the federalist papers, the documents which kill all the right wing memes

oh that liberal scum huh?

thank you for admitting Obama is not who you have claimed he is for nearly a decade now
Do you work for an accounting or law firm that deals with the tax code because you sure sound like an invested special interest who doesn't want to see any change. Desh one can simplify the tax code without losing revenue. It's very easy to do. Open your mind here.

then why will the right never do it unless they can give big tax give aways to the corps?

because all their cavailing is really designed to help grover make this country week enough to kill
oh that liberal scum huh?

thank you for admitting Obama is not who you have claimed he is for nearly a decade now

What? Seriously, what are you talking about? What have I said about Obama and what did I say about Obama and the tax code?

I said many people have wanted to change the tax code. That means Republicans and Democrats. Their ideas of how it should be changed may differ but they believe it needs to be simplified. You said it needs to stay the status quo and wanting change means you're a clone and dolt.
then why will the right never do it unless they can give big tax give aways to the corps?

because all their cavailing is really designed to help grover make this country week enough to kill

You clearly don't fully understand how the tax code works and how it can be changed.
Your answer addresses neither question.

Do you consider that a family with a member in uniform does or does not have any skin in the game?

Do you consider that a family where both adult members work and are paid minimum wage has skin in the game even if they do not pay INCOME taxes?

You might want to be more specific as to what constitutes having a family in uniform. Does that include cops? Firefighters? They are in "uniform". Now should active duty military members be subject to income tax? Interesting question and one I never really thought of. As someone who served in the military, only my base pay was subject to income tax. Money I received for housing and food was non taxable. I also didn't make enough to pay income taxes so I got a full refund. The state I lived also exempted active duty military members from paying state income tax. I would argue that active duty members have enough "skin in the game" to be exempt from federal income taxes while on active duty. Reservists? No.

If you do not pay federal income taxes, you do not have skin in the game.
Most municipalities fund their school budget from property taxes. Should working families who RENT and don't own property be allowed to send their children to public schools in the town where they rent? they certainly don't have any skin in the school budgeWhy should their children get a free education paid for by property owners in the town, many of whom don't even HAVE kids?

Your question is built on a faulty premise. Renters do pay property taxes, maybe not directly, but indirectly through their rents. Do you not think any property owner doesn't pas on the cost of property taxes to their tenants? I know I do.

Do you think property owners eat the cost of property taxes? Of course they don't. While renters may not get a property tax check in the mail, they most assuredly pay property taxes.

Any other straw men you would like me to torch my good friend?

Have a blessed day :)
ever see a corporations legal docs?

life is complicated.

what kind of logic is it to say "that law is too long" when its just long enough to cover all the legal aspects that need covering?

what a clone you are

With all due respect, you really don't make any sense at all. You spend hours bitching and moaning about all of the "loopholes" and "special favors" carved out of the tax code to favor corporations. Yet, when someone puts forth a plan that would eliminate it, you scoff.

So what is it you really want? Seriously? It doesn't appear you want actual solutions. What is it you really want?
Oh, and while you're at it, take the bayonet off your stupid musket and shove it deep inside your well travelled ass. Mmmmkay?

Is this the "real you" or the "internet you"? This post makes you seem very violent which seems to run counter to the wonderful lecture you were extolling upon me on another thread. Just sayin.

Have a blessed day :)
then why will the right never do it unless they can give big tax give aways to the corps?

because all their cavailing is really designed to help grover make this country week enough to kill

You actually bring up a great point. The GOP doesn't really do anything to "reform" the tax code. Why? Because they believe in using it to control the country just as fervently as the democrats do. As a former republican it pains me to say it, but as long as it remains true, I will no longer be a member of that party.
I never did find that answer you claimed as to

would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they had been working with the government to make sure the poor were fed?

please direct me to it or reanswer
You actually bring up a great point. The GOP doesn't really do anything to "reform" the tax code. Why? Because they believe in using it to control the country just as fervently as the democrats do. As a former republican it pains me to say it, but as long as it remains true, I will no longer be a member of that party.

But now you will vote dem because the president is backing reform?
The fact remains... School budgets are funded by property taxes and only property owners pay that tax. Lots of them are old geezers who haven't had kids in school for decades, but they still foot the bill for the school budget.

My larger point was, that government gets its revenues from a wide variety of taxes, fees and fines. Not everyone pays ALL of them... But that doesn't mean that everybody doesn't have skin in the game. Just because you don't pay one type of tax does not mean that you don't pay others... And all the citizens get to benefit from all that government has to offer.

Most of us got your point. Some are being deliberately dense.
With all due respect, you really don't make any sense at all. You spend hours bitching and moaning about all of the "loopholes" and "special favors" carved out of the tax code to favor corporations. Yet, when someone puts forth a plan that would eliminate it, you scoff.

So what is it you really want? Seriously? It doesn't appear you want actual solutions. What is it you really want?

I want the republican party to stop lying and stop cheating in elections.

that would make me real happy
Is this the "real you" or the "internet you"? This post makes you seem very violent which seems to run counter to the wonderful lecture you were extolling upon me on another thread. Just sayin.

Have a blessed day :)
this is his rant about a timing issue between he and I. he asked for something, I agreed to it, but not before I posted what he quoted. he's a bit upset and I can understand.

no hard feelings MM
are you really going to pretend that the republican idea of tax reform is not huge tax breaks for the wealthy?

jesus your dense

SMDH. To repeat myself, the tax code can be reformed and shortened while collecting the same amount of revenue. The tax code can be reformed and shortened while collecting more revenue than we currently do. The tax code can be reformed and shortened while collecting less revenue than we currently do.

There are thousands and thousands of hours wasted each year by people trying to understand and legally follow the tax codes. There is no reason for the system to be like that. Take a step back Desh from your everything is partisan mindset and look at the big picture here and how we can promote growth in this country.
SMDH. To repeat myself, the tax code can be reformed and shortened while collecting the same amount of revenue. The tax code can be reformed and shortened while collecting more revenue than we currently do. The tax code can be reformed and shortened while collecting less revenue than we currently do.

There are thousands and thousands of hours wasted each year by people trying to understand and legally follow the tax codes. There is no reason for the system to be like that. Take a step back Desh from your everything is partisan mindset and look at the big picture here and how we can promote growth in this country.

but your party doesn't want this country to succeed

they want it made small enough so it easy to kill.