The far right is calling for civil war after the FBI raid on Trump's home. Experts sa

It's going to be a blue wave... Joe deserves partial credit now for pushing through that bill, but most of it is just Republicans shitting the bed. Their evil is going to do it for us. People are tired of the criminal bullshit.

Trumptards are digging their own grave!

Donald Trump destroys everything he touches!

He's now fucked up the Republican party and ruined their chances of winning back Congress anytime soon.
so you're a paid hack informant for the government. got it. are you incapable of surviving in the free market atmosphere of private enterprise?

Does that mean you've now put a bounty on my head and plan to murder me, my wife and any visiting grandchildren? Isn't that how terrorist fuckwads like you roll? Death threats, harassing women and children, maybe a drive-by shooting?

Is that what you plan to do? Take some uneducated dumbass like Fredo, claim someone is a "paid hack informant" and then hand him a pistol? "Kill everyone" you'll say.

IMO, that will all come back on you just like it did on Stewie. Why? Because you're a deluded dumbass, son.
Does that mean you've now put a bounty on my head and plan to murder me, my wife and any visiting grandchildren? Isn't that how terrorist fuckwads like you roll? Death threats, harassing women and children, maybe a drive-by shooting?

Is that what you plan to do? Take some uneducated dumbass like Fredo, claim someone is a "paid hack informant" and then hand him a pistol? "Kill everyone" you'll say.

IMO, that will all come back on you just like it did on Stewie. Why? Because you're a deluded dumbass, son.

If I was evil enough like evince, maybe. If I was stupid enough like you, probably. but since I'm smarter than will never know or see it.........should I wish it to happen
The far right is calling for civil war after the FBI raid on Trump's home. Experts say that fight wouldn't look like the last one

What "experts" might those be? That has never been addressed here. What I see is the SSDD coming from the radical Left, like you. Claims of unnamed "experts" saying there's going to be Rightwing violence, etc., and calling for a crackdown on their (the Left's) political opponents. Happened when Clinton took office. Happened when Obama took office. Happening now. SSDD.

The radical left (eg., you) are predictable that way. They do some evil shit to people and then are surprised when the people they just fucked over respond with anger and hatred.
If I was evil enough like evince, maybe. If I was stupid enough like you, probably. but since I'm smarter than will never know or see it.........should I wish it to happen

Evince is emotional, but her heart is in the right place. She's waiting for lawful authority to kill all terrorists, hang all traitors and take down all criminals just like me.

You're the evil one advocating the violent overthrow of the United States Constitution and the mass murder of Americans based upon their skin-tone and/or political affiliation.
Evince is emotional, but her heart is in the right place. She's waiting for lawful authority to kill all terrorists, hang all traitors and take down all criminals just like me.
her 'lawful authority' would have been waiting for the brits to tell her to kill colonists.

You're the evil one advocating the violent overthrow of the United States Constitution and the mass murder of Americans based upon their skin-tone and/or political affiliation.
I had no idea that following Abraham Lincoln was the path of evil. why didn't you say this before?
her 'lawful authority' would have been waiting for the brits to tell her to kill colonists.

I had no idea that following Abraham Lincoln was the path of evil. why didn't you say this before?

Dude, dragging up the American Revolution over 240 years after the fact just makes you look like the nuts running around screaming "1776!" when trying to murder Americans.

Sure, evince would run for the hills when the shooting started. Meanwhile, I'd be waiting on a convenient high point to pick off the officers and NCOs of a terrorist band of WSEs. Surprisingly, they're easy to spot. LOL
Dude, dragging up the American Revolution over 240 years after the fact just makes you look like the nuts running around screaming "1776!" when trying to murder Americans.
I understand that most tyrant lovers refer to 'outdated' history when they don't want to confront the lessons of it........

Sure, evince would run for the hills when the shooting started. Meanwhile, I'd be waiting on a convenient high point to pick off the officers and NCOs of a terrorist band of WSEs. Surprisingly, they're easy to spot. LOL
you remember when you mentioned about people thinking they were smarter than others? Do you really think that you're the only fucker on some convenient high point to pick off people? I'd say please don't be that stupid, but you were an
I understand that most tyrant lovers refer to 'outdated' history when they don't want to confront the lessons of it........

you remember when you mentioned about people thinking they were smarter than others? Do you really think that you're the only fucker on some convenient high point to pick off people? I'd say please don't be that stupid, but you were an

Sure you do, Earl. LOL

No, I doubt I'd be alone. What you think is that most Americans support you overthrowing the nation, murdering all the blacks and Jews and Making America White Again. I think you're wrong.

For the same reason that you don't know the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter, I think you'll will lose everything. You'll be the numbnut eating his own pistol in the end.

