The far right is calling for civil war after the FBI raid on Trump's home. Experts sa

Sorry my dude, BLM killed numerous people during their summer of fire. Most of them black people, including a black child and several teens IIRC.

Violent rioters are criminals and should be arrested to face justice. That said, I don't recall any deaths, including children. Do you know the circumstances?
Yes, it was BLM. BLM literally occupied part of Seattle and handed out rifles that were used by 'guards' to shoot several people:

That's 3 different african-american teens shot (2 killed), in one article, at the BLM CHOP/CHAZ encampment

Then there was David Dorn, a retired African American cop, shot by a black man while protecting a friend's business from BLM riots:

And then there were the BLM protestors who took over the area of that burned-down Atlanta Wendy's, protesting the death of Rayshard Brooks, who shot a fucking EIGHT YEAR OLD BLACK GIRL because her parents took the wrong turn and tried to turn around away from the blockage the BLM protestors created:

And let's not forget the man who was BURNED ALIVE by BLM protestors when they torched Minneapolis during their riots:

From one of your OWN ARTICLES:

"Protesters in the area on Monday morning defended the occupation, saying it wasn’t the cause of the violence.

“The bloodshed you’re talking about has nothing to do with the movement,” said Antwan Bolar, 43, who was staying in a tent in the protest zone. “That’s people who would have been doing it in North Seattle or South Seattle anyways — it’s just concentrated here.”'

So.. what's your motivation for lying? Racism? Hatred? Tell us.
you certainly have all the leftist traits of denial, delusion, and fantasy down, that's for sure. :laugh:

Lie all you want, traitor. That fact remains there's a world of hurt coming for all the anti-Americans who supported the 1/6 coup attempt and the WSEs that were supporting Trump.

It won't be me going to prison. Will it be you? Are you 100% not guilty of treason? Crimes against America? Will your name show up on court documents for the trials of others?

Will the headline read "Ex-Marine Oath Keeper arrested for murder plot" someday soon?
Lie all you want, traitor. That fact remains there's a world of hurt coming for all the anti-Americans who supported the 1/6 coup attempt and the WSEs that were supporting Trump.

It won't be me going to prison. Will it be you? Are you 100% not guilty of treason? Crimes against America? Will your name show up on court documents for the trials of others?

If there were even a tiny fraction of evidence, much like your genitalia, then i'd have already been in the news...............since I haven't and since i'm still here posting.............I guess that makes you either the paranoid schizo or the blood thirsty coward using the government as a weapon against those you don't like.
If there were even a tiny fraction of evidence, much like your genitalia, then i'd have already been in the news...............since I haven't and since i'm still here posting.............I guess that makes you either the paranoid schizo or the blood thirsty coward using the government as a weapon against those you don't like.

Meh. Not my fucking problem. You're free to talk tough like the militias did before 1/6 and you're free to fade into the woodwork when the cops are rounding up traitors, terrorists and other criminals.

I expect one of your nutjobs in training will follow your lead and murder innocent Americans. When they do, it will come back to your little group of traitors and terrorists...who still don't know the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter as discussed in your Civil War thread:

Meh. Not my fucking problem.
it certainly could be.

You're free to talk tough like the militias did before 1/6 and you're free to fade into the woodwork when the cops are rounding up traitors, terrorists and other criminals.
unlike you, who would prefer to lose your guns in a boating accident so you can meekly submit to a dictatorship.

I expect one of your nutjobs in training will follow your lead and murder innocent Americans. When they do, it will come back to your little group of traitors and terrorists...who still don't know the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter as discussed in your Civil War thread:
and you're certainly free to entertain the delusion that your beloved government will always win in the definitely shows that you have zero ability to think long term, much like your memory
it certainly could be.

unlike you, who would prefer to lose your guns in a boating accident so you can meekly submit to a dictatorship.

and you're certainly free to entertain the delusion that your beloved government will always win in the definitely shows that you have zero ability to think long term, much like your memory

Sure, it could be if you blew up another daycare center and murdered my grandchildren. Still, I have to leave it up to our heroes in uniform to catch you before you commit mass murder or afterwards. Still, nothing I can do about it except support my country and law enforcement.

Like Moon and her "Jewish caveman" bullshit, your boating accident bullshit is odd and I don't understand the reference. Why would I throw away my guns or give them up? You are free to call any government rep, Texas or Federal, a "dictator" and use that as justification to commit mass murder of innocent Americans, including kids, but that makes you a terrorist, not a freedom fighter.

I believe We, the People will win in the end. Politicians and political parties come and go but our nation's greatest resource are the citizens you seek to murder. The apocryphal sleeping dragon.

One thing you'r terrorist buddies don't know is what the US would look like IF you actually succeeded in overthrowing the US government and State governments. I guarantee you it won't be the happy ending you drool over in The Turner Diaries, son.

Being obtuse must be a big hobby for you :laugh:

Meh. I'm content to sit back and watch you and your terrorists be taken down.

