altering that orbit?

I agree with all of you on the importance of reducing our contribution to greenhouse gases, and the many sound reasons, some political as well as environmental, for getting off oil. Just last night we saw a commercial for the new 2007 Chevy Avalanche, which apparently will be able to run on either gasoline or ethanol. Seems the technology is a lot closer than many of us thought!

We also have to educate ourselves far better and take more direct, personal action in the realm of conservation. The earth's resources are finite. Where I live was rated in the "red" (equivalent to the Sahara) in available water per capita. Recently our well went out and we had to rely to a very great extent on bottled water (and paper towels!) for over a month. I learned among other things just how much excess water I'd been using (and I'm one of the conservation adherents!), and how I can change the way I do things to use a lot less. This can apply to many aspects of our daily lives and shouldn't inconvenience us to any great extent at all.
I learned among other things just how much excess water I'd been using (and I'm one of the conservation adherents!), and how I can change the way I do things to use a lot less. This can apply to many aspects of our daily lives and shouldn't inconvenience us to any great extent at all.

That's a lesson we can all learn. I'm definitely guilty of wasting water and electricity.
The low probability of a large impact is little consolation to me. Over a long period of time the probability of a mass extinction event becomes 100%. Also the probability of this extinction is the same at all point in time. Thus the probability that it will happen in 2055 is the same as 452055.

I happen to want the human race to survive and I suggest that we begin work on protecting our planet from such collisions immediately.

If we continue to have the attitude that "well it won't happen in my lifetime we will be saying that until we have a doomsday collision on the horizon.

A stitch in time saves nine.
The low probability of a large impact is little consolation to me. Over a long period of time the probability of a mass extinction event becomes 100%. Also the probability of this extinction is the same at all point in time. Thus the probability that it will happen in 2055 is the same as 452055.

I happen to want the human race to survive and I suggest that we begin work on protecting our planet from such collisions immediately.

If we continue to have the attitude that "well it won't happen in my lifetime we will be saying that until we have a doomsday collision on the horizon.

A stitch in time saves nine.
I totally agree. My point was simply that worrying about one's own, personal safety in this context is kind of silly. It's a problem that requires thought and planning, not hysteria and desperate half-measures.
There are no known near earth objects that are a immediate threat at this time. There are people working on plans of what to do if one is spotted, but they are not many. The best to hope for being able to set of nukes near the object to nudge it away from a collision. Big ships with engines to move a huge asteroid are not available and would take a lot more years to build and test then we could afford.

Global warming from oil is a myth. Any warming going on is from natural means. Like the sun.

Any real threat of extinction would come from a super-volcano. Of course no one wants to hear that cause it can't be controled or stopped and can't be blamed on the evil republicans.
I'm more fearful of what the global elites will do to mankind.

Top Scientist Advocates Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population
Fellow professors and scientists applause and roar approval at elite's twisted and genocidal population control agenda

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison * April 3 2006

A top scientist gave a speech to the Texas Academy of Science last month in which he advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the population through the airborne ebola virus. Dr. Eric R. Pianka's chilling comments, and their enthusiastic reception again underscore the elite's agenda to enact horrifying measures of population control.

Pianka's speech was ordered to be kept off the record before it began as cameras were turned away and hundreds of students, scientists and professors sat in attendance.

Saying the public was not ready to hear the information presented, Pianka began by exclaiming, “We're no better than bacteria!”, as he jumped into a doomsday malthusian rant about overpopulation destroying the earth.

Standing in front of a slide of human skulls, Pianka gleefully advocated airborne ebola as his preferred method of exterminating the necessary 90% of humans, choosing it over AIDS because of its faster kill period. Ebola victims suffer the most tortuous deaths imaginable as the virus kills by liquefying the internal organs. The body literally dissolves as the victim writhes in pain bleeding from every orifice.
Bit extreme to deal with a very real problem of overpopulation.

Humans have no natural predators, competition for resources isn't limiting numbers and medical research is removing (gradually) the problem of disease.

We need population control, but culling the majority of the people on Earth is extreme.

Ref the 'global elite'. Is this 'global elite' an organised entity?