I wasn't aware that I'd expressed any such opinion. Could you quote this supposed claim, please. If you can't then I'm afraid it will bring an end to your enquiry. You'll obviously be addressing the wrong person.
My response was a valid question. As evince says, you do seem a little averse to facts.
Like most bigots and such, you obviously have a limited memory on what you've posted; so for this one time and one time only, I'm showing the posts that you have left.
Truth Detector
I think that the days of false accusations of antisemitism as a defence for neoZionist criminality are long gone. The internet has exposed that particular diversionary tactic for what it is.
Let's examine the thread for any possible basis for such false charges.
There is not one mention of ' Jews ' let alone any professed hatred for Jews. As for ' Nazis ' there's not one mention of them either.
No, the thread concerns Zionism , plain and simple- and even that doctrine of ethnic cleansing is not the creation of Judaism. Jewish Zionists are far outnumbered by Christian Zionists, the former occupying Palestine for purely territorial reasons and the latter suffering from the primitive delusion that the ethnic cleansing of Palestine will precipitate the ' second coming ' of their Christ. It is these forces of ignorance which have caused the suffering and slaughter of Palestinians- a fact which the ' antisemitic ' slur can no longer mask.
As georgephillip points out Jews were a minority when the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians began and , recent demographic studies tell us, Jews will be a minority again next year across Israel and occupied Palestine. Bearing in mind the terrible atrocities that neoZionists have committed against the Palestinians since 1947 and in recent years the concept of One State sits very poorly with Israelis who fear- rightly so- retribution at some future point. Israelis live by a policy of vengeance, based upon the experiences of European Jewry at the hands of Third Reich fascists, and that policy has gone a long way towards the rise of Israeli fascism that we witness today.
Fascists, by their very nature, believe in a ' purity of race ' and neoZionism has turned Israel into the most ' racially ' conscious state on earth so the prospect of Israelis accepting a One State solution is remote in the extreme, particularly as the overwhelming majority of UN member states back the Two State solution. Further, the current Israeli regime is anxious to fan the flames of hatred and apartheid , or ' hafrada ' as Israelis call it, as can be demonstrated by its actions against Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem ( al Quds in Arabic ) and its murder of Palestinian protesters since then. Anybody doubting this policy has only to view the videos of Israeli soldiers planting weapons on Palestinians before arresting or murdering them;
However, such actions are proof that neoZionism FEARS public opinion and that can only mean that they are themselves aware of their own criminal activities with regard to Palestine and Palestinians. Thus, in their minds, there can never ever be any ' sharing ' with their victims. That's not to say that there are no Israelis who sympathise with the Palestinian cause but they will never influence the racist Knesset which continually passes ever more repressive legislation against them. Our real hope lies in the curtailment of North American blanket support for Israel and each nail in the coffin of Israeli ' democracy ' brings that day closer. Israel cannot win- and neither should it.
If you want any sort of constructive discussion then you're going to have to learn to focus.
I say this because there is nothing in any of my posts which could possibly feed your illusions of ' jew hatred '. Nothing. Nor will there ever be. I'll explain again.
Zionism is a political doctine of ethnic cleansing. It has nothing to do with Judaism other than that it uses Judaism as a smokescreen for its - very unJewish- apartheid policies. It follows that those who oppose Zionism do not ' hate Jews ' by default. Many who oppose Zionism are in fact Jewish themselves.
How many ' Jew haters ' can you detect here ?
Viewed in its historical context the eviction of Jews from Islamic countries at that time was entirely due to the unsustainable influx of Zionists into Palestine and their intent to ethnically-cleanse the Palestinians. There was also an element of voluntary emigration- although that's not based upon proof any more than Zionist claims that the Palestinians left their ancestral homes ' voluntarily '
With regard to your quote the Zionists- and neoZionists after them - have built their sandcastles in their entirety on sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust.
Those comments and your agreements with iolo are all the proof that is needed, that you do nothing but try and play at wordsmithing in an attempt to hide your hatred.
Now add in that all you did was hide responding to the suggestion that since Israel is accused of genocide; how much worse would they be looked upon, if they actually committed what you and your ilk have and are accusing them of.
At least your hatred will keep you warm at night.