You keep repeating the same idea, but there's been no response to my assertions. Because this really isn't a discussion, I'll make a brief post and duck out of the thread.
Every linguistic intercourse is a “discussion” even a debate if you have the balls to face your opponent and articulate rationally. Notice that where you’re concerned I use the word “rationally” loosely.
Communism didn't fail because it ran contrary to human nature - just the opposite. Communism addresses the basic needs of men and women to be expressed and to control the course of their life. By giving absolute democratic control in the hands of the individual,
But democracy isn’t “individualism” it’s collectivism and absolute democracy is just another unworkable ideology and often nothing less than mob rule. You use the word “individual,” but an individual thinker in a collective democracy would be a maverick a non-participator unless he/she agreed with every whim and want of the majority mob, in that case he/she would not be an individual thinker but rather a brain-dead, brainwashed moron. Communism supposes that all are equal thinkers of equal intelligence, equal ambitions, equal likes and dislikes, equal beauty and equal talent. Pure communism supposes that all things being equal government is unnecessary. Communism is totally out of sync with the reality of human nature.
and by eliminating needless power dynamics (Man to woman, government to citizen, employer to employee, for example) a society can function effectively. Your mistake is to apply the competition, jealously and self degradation experienced in capitalism to a society where none of these things have any external support system.
Oh! But they have every “external support” it’s known as “human nature.” Jealousy, competition and even self-degradation are all human nature, along with hatred, partisan-ism, fear, ambition and laziness. Who the fuck in their right mind will stand for a communist philosophy where all work is of equal importance and the lazy bastard that shirks his share of the collective work load is still entitled to a equal share of the imagined benefits? How many folks are willing to take the communist sharing philosophy to it’s perfect conclusion and share even their wives and husbands like the 60’s hippies tried on for size and found that “jealousy” ruled the day? How many women are willing to change the shitty diapers of the collective’s herd of confused children when the mothers thereof are napping in a quite hideout? Where is the authority but with a government. Who is the government? Who keeps the government moral and uncorrupted? Communism is folly of the most insane kind.
But it failed because the countries that folks tried it in weren't capable of having it.
BINGO!!!! They weren’t capable of shedding their “human nature” and becoming programmed drones and slaves to an absurd pie-in-the-sky folly because they were “humans.”
Marx made it very clear that a massive proletariat must exist in order to facilitate communism. It's also widely accepted that the country must have democratic experience. Lenin and Mao disagreed, moving the revolutions against these assertions. They were wrong. And, for whatever reason, they realized this after coming to power. Thus, the state oppression and forced industrialization began - because they realized that the country wasn't ready to be communal, and rejected the idea that a liberal democracy should be used to develop the infrastructure/culture instead of an authoritarian state.
So, now days y’all commies are believing that a socialist democracy in Europe and America will eventually install communism in the western world. Well, let’s see how y’all are doing. Since you have managed the abandonment of the Constitution in America, we’ve become a nation of the bribery, by the bribed and for the bribed. Government isn’t shrinking, government is growing by leaps and bounds. National debt is ungodly, rights and freedoms are being challenged and prohibited. Communism is now called “progressivism.” We’re on the edge of bankruptcy, not because of any truer experience of capitalism, but rather because progressivism from both left and right has created a good ole boy crony capitalist bribery scam between Wall Street and the Federal Government.
Communism is an insane joke, a failed philosophy and an absurdity. It’s contrary to reality and human nature.
Only limited government constitutionalism is rationality, conducive of human and individual rights, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.