As your username states, you believe you are the smartest guy in the room. Good. Overestimating one's abilities is a classic mistake. Like Stewie, who never entered the Capitol thinking that saved him, you are, without a doubt, hip-deep in this.

Sure, maybe you won't go to prison like Stewie, but the court case and prosecution will break you financially. I'm guessing up to $50K in court costs and maybe a $100K fine.
That plus a felony on your record should make all of this a memorable event for your children and grandchildren. :laugh:

My best advice for you is to divorce your wife, if you haven't already, give all your money to your kids and turn yourself in. Justice can be served without harming them. :thup:
Meh. I'm content to sit back and watch you and your terrorists be taken down.

As your username states, you believe you are the smartest guy in the room. Good. Overestimating one's abilities is a classic mistake. Like Stewie, who never entered the Capitol thinking that saved him, you are, without a doubt, hip-deep in this.

I'm sure you don't recognize the hypocrisy in your statement ROFL

Sure, maybe you won't go to prison like Stewie, but the court case and prosecution will break you financially. I'm guessing up to $50K in court costs and maybe a $100K fine.
That plus a felony on your record should make all of this a memorable event for your children and grandchildren. :laugh:

My best advice for you is to divorce your wife, if you haven't already, give all your money to your kids and turn yourself in. Justice can be served without harming them. :thup:

you sound just like all the other idiots on here about knowing EXACTLY what each situation is.........maybe because you believe you ARE smarter than everyone else........which is quite hilarious.....

or are you really just a semi intelligent troll who cares absolutely nothing about todays issues and only want to see what kind of trouble you can cause??????
I'm sure you don't recognize the hypocrisy in your statement ROFL

you sound just like all the other idiots on here about knowing EXACTLY what each situation is.........maybe because you believe you ARE smarter than everyone else........which is quite hilarious.....

or are you really just a semi intelligent troll who cares absolutely nothing about todays issues and only want to see what kind of trouble you can cause??????

Dude; you're one of two things: a loudmouthed, pussified idiot on the Internet, like most of your JPP friends, or you are what you claim to be or support.

If the former, you are free to be a Keyboard Kommando. It's a free country.

If the latter, you are supporting treason and murder. We, the People have both the right and an expectation from our fellow citizens to be protected from violent assholes like your heroes Erich Rudolph and Timothy McVeigh.

As a retired, non-law enforcement citizen, I did my duty by reporting suspected terrorist activity on JPP. You have whined incessantly about that and have called me a "traitor" for doing so. By the context you meant "race traitor" since your WSE views are all over this forum for others to read.

Wouldn't it be ironic if your real name was Earl Turner? :rofl2:
Dude; you're one of two things: a loudmouthed, pussified idiot on the Internet, like most of your JPP friends, or you are what you claim to be or support.

If the former, you are free to be a Keyboard Kommando. It's a free country.

If the latter, you are supporting treason and murder. We, the People have both the right and an expectation from our fellow citizens to be protected from violent assholes like your heroes Erich Rudolph and Timothy McVeigh.

and you've reduced yourself to one thing...........a moron who doesn't know any better about laws or real life situations. The only thing that matters to you is your perception, much like every liberal and conservative here. so which one are you?
and you've reduced yourself to one thing...........a moron who doesn't know any better about laws or real life situations. The only thing that matters to you is your perception, much like every liberal and conservative here. so which one are you?

Meh. As long as my DFAS checks keep coming, I'm happy to watch idiots like you talk yourself into prison just like Stewie.
and you've reduced yourself to one thing...........a moron who doesn't know any better about laws or real life situations. The only thing that matters to you is your perception, much like every liberal and conservative here. so which one are you?

DU lacks the balls to admit that he's a D, votes D and always will.
If the main referendum of the Mid-Terms becomes "Living the Lie"- or "I'm not buying it"- I'm going with "I'm not buying it"!

The good news- 75% of the vocal and voting majority of Americans are not buying it either. :laugh:

These Trumptarded candidates that make up Donald Trump's Goon Squad that are living the lie and making public statements about their Big Lie are making the very best Campaign ads for their Democratic contenders!

And it is also duly noted that Goon Squad Trumptarded candidates are running for 37 different state offices to become in charge of counting the votes of their states and selecting the delegates they want according to their political party!

Yes! The Mid-Terms will be about who is living the lie- AND SEEKING TO OVERTHROW ELECTIONS AT THE STATE LEVEL Vs. Fair Democratic Elections.

I believe the people who want Fair Elections will easily win this one!

AND THEN YOU HAVE 75% of Americans that want women to have a choice- AND THAT WILL SEAL THE DEAL!

Bring on the Mid-Terms!

They couldn't get here soon enough! :laugh:
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If the main referendum of the Mid-Terms becomes "Living the Lie"- or "I'm not buying it"- I'm going with "I'm not buying it"!

The good news- 75% of the vocal and voting majority of Americans are not buying it either. :laugh:

It's going to be a blue wave... Joe deserves partial credit now for pushing through that bill, but most of it is just Republicans shitting the bed. Their evil is going to do it for us. People are tired of the criminal bullshit.