The evolution of complex life

I accept your tacit confession that my hypothesis of a symbiosis of an archaea cell and bacteria cell to create a eukaryote is less laughable than your idea that an old guy in a white robe waived a magic wand and created eukaryotes.

and I take that as your confession that you have not yet advanced to fourth grade debate strategies......
The qualifying characteristics of a hypothesis is they can't invoke the supernatural, and they have to have a mathematical or physical basis, and they have to be make predictions, at least in principle in the long run.

--> Testibility is sufficient to qualify a hypothesis as scientific, but not necessary in the short run if a proposed hypothesis is attractive on explanatory grounds and is fertile in stimulating new lines of research which promise testibility and falsifiability in the long run.

I am old enough to remember when scientists believed in the scientific method.....

in the short run

when you get to the second eighty years does it start qualifying as a long run?......
I am old enough to remember when scientists believed in the scientific method.....

You don't know what that means. Sorry, but usually when people say that kinda stuff it's because they, themselves, know only what they were taught in junior high school.

You don't understand the scientific method in reality.
You don't know what that means. Sorry, but usually when people say that kinda stuff it's because they, themselves, know only what they were taught in junior high school.

You don't understand the scientific method in reality.

He's politicizing science like his hero, Pedo Don, and only referencing those "scientists" who have sold out to commercial interests. Example:



My guess is that people like Pmp are specifically referencing two Alt-Right political ideas: Dissing medical science on COVID and dissing environmental scientists on Global Warming.
I am old enough to remember when scientists believed in the scientific method.....

when you get to the second eighty years does it start qualifying as a long run?......

I accept your tacit confession you were misinformed about scientific hypotheses.

There is no time limit in any official rule book.

If a scientific idea has a reasonable physical or mathematical basis, makes predictions, point us towards fruitful areas of research, and is considered potentially falsifiable in the long term, then it qualifies as a hypothesis.
No, I speak from experience of being a real scientist. Not the cartoon image you have because the last time you took a science class was junior high school.

Over time, you'll notice that Pmp never, ever talks about his past...probably for good reason. LOL
and I take that as your confession that you have not yet advanced to fourth grade debate strategies......

You have been studiously avoiding giving your idea for how eukaryotes originated.

I assume your idea has something to do with a guy with white beards wearing robes and waving a magical wand.

We know that prokaryotes existed as long as 3.4 billion years ago.

We don't see eukaryotic cells until two billion years ago.

Genetics seems to suggest that all life is genetically related and traces to a common origin.

That means it is unlikely eukaryotic cells just appeared independently on their own.

A reasonable hypothesis is that an archaea cell and a bacterium formed some kind of symbiotic relationship two billion years ago, giving rise to a eukaryotic cell structure.

So what is your idea for how the eukaryote cell originated?
and I take that as your confession that you have not yet advanced to fourth grade debate strategies......
You have been studiously avoiding giving your idea for how eukaryotes originated.

I assume your idea has something to do with a guy with white beards wearing robes and waving a magical wand.

We know that prokaryotes existed as long as 3.4 billion years ago.

We don't see eukaryotic cells until two billion years ago.

Genetics seems to suggest that all life is genetically related and traces to a common origin.

That means it is unlikely eukaryotic cells just appeared independently on their own.

A reasonable hypothesis is that an archaea cell and a bacterium formed some kind of symbiotic relationship two billion years ago, giving rise to a eukaryotic cell structure.

So what is your idea for how the eukaryote cell originated?

Pmp is a minion of the dark lord. I doubt he gives a shit about how it happened. He's just here to spread maliciousness.

Have you ever seen him offer an intellectual response on a topic? It's always posts like this:
actually, it isn't an should have stuck with calling it an idea.....
You have been studiously avoiding giving your idea for how eukaryotes originated.

I assume your idea has something to do with a guy with white beards wearing robes and waving a magical wand.

We know that prokaryotes existed as long as 3.4 billion years ago.

We don't see eukaryotic cells until two billion years ago.

Genetics seems to suggest that all life is genetically related and traces to a common origin.

That means it is unlikely eukaryotic cells just appeared independently on their own.

A reasonable hypothesis is that an archaea cell and a bacterium formed some kind of symbiotic relationship two billion years ago, giving rise to a eukaryotic cell structure.

So what is your idea for how the eukaryote cell originated?

The physical universe is a reaction to Satan's rebellion.
Pmp is a minion of the dark lord. I doubt he gives a shit about how it happened. He's just here to spread maliciousness.

Have you ever seen him offer an intellectual response on a topic? It's always posts like this:

Given that his responses on threads like this generally are just one sentence drive by snarks, I have to agree he is neither interested in nor knowledgeable about scientific topics.
Given that his responses on threads like this generally are just one sentence drive by snarks, I have to agree he is neither interested in nor knowledgeable about scientific topics.

Agreed. Not just this thread or topic either. I've never seen Pmp give a logical, coherent and educated response on a topic. He just trolls with snark and never rises above that level.

Nothing wrong with that, but nothing right either. Lots of people on JPP only troll and vent. Most are too stupid and/or demented to do anything else. Pmp seems capable of rising above the level of trolling but unwilling. IDK why.
Agreed. Not just this thread or topic either. I've never seen Pmp give a logical, coherent and educated response on a topic. He just trolls with snark and never rises above that level.

Nothing wrong with that, but nothing right either. Lots of people on JPP only troll and vent. Most are too stupid and/or demented to do anything else. Pmp seems capable of rising above the level of trolling but unwilling. IDK why.

American evangelicalism seems to labor under the impression that science and religion are incompatible, perhaps even enemies.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The fathers of cosmology and genetics arguably are a Catholic priest and and Augustinian monk, respectively.

Religion and science are just asking different questions.