What I'm curious about is "Will you murder your family first or just leave them behind to deal with the disgrace of your murderous treason?"
Sure you do, Earl. LOL

No, I doubt I'd be alone. What you think is that most Americans support you overthrowing the nation, murdering all the blacks and Jews and Making America White Again. I think you're wrong.

For the same reason that you don't know the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter, I think you'll will lose everything. You'll be the numbnut eating his own pistol in the end.

What I'm curious about is "Will you murder your family first or just leave them behind to deal with the disgrace of your murderous treason?"

so you believe that most everybody secretly hated Abraham Lincoln?????

ok, so just to be clear, you DO hate Abraham Lincoln. got it.

Make sure you scream that loudly in your next visit with the FBI. LOL

Do you think Stewie planned to spend the next 10-20 years in prison? Were his ex wife and children happy to see him go? Is that a common thing among you "Earl Turner" wannabe? Go nuts, get divorced, blame the Feds for your life's failures, then go to jail?
The far right is calling for civil war after the FBI raid on Trump's home. Experts say that fight wouldn't look like the last one

Any of you Trump wipes want a civil war after raid on Trump home or any other grievances? Would you die for Trump?

  • Some on the far right have been calling for civil war since an FBI raid on Trump's Florida home.
  • Some experts say the warning signs for civil war have been emerging in the US in recent years.
  • But they also say that such a conflict would look very different from the Civil War of the 1860s.
[FONT=&]In the wake of an FBI search of former President Donald Trump's Florida home, some far-right figures have been spreading violent rhetoric online — including calls for war.

[FONT=&]The Republican party has long portrayed itself as the defender of "law and order," but the aftermath of the raid has seen GOP lawmakers like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene call for defunding the FBI.

[FONT=&]Greene has also made references to on social media as her Republican colleagues compare the FBI to the Gestapo and depict the raid as the type of thing that only happens in "third world" countries.

[FONT=&]Meanwhile, pro-Trump internet channels have seen a spike in talk of civil war since the raid.

[FONT=&]The FBI raid of Trump's Mar-a-Lago home came at a historically divisive time for the US, one in which millions of voters continue to believe the false notion that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump.

[FONT=&]Such erroneous claims were at the heart of what catalyzed the deadly January 6 riot at the US Capitol last year, and historians and experts on democracy warn that these lies continue to foster the potential for further violence. They also say that if the US did see civil war, it wouldn't look like the first one.

[FONT=&]Fiona Hill, who served as the leading Russia expert on the National Security Council during the Trump administration, said in a conversation with Insider last month that the distrust in the electoral process and government institutions fomented by Trump and his GOP allies has created a "recipe for communal violence." Hill warned the US could ultimately "end up in a civil conflict."

[FONT=&]The country is at a point in which "trust in the different communities and authorities" has eroded "to such an extent that people just start fighting with each other," Hill said.


The erosion was by Democrats, dude.
No hun, I'm very well locked and loaded as a firearms collector. I can even give you a variety of experiences, from a range of time periods ranging from pre-revolutionary war to WWI to Vietnam to present day as the lead fills your traitorous little head.

Wow. You DO like to talk big, don't you?
Sure, it could be if you blew up another daycare center and murdered my grandchildren. Still, I have to leave it up to our heroes in uniform to catch you before you commit mass murder or afterwards. Still, nothing I can do about it except support my country and law enforcement.

Like Moon and her "Jewish caveman" bullshit, your boating accident bullshit is odd and I don't understand the reference. Why would I throw away my guns or give them up? You are free to call any government rep, Texas or Federal, a "dictator" and use that as justification to commit mass murder of innocent Americans, including kids, but that makes you a terrorist, not a freedom fighter.

I believe We, the People will win in the end. Politicians and political parties come and go but our nation's greatest resource are the citizens you seek to murder. The apocryphal sleeping dragon.

One thing you'r terrorist buddies don't know is what the US would look like IF you actually succeeded in overthrowing the US government and State governments. I guarantee you it won't be the happy ending you drool over in The Turner Diaries, son.


Win what? Are you planning on civil war? In that event, you are hopelessly outnumbered, dude.
Meh. I'm content to sit back and watch you and your terrorists be taken down.

As your username states, you believe you are the smartest guy in the room. Good. Overestimating one's abilities is a classic mistake. Like Stewie, who never entered the Capitol thinking that saved him, you are, without a doubt, hip-deep in this.

Sure, maybe you won't go to prison like Stewie, but the court case and prosecution will break you financially. I'm guessing up to $50K in court costs and maybe a $100K fine.
That plus a felony on your record should make all of this a memorable event for your children and grandchildren. :laugh:

My best advice for you is to divorce your wife, if you haven't already, give all your money to your kids and turn yourself in. Justice can be served without harming them. :thup:

What terrorism?????????!? This must be one of your hallucinations.