The Federalist Society's List

Hell no I am not. Roberts was a real shock on the ACA. They can happen. But the Roberts court is the worst for workers and pro corporation of all time. Their decisions are extremely predictable.

The Federal Society was developed for this purpose. It is not an accident. They are designed top push right wing conservatives in important positions, especially the courts.

They are only predictable on certain types of cases. On many different types of cases their votes vary. Souther, appointed by Bush, voted with the liberal bloc. And, of course, many prior Republican appointees did not always vote conservative--Warren, Kennedy, Blackmum, Stevens. Roberts has been attacked by other conservative organizations because he has been left of Thomas, Scalia, and Alito.

Do you think liberal groups seek to have liberals placed on the court? That makes them like the Federalist Society and other political interest groups in America.
They are only predictable on certain types of cases. On many different types of cases their votes vary. Souther, appointed by Bush, voted with the liberal bloc. And, of course, many prior Republican appointees did not always vote conservative--Warren, Kennedy, Blackmum, Stevens. Roberts has been attacked by other conservative organizations because he has been left of Thomas, Scalia, and Alito.

Do you think liberal groups seek to have liberals placed on the court? That makes them like the Federalist Society and other political interest groups in America.

Fact is liberal groups did not politicize the courts the way the rightys did. They could have but did not. Like Gerrymandering, the Repubs weaponized it. They play to win no matter how it hurts the people. The super wealthy want all the power they can get.
Fact is liberal groups did not politicize the courts the way the rightys did. They could have but did not. Like Gerrymandering, the Repubs weaponized it. They play to win no matter how it hurts the people. The super wealthy want all the power they can get.

Your "facts" are distorted by your partisanship. Certainly the Republican Senate's blocking of Bush's nominees or Reid's use of the nuclear option weaponized the courts as much as anything the Republicans did. Each successive Congress seems to get a little worse blaming it on the stuff the previous Congress did. If you think gerrymandering is bad now you aren't familiar with its history before the court's 1960s decisions. Are you referring to that super wealthy baker in WA or the super rich public employees forced to pay a union to keep their jobs? Seems like the wealthy (unions) lost in that one.

I was recently reading about the partisan division and how it affects our objective reality. The week before the 2016 elections most Democrats said the economy was improving and most Republicans said it was not. The week after the election that was just reversed. In experiments people found their neighborhood less attractive it told it contained a lot of members of the opposite party.
Not correct. Trump can demand loyalty from anyone he chooses, including judges. that is exactly what he did with Gorsuck.It is what he demanded from the FBI director. The director does not work for the president. But Trump names them to their positions, and Trump is not about to pass up a bit of power when he finds it.

Good lord; do you ever get anything right??? That was rhetorical of course.
Imagine if The Left was Picking Judges from an Activist List ....

First you would have to imagine Democrats winning an election. But I am amused at the simpleton notion that Soto Mayer wasn't a far left loon with ZERO comprehension what the Constitution says.


MAGA Baby!!
This plain English language thing is a joke. the framers knew they could not predict the future and were well aware that what they created had to be changed to reflect the times. There is nothing holy about the constitution. It is a blueprint .Many judges read what the framers wrote and study their lives to arrive at what they really believed.They are far beyond the words of the constitution. Adams and Jefferson left writings to read and learn from.

the one absolute thing that people don't want to face is that the framers did not deliver a constitution to the government that allowed the government to change it as needed. The Constitution is a document written by WE THE PEOPLE, and as such, only WE THE PEOPLE can amend it.
You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments: rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws: rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe." - President John Adams

Adams obviously did not think those rights included free speech.
Adams obviously did not think those rights included free speech.

of course he did, otherwise there would have been a power prescribed to the government to regulate it. do you have the super secret document signed by the framers that denotes there is no right to free speech?
of course he did, otherwise there would have been a power prescribed to the government to regulate it. do you have the super secret document signed by the framers that denotes there is no right to free speech?

It is not a super secret document, it is called the Alien and Sedition Acts signed by Adams.
the one absolute thing that people don't want to face is that the framers did not deliver a constitution to the government that allowed the government to change it as needed. The Constitution is a document written by WE THE PEOPLE, and as such, only WE THE PEOPLE can amend it.

The people in the form of government--Congress and state legislatures.
congress can put forward amendments to the constitution. the states, depending upon their own constitutions/laws, require the peoples vote.

It says 3/4 of the state legislatures. No state allows the voters of that state to vote for ratification.

There is the alternative convention method but that is also based on state laws/constitution and does not involve a state-wide vote.