The Federalist Society's List


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"The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be."

Donald Trump has a list of more than a dozen candidates for appointment to the Supreme Court, (pretty much by my investigation), provided to him by the Federalist Society.
While I'm not an ardent fan of special interest collectives or political parties, I can only say about Trump's list, if he can pick another judge from that list the cut of Neil Gorsuch, then I'll likely be well pleased.

Supposedly, the list is compiled with originalist, literalist judges who's decisions are found by understanding the plain English language as written in our Constitution, its correct definitions and logical, simplistic and honest intent and thereby said judges rule accordingly, without political bias or any desire to illegally amend the Constitution from the bench or legislate law from the bench, thereby upholding their respect for the Constitution and their oath of allegiance to same and their duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, (AS WRITTEN.)
Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.
Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.
If they do these these things are they really libertarians?
This plain English language thing is a joke. the framers knew they could not predict the future and were well aware that what they created had to be changed to reflect the times. There is nothing holy about the constitution. It is a blueprint .Many judges read what the framers wrote and study their lives to arrive at what they really believed.They are far beyond the words of the constitution. Adams and Jefferson left writings to read and learn from.
Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.

Why not, corporate think tanks write the draft legislation foisted upon the people. We're a banana republic Jack. We murder journalists, incarcerate truth tellers/whistle blowers, shoot up black churches, the media machine is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporate state, the police murder unarmed citizens in the streets with impunity, our electoral process is one of THE most corrupt in the western world, we profit from bondage and militarily support 73% of the planet's military dictatorships and deem brown skinned human beings as illegal, split their families, and cage them for profit in corporate state prisons/detention centers.

This is who we are as a society. At least we've finally found the honesty to pull out of the UN Human Rights Council.
This plain English language thing is a joke. the framers knew they could not predict the future and were well aware that what they created had to be changed to reflect the times. There is nothing holy about the constitution. It is a blueprint .Many judges read what the framers wrote and study their lives to arrive at what they really believed.They are far beyond the words of the constitution. Adams and Jefferson left writings to read and learn from.

I particularly recall Adams in writing to Jefferson how there was a division between the have and have nots (my terminology), and that the latter could only be managed via force.
This plain English language thing is a joke. the framers knew they could not predict the future and were well aware that what they created had to be changed to reflect the times. There is nothing holy about the constitution. It is a blueprint .Many judges read what the framers wrote and study their lives to arrive at what they really believed.They are far beyond the words of the constitution. Adams and Jefferson left writings to read and learn from.

I particularly recall Adams in writing to Jefferson how there was a division between the haves and haves nots (my terminology), and that the latter could only be managed via force.

“[A social division exists] between the rich and the poor, the laborious and the idle, the learned and the ignorant. … Nothing, but force, and power and strength can restrain [the latter].”
—John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jefferson (1787)
Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.

and save trump from his crimes on the people
Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.

Republicans control both houses of the Congress and the Presidency and already have a 5-4 majority on the Court and none of that has even been introduced as legislation. You spew more leftist hysteria and bullshit!
Republicans control both houses of the Congress and the Presidency and already have a 5-4 majority on the Court and none of that has even been introduced as legislation. You spew more leftist hysteria and bullshit!

Yeah, right.
This plain English language thing is a joke. the framers knew they could not predict the future and were well aware that what they created had to be changed to reflect the times. There is nothing holy about the constitution. It is a blueprint .Many judges read what the framers wrote and study their lives to arrive at what they really believed.They are far beyond the words of the constitution. Adams and Jefferson left writings to read and learn from.

The Constitution is far, far more than just a blueprint, it's your guarantee of liberty and protection of your inalienable rights. The founders knew the future would have its issues with the Constitution that's why they gave us article 5, the "blueprint" for amending the Constitution. That's the solution for such issues to be fixed as necessary and proper.
Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.
Nonsense the best you will get is that the federal government will butt out of the abortion debate that it should never have stuck it's nose into in the first place. What these people being on the court will mean is that the left will not be able to rely on nine tyrants in black robes to circumvent the will of the people. You will have to do the hard work of convincing people to support your view rather than have the courts inflict it upon people whether they like it or not.
This plain English language thing is a joke. the framers knew they could not predict the future and were well aware that what they created had to be changed to reflect the times. There is nothing holy about the constitution. It is a blueprint .Many judges read what the framers wrote and study their lives to arrive at what they really believed.They are far beyond the words of the constitution. Adams and Jefferson left writings to read and learn from.

Well that is true that is why they built in the Amendment process which libtards have refused to use

Don’t worry. Order will be restored

My concern is that when we eventually get a democrat president that some crazy liberal will start assassinating justices