the federalist papers, the documents which kill all the right wing memes

The Jeffersonian Republicans placed their faith in the virtues of an agrarian democracy. They believed that the greatest threat to liberty was posed by a tyrannical central government and that power in the hands of the common people was preferred. Those natural democratic instincts required sharpening, however, by education. In foreign affairs, the Jeffersonian-Republicans favored France over Britain. Jefferson lauded the French Revolution, which claimed the American Revolution as its model, but decried its bloody excesses. The Jeffersonian-Republicans opposed the Jay's Treaty (1795) as excessively pro-British.

The Jeffersonians began using the name Democratic-Republicans in 1796, and would later shorten it to Republicans...
Hey... that's not the liberals, that's us. It'd be nice if the left's opponents didn't get credit for our ideas.

In any event, the CM is a much more important document than the US constitution. One preaches a doctrine of absolute liberation, the other legalizes sustained oppression.

The difference between you and the modern Social Democrats in power in the USA is that you make a strong distinction between the two philosophies, denouncing the US Constitution and supporting a full execution of the Communist Manifesto. The USA leftists don't operate with such honesty of conviction; they use deceit and rely on misinformation about their intentions and allegiances to garner / nurture political support, promising to honor, respect and uphold the Constitution while working to destroying it.

While I disagree with you as a matter of political philosophy, I respect your honesty in your convictions.
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The difference between you and the modern Social Democrats in power in the USA is that you make a strong distinction between the two philosophies, denouncing the US Constitution and supporting a full execution of the Communist Manifesto. The USA leftists don't operate with such honesty of conviction; they use deceit and rely on misinformation about their intentions and allegiances to garner / nurture political support, promising to honor, respect and uphold the Constitution while working to destroying it.

While I disagree with you as a matter of political philosophy, I respect your honesty in your convictions.

Interesting. It seems you've perfected misinformation more than we could ever do. Go look at our party platforms; they're really forthright. And you can ask me anything about what I'd like to do to the country. I'll have no problem clearing things up.

The constitution is nice to have provide certain rights, but it's really a meaningless document. It's allowed for bureaucracy, genocide, lying to the public, a private sector that openly kills workers and consumers, and a country this far from democracy. Really, socialists don't care about your constitutional rights, because they, in large part, are limited. What we care about are your rights as human beings.

Though it's good to remember that US liberals aren't social democrats, they aren't leftists, and they aren't honest.
Interesting. It seems you've perfected misinformation more than we could ever do. . . .

Though it's good to remember that US liberals aren't social democrats, they aren't leftists, and they aren't honest.

Whatever comrade.

I have zero interest listening to a Canadian Socialist pissing and moaning about the US Constitution, US politics and economy.




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This is a political board. If you want to discuss politics, do so - I'm perfectly willing to prove how your constitution isn't good enough for working people. If not, pick up a book, go for a jog, find another internet forum, talk to your significant other, so on.
Interesting. It seems you've perfected misinformation more than we could ever do. Go look at our party platforms; they're really forthright. And you can ask me anything about what I'd like to do to the country. I'll have no problem clearing things up.

The constitution is nice to have provide certain rights, but it's really a meaningless document. It's allowed for bureaucracy, genocide, lying to the public, a private sector that openly kills workers and consumers, and a country this far from democracy. Really, socialists don't care about your constitutional rights, because they, in large part, are limited. What we care about are your rights as human beings.

Though it's good to remember that US liberals aren't social democrats, they aren't leftists, and they aren't honest.

I see you have no problem with broad, sweeping statements.
SCOTUS has no issue with examining the Federalist for instruction on establishing what the Constitution says. That was after all their purpose; to explain to the people what the scope of each power conferred to the federal government was, and to what operations over state authority those powers extended.

The Federalist Papers were/are the primer for understanding the Constitution.

“Establishing what the constitution says,” is best and most easy done simply by reading it with unbiased honest eyes. It’s for the most part a simplistic document purposely written in a layman’s English language, for layman comprehension, most of which can be “correctly interpreted” by an average 14 year old child. The only reason we need constitution lawyers, judges, courses and study is not to interpret the Constitution but rather to interpret the linguistic gymnastics that come from the Congress and Presidents in their written legislation so often disguised to pervert, end run and violate the Constitution.
“Establishing what the constitution says,” is best and most easy done simply by reading it with unbiased honest eyes. It’s for the most part a simplistic document purposely written in a layman’s English language, for layman comprehension, most of which can be “correctly interpreted” by an average 14 year old child. The only reason we need constitution lawyers, judges, courses and study is not to interpret the Constitution but rather to interpret the linguistic gymnastics that come from the Congress and Presidents in their written legislation so often disguised to pervert, end run and violate the Constitution.

