The Federalist Society's List

Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.

And of course they will have to pledge loyalty to The Don in case his "troubles" come before the Court in any way
Nonsense the best you will get is that the federal government will butt out of the abortion debate that it should never have stuck it's nose into in the first place. What these people being on the court will mean is that the left will not be able to rely on nine tyrants in black robes to circumvent the will of the people. You will have to do the hard work of convincing people to support your view rather than have the courts inflict it upon people whether they like it or not.

I'll guess we will find out.

Not nonsense. He demanded a loyalty oath from Comey and when it did not come he fired him. He almost backed out of Gorsuck because he was not obsequious enough to daffy. Trumps first requirement is loyalty to him. That is above the country and the law. Trump first.
I particularly recall Adams in writing to Jefferson how there was a division between the haves and haves nots (my terminology), and that the latter could only be managed via force.

—John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jefferson (1787)[/B]
Bullshit. You took two halves of quotes from two different writings from Adams and mashed them together.

"The controversy between the rich and the poor, the laborious and the idle, the learned and the ignorant, distinctions as old as the creation, and as extensive as the globe, distinctions which no art or policy, no degree of virtue or philosophy can ever wholly destroy, will continue, and rivalries will spring out of them. These parties will be represented in the legislature, and must be balanced, or one will oppress the other."

"I have long been settled in my own opinion, that neither Philosophy, nor Religion, nor Morality, nor Wisdom, nor Interest, will ever govern nations or Parties, against their Vanity, their Pride, their Resentment or Revenge, or their Avarice or Ambition. Nothing but Force and Power and Strength can restrain them."
Federalist Society is interested in balances of power (10th - federalism) and is a welcome push back
to the Living Document and statist crowd.

Yes they endorse Originalists, or "Textualism" (like Scalia) judges
Not nonsense. He demanded a loyalty oath from Comey and when it did not come he fired him. He almost backed out of Gorsuck because he was not obsequious enough to daffy. Trumps first requirement is loyalty to him. That is above the country and the law. Trump first.
Thanks for the unwarranted assumption, Trump wants loyalty from subordinates the courts are subordinate only to higher courts not the president.
Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.

Probably won't overturn gay marriage, since the Constitution is silent on the matter.
Thanks for the unwarranted assumption, Trump wants loyalty from subordinates the courts are subordinate only to higher courts not the president.

Not correct. Trump can demand loyalty from anyone he chooses, including judges. that is exactly what he did with Gorsuck.It is what he demanded from the FBI director. The director does not work for the president. But Trump names them to their positions, and Trump is not about to pass up a bit of power when he finds it.
Translation: The Federalist Society has already vetted these people and know they will overturn Roe v. Wade, rule against 'gay marriage', support 'Corporations are People', and basically install Christian Sharia Law across the countryside.

This is a poor translation.
He has done it every time. It is who he is. He asked Gorsuck and Comey to pledge allegiance to him. What is different this time?

I could find no source claiming Trump asked Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch for "loyalty." Besides, it would mean nothing since he works in a different branch of government and appointed for life. He considered withdrawing Gorsuch's nomination because he was not "loyal enough" because he was criticizing Trump.That proves Gorsuch's independence.
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I could find no source claiming Trump asked Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch for "loyalty." Besides, it would mean nothing since he works in a different branch of government and appointed for life. He considered withdrawing Gorsuch's nomination because he was not "loyal enough" because he was criticizing Trump.That proves Gorsuch's independence.

Gorsuck caved. Comey did not. Gorsuck is a member of the Federalist society. It is not some benign boys club. Every judge nominated by Repubs since Bush 1,were members. So were Scalia, Thomas and , Roberts. Big financial backers of it are the Kochs, Scaife and Mercers. This is not some neutral, fair minded group exercising their opinions. They are installing judges across the country. and the loyalty.
Gorsuck caved. Comey did not. Gorsuck is a member of the Federalist society. It is not some benign boys club. Every judge nominated by Repubs since Bush 1,were members. So were Scalia, Thomas and , Roberts. Big financial backers of it are the Kochs, Scaife and Mercers. This is not some neutral, fair minded group exercising their opinions. They are installing judges across the country. and the loyalty.
How did he "cave"? Belonging to an organization because you share its beliefs does not mean you owe it any loyalty. Justices nominated by Republicans since Bush 1 have certainly have not all voted together on many different issues. For example, Roberts found the ACA constitutional. You are creating an imaginary conspiracy theory. This sounds similar to those theories about the Council on Foreign Relations or Trilateral Commission. Belonging to an organization does not mean it is placing its members in high positions. That would make the Boy Scouts the countrie's most powerful organization.
How did he "cave"? Belonging to an organization because you share its beliefs does not mean you owe it any loyalty. Justices nominated by Republicans since Bush 1 have certainly have not all voted together on many different issues. For example, Roberts found the ACA constitutional. You are creating an imaginary conspiracy theory. This sounds similar to those theories about the Council on Foreign Relations or Trilateral Commission. Belonging to an organization does not mean it is placing its members in high positions. That would make the Boy Scouts the countrie's most powerful organization.

Hell no I am not. Roberts was a real shock on the ACA. They can happen. But the Roberts court is the worst for workers and pro corporation of all time. Their decisions are extremely predictable.

The Federal Society was developed for this purpose. It is not an accident. They are designed to push right wing conservatives in important positions, especially the courts. They are the plutocrats in America.
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Hell no I am not. Roberts was a real shock on the ACA. They can happen. But the Roberts court is the worst for workers and pro corporation of all time. Their decisions are extremely predictable.

The Federal Society was developed for this purpose. It is not an accident. They are designed top push right wing conservatives in important positions, especially the courts.

So then do you oppose the American Constitution Society as well?