The far right is calling for civil war after the FBI raid on Trump's home. Experts sa

So he had a right to kill babies in your mind

Sybil is delusional.

IMO, what the Patriot Act did to cut down foreign terrorism, after the next big mass murder of Americans by WSE terrorists, I suspect a second version of the Patriot Act would emerge putting more pressure on people supporting terrorism online like we see on JPP.

In Sybil's case, he'd just lose his computer or have nanny software put on it. Others on JPP may see some prison time or just a felony and a large fine.
Trump and his Trumptards started a war with everybody but Trumptards 5 years ago.

They've been worse than Russians, as they have targeted and terrorized minorities and Democrats by shooting up grade schools and High Schools, Grocery stores where Black People shop, shooting up 4th pf July parades, attacking our capital building and trying to kill policemen, FBI agents, the VP, threatening doctors,threatening Democrat Congress people, plotting to kill Democrat governors and State attorney generals and Local and state voting officials, pregnant teenagers, the LGBTQ community, shooting cops and law officers, and etc.

Now the Trumptards are talking about shooting up minority polling stations during the Mid-Terms.

The American Vocal and Voting majority are not taking all this quietly, as they are about to go out and vote TRUMP and his Trumptards out of existence in the Mid-Terms.
And you're the typical white supremacist fuck who listens to Steve Bannon and Alex Jones all day to get yourself all worked up, then you come here a spray the horseshit everywhere. You contribute nothing to society other than pain and destruction.

So.. that's you, chicken shit.

Make sure you scream that loudly in your next visit with the FBI. LOL

Do you think Stewie planned to spend the next 10-20 years in prison? Were his ex wife and children happy to see him go? Is that a common thing among you "Earl Turner" wannabe? Go nuts, get divorced, blame the Feds for your life's failures, then go to jail?

Violent rioters are criminals and should be arrested to face justice. That said, I don't recall any deaths, including children. Do you know the circumstances?

BLM literally occupied part of Seattle and handed out rifles that were used by 'guards' to shoot several people:

That's 3 different african-american teens shot (2 killed), in one article, at the BLM CHOP/CHAZ encampment

Then there was David Dorn, a retired African American cop, shot by a black man while protecting a friend's business from BLM riots:

And then there were the BLM protestors who took over the area of that burned-down Atlanta Wendy's, protesting the death of Rayshard Brooks, who shot a fucking EIGHT YEAR OLD BLACK GIRL because her parents took the wrong turn and tried to turn around away from the blockage the BLM protestors created:

And let's not forget the man who was BURNED ALIVE by BLM protestors when they torched Minneapolis during their riots:
From one of your OWN ARTICLES:

"Protesters in the area on Monday morning defended the occupation, saying it wasn’t the cause of the violence.

“The bloodshed you’re talking about has nothing to do with the movement,” said Antwan Bolar, 43, who was staying in a tent in the protest zone. “That’s people who would have been doing it in North Seattle or South Seattle anyways — it’s just concentrated here.”'

So.. what's your motivation for lying? Racism? Hatred? Tell us.

Ah yes, one person in a tent makes a claim, and.... what, you believe him? Despite the evidence, you believe this random tent person's word. SMDH. Let's see you hold the Jan 6ths rioters to the same standard.
You're a racist.

I'm Indian, according to the left I'm not capable of racism, only white people are.

But very interesting to see you that think someone is racist because they are willing to call out murders of black people by BLM protestors. You sound like a white leftist.
I'm Indian, according to the left I'm not capable of racism, only white people are.

But very interesting to see you that think someone is racist because they are willing to call out murders of black people by BLM protestors. You sound like a white leftist.

Your Native American status has shit to do with your hatred of black people. I told you what BLM was about, I showed you they're not about violence in YOUR OWN ARTICLE. You said, "la la la don't hear you" and went back to your narrative.

I'm smarter than a lot of people. You can't fool me. The evidence is irrefutable. You harbor fear and hatred of black people.
Your Native American status has shit to do with your hatred of black people.
I said Indian, not Native American, you racist white turd.

I told you what BLM was about, I showed you they're not about violence in YOUR OWN ARTICLE. You said, "la la la don't hear you" and went back to your narrative.
No, you showed me some tent person making a claim, in the face of numerous examples that show him to be wrong.
I'm smarter than a lot of people. You can't fool me. The evidence is irrefutable. You harbor fear and hatred of black people.

Oh honey, I don't harbor anything for or against black people. I just despise terrorist groups like BLM who kill black people. You, a supporter of this group that killed more unarmed black people than cops did in the same year, are the only one here who hates black peopl.
I said Indian, not Native American, you racist white turd.

No, you showed me some tent person making a claim, in the face of numerous examples that show him to be wrong.

Oh honey, I don't harbor anything for or against black people. I just despise terrorist groups like BLM who kill black people. You, a supporter of this group that killed more unarmed black people than cops did in the same year, are the only one here who hates black peopl.

Yep, you're a racist.
you're one of those wimpy fucks who would SCREAM for the government to violate posse comitatus and have the military take over, aren't you?

We've got the National Guard to take care of big mouthed, arm chair Arnolds like you fat, blowhard fucks.

you don't care about the law, you don't care about order, you don't care about only care about YOU

Fucking hilarious coming from a TRUMPSUCKER.