Scut Farkus
They track those who DID get the vaccine. I did not say they tracked those who did not. That is what the thread says. But it is wrong.
it's functionally identical, functional retard.

They track those who DID get the vaccine. I did not say they tracked those who did not. That is what the thread says. But it is wrong.
it's functionally identical, functional retard.
Random phrases. No apparent coherency.Do you understand words like "disappearing"? Is that beyond your vocabulary level? Another fallacy fallacy from you. We vaccinated it is NEARLY DISAPPEARING. Take time and analyze before you post.
It could be, but it is not. The fact is they enter the people getting the vaccine into a medical database so if a new shot is required, they can notify you. It is not a plot like saying the people who refuse to get the vaccine, are being tracked. I am sure nuance is not your strong suit.
The premise that the government is tracking people who refuse the vaccine is simply false. Can you get that far?
In order to derive who was not vaccinated from a list of people who were, it would take a procedure. First, you would want to know. Then you would have to access a computer list of people who were vaccinated to maybe ascertain if he was vaccinated. You would have to allow for the list not being done yet. So maybe cross-checking would be required.
None of that is being done.
Is there where I insult you for not thinking things through?