I don't disagree with your fundamental premise, I was just stating the post Marbury / post Slaugherhouse condition the Court operates under.
They were Democrats. They were the precursors to Jackson, Calhoun, and Van Buren, who shortened the party name to the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party of yesteryear had little to no relationship with modern day Democrats and the Party of today. Aside from the historical Democrat’s support for a Bill Of Rights for white men they were mostly slave owners raised up in an environment with the notion that people of color were inferior to whites and were devoid of human rights. They also were raised up in an environment with the notion that women were property. They ratified the original Constitution because it protected and did not abolish slavery. Their insistence on a Bill Of Rights was to protect their “Slave State’s Rights.” They were products of their political environment. They were first and foremost “Republicans” i. e. believing in a “limited” federal government and strong State Government. They agreed to the Amendment Process in the Constitution because most like Jefferson and Madison were evolving in their ideas about slavery and believed that future generations would surely abolish it.

All one needs to do is read, read, read the biographies of Jefferson and Madison to understand their political environment and their evolving opposition to the slavery they participated in but didn’t live to observe the end of . They were never “democrats” because they never believed in “democracy” in any superior ideological construction of government but rather only supported the idea that government should be elected to office by “democratic” elections but governed by the “rule of law as established in the Constitution.”

They did not invent slavery they were born into it just like the blacks were born into it. They were products of their environment. Not an excuse, just the facts!!!
I don't disagree with your fundamental premise, I was just stating the post Marbury / post Slaugherhouse condition the Court operates under.

I have no confidence or respect in the courts today. I my opinion they’re simply a gang of political ideologues hell bent on supporting their particular political ideology, the Constitution be damned!
According to Adrienne Koch, Jefferson and Madison: the Great Collaboration (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950), they wee Republicans.

An example, Jefferson to Paine:

"Would you believe it possible that in this country there should be high & important characters who need your lessons in republicanism, & who do not heed them? It is but too true that we have a sect [Federalists, notably Alexander Hamilton] preaching up & pouting after an English constitution of king, lords, & commons, & whose heads are itching for crowns, coronets & mitres. But our people, my good friend, are firm and unanimous in their principles of republicanism & there is no better proof of it than that they love what you write and read it with delight."

Jefferson isn't discussing any identity with / allegiance to the political party, he is discussing the principles of a republican form of government. Secretary of State Jefferson was criticizing the aristocracy of President Washington, not the Federalists of the framing period. Jefferson held strong animosity for Washington as President and thought he was turning his back on republican principles. Jefferson is congratulating Paine as being a great commentator on republicanism and endorsing his latest work (part 2 of Rights of Man).

Jefferson and Paine shared a dislike of Washington and this would be made public and put to print in Paine's open letter to Washington. Among other things, Paine believed Washington facilitated his arrest in France.
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I see you have no problem with broad, sweeping statements.

Haha, I guess I don't. But the person that post was directed at clearly had no intention of going into specifics, so I figured it would suffice.

It is still appropriate to note, however, that social democracy carries a history that makes it wildly misaligned with liberal capitalism. The same thing can be said about leftism.
Jefferson isn't discussing any identity with / allegiance to the political party, he is discussing the principles of a republican form of government. Secretary of State Jefferson was criticizing the aristocracy of President Washington, not the Federalists of the framing period. Jefferson held strong amity for Washington as President and thought he was turning his back on republican principles. Jefferson is congratulating Paine as being a great commentator on republicanism and endorsing his latest work (part 2 of Rights of Man).

Jefferson and Paine shared a dislike of Washington and this would be made public and put to print in Paine's open letter to Washington. Among other things, Paine believed Washington facilitated his arrest in France.

Again, according to Adrienne Koch, Jefferson and Madison: the Great Collaboration (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950), they were big R Republicans. It makes perfect sense since the GOP has a long standing tradition of equality among all, and supposedly, a reverence for the Constitution.

In contrast the Federalist's desires have been realized in today's Democrat Party, with an elite governing class that disdains the Constitution, supporting and supported by a peasant class.
Again, according to Adrienne Koch, Jefferson and Madison: the Great Collaboration (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950), they were big R Republicans. It makes perfect sense since the GOP has a long standing tradition of equality among all, and supposedly, a reverence for the Constitution.

In contrast the Federalist's desires have been realized in today's Democrat Party, with an elite governing class that disdains the Constitution, supporting and supported by a peasant class.

the CM is a much more important document than the US constitution. One preaches a doctrine of absolute liberation, the other legalizes sustained oppression.

The major flaw in the Communist Manifesto is its insane philosophy that’s contrary to human nature. Since its philosophy is pie-in-the-sky absurd its promoters find it necessary to force feed it with whips guns and gulags. It is humorous that you should insinuate that communism has something to do with absolute liberation. Absolute liberation is Anarchy the other failed philosophy.

Fact is wherever there are humans there will be government. The US Constitution recognizes that fact and thereby sets limits on government while guaranteeing human and individual rights.
It does though. We have a huge population that receives some type of government assistance. It's increased substantially since The Obama.

1. A member of the class constituted by small farmers and tenants, sharecroppers, and laborers on the land where they form the main labor force in agriculture.​