Sure, it could be if you blew up another daycare center and murdered my grandchildren. Still, I have to leave it up to our heroes in uniform to catch you before you commit mass murder or afterwards. Still, nothing I can do about it except support my country and law enforcement.
Like Moon and her "Jewish caveman" bullshit, your boating accident bullshit is odd and I don't understand the reference. Why would I throw away my guns or give them up? You are free to call any government rep, Texas or Federal, a "dictator" and use that as justification to commit mass murder of innocent Americans, including kids, but that makes you a terrorist, not a freedom fighter.
I believe We, the People will win in the end. Politicians and political parties come and go but our nation's greatest resource are the citizens you seek to murder. The apocryphal sleeping dragon.
One thing you'r terrorist buddies don't know is what the US would look like IF you actually succeeded in overthrowing the US government and State governments. I guarantee you it won't be the happy ending you drool over in The Turner Diaries, son.