Renters who don't own property pay property taxes.
People who ride the bus pay vehicle sales taxes
People who go to the movies pay the payroll taxes on the salaries of the cast and crew of the movie they watch.
People who eat at a restaurant pay the property taxes on the farm land that grew the beef, and the worker's comp on the farm workers, and the sales tax on the gas burned by the truck to bring the food to the restaurant.
On one hand, it seems like EVERYBODY's got some "skin in the game", but, for some reason... the righties on here would have you believe that if you don't pay federal income taxes... Regardless of how many OTHER taxes you may pay.... If you don't pay federal income taxes, you've got NO skin in the game AT ALL and are a worthless piece of shit leeching off society.
Downright neighborly, I'd say.
It takes a whole fucking VILLAGE, dammit.
Have a blessed day.