"The Final Solution": Did tom tancredo write this?

He has a penis, and here I thought that was part of his problem! :pke:

Well, he claims to have one Frog. However, one thing is for sure, if he puts it up for sale he can get big bucks for it. "Almost new!" "Hardly used!" "Driven only locally, and only by owner"
It makes me a human being.

You on the other hand, have been revealed as an angry, genocidal, emasculated psychopath. I mean, I already knew, but now everybody does.

Gosh, that's gotta be embarrassing.

But darla, your alleged loyalty to "all of humanity" is merely an abstraction. IN PRACTICE, this belief of yours merely means you discriminate against those closest to you. This belief of yours denies all individuals the benefit of being part of a social species.
But darla, your alleged loyalty to "all of humanity" is merely an abstraction. IN PRACTICE, this belief of yours merely means you discriminate against those closest to you. This belief of yours denies all individuals the benefit of being part of a social species.

No, those closest to me I would be more than happy to kill you ,and not the general you, but specifically, you, for.

And, I'd do it to a general you as well, but without, you know, the smile.
No, those closest to me I would be more than happy to kill you ,and not the general you, but specifically, you, for.

And, I'd do it to a general you as well, but without, you know, the smile.

But you still care no more for an american in battle than whomever he is fighting.

And now you're making death threats. You're pathetic and out of control.
lol. Socrtease was working on a response for a half hour. HE GAVE UP. Probably as he was typing he was icked out by his own idiocy.
No. I was back at work trying to get ready for a hearing tomorrow. I will get to you when I get to you. But to pretend it takes anytime to answer you is to hold way to high an opinion of yourself.
But you still care no more for an american in battle than whomever he is fighting.

And now you're making death threats. You're pathetic and out of control.

Death threats? You poor dear. Well, maybe if you go to Damo and report that your balls are now being toted around in my handbag, he'll block me?
Obviously you're an elite who assuages your guilt by promoting policies of racial discrimination against "lesser whites".

Do you support affirmative action, aka, racial discrimination against white people?
I don't promote policies of racial discrimination at all. And I am NOT an elite. I served in the US Army so I could go to college. I then took out 60k in loans to go to law school. My father makes a very good wage but saw no benefit in handing me a college tuition. What I am is tired of hearing self made bottom of the barrel white trash crying about how hard it is in this world to be white. White's have NEVER suffered segregation, they were never forbidden to apply to college just because of the color of their skin. For the first 175 years of the American college system, whites where the ONLY people that got admitted to college on legacy admissions because there were no black alum to harvard yale ut austin etc etc. All you crackers didn't complain then that you got pushed outta college by underqualified whites. It was ONLY when blacks started to get into college that you began to cry about how bad your pussy hurt. About how they ONLY got in because they were black. Well what I suggest Fatasshat is that you get a tube of fucking vagisil. it won't stop the pain but the itching won't be as bad.
I don't promote policies of racial discrimination at all. And I am NOT an elite. I served in the US Army so I could go to college. I then took out 60k in loans to go to law school. My father makes a very good wage but saw no benefit in handing me a college tuition. What I am is tired of hearing self made bottom of the barrel white trash crying about how hard it is in this world to be white. White's have NEVER suffered segregation, they were never forbidden to apply to college just because of the color of their skin. For the first 175 years of the American college system, whites where the ONLY people that got admitted to college on legacy admissions because there were no black alum to harvard yale ut austin etc etc. All you crackers didn't complain then that you got pushed outta college by underqualified whites. It was ONLY when blacks started to get into college that you began to cry about how bad your pussy hurt. About how they ONLY got in because they were black. Well what I suggest Fatasshat is that you get a tube of fucking vagisil. it won't stop the pain but the itching won't be as bad.

It seems like you do agree with white people being discriminated against on the basis of their race. If you support affirmative action, you support racial discrimination. Do you support affirmative action? It seems like you do. You feel racial discrimination is a good antidote for racial discrimination. Do you think it's a good idea to make policy based on the base emotion of revenge?
It seems like you do agree with white people being discriminated against on the basis of their race. If you support affirmative action, you support racial discrimination. Do you support affirmative action? It seems like you do. You feel racial discrimination is a good antidote for racial discrimination. Do you think it's a good idea to make policy based on the base emotion of revenge?
AA was never successful. I don't support ANYONE getting into a college or job or anything else based on race. Admissions and job applications should contain your work or school history and honors but no name, no racial or gender specifics. Each application should be given a number and that is who the applicant is and that is how they get into college or get jobs. Interviews should be done in writing and no one should meet anyone until they are accepted.
AA was never successful. I don't support ANYONE getting into a college or job or anything else based on race. Admissions and job applications should contain your work or school history and honors but no name, no racial or gender specifics. Each application should be given a number and that is who the applicant is and that is how they get into college or get jobs. Interviews should be done in writing and no one should meet anyone until they are accepted.

SO we agree. Unfortunately race is being used, so is gender. Why all the vagisil talk?
SO we agree. Unfortunately race is being used, so is gender. Why all the vagisil talk?
Because you cry about the poor qualified white people losing jobs to underqualified minorities, but seem to have no outrage that underqualified white people take the place of qualified PEOPLE. George W. Bush took a slot at Yale that could have gone to someone with the grades and the SAT's to go there. But because Prescott Bush and George H.W. Bush went to Yale, Shrub gets a pass. C level Highschool students with average SAT's don't get to go to Yale. But he did ONLY because of who he was. And the unfortunate history of this country is that Black people have suffered far more from racial preference than they have EVER benefitted from it. If my dream world of not knowing anything but the qualifications of the person applying for the job came true I can bet with a certainty that black males would be fired and laid off from jobs at a higher rate than the average for all people in general. Black men are the targets of racial stereotyping more than ANYONE else in this country. Countless police departments are under federal consent decrees to avoid HUGE lawsuits for racial profiling. Florida's police have been historically some of the biggest offenders.

My complaint with you is that you ONLY have a problem when you perceive the "man" is oppressing the white man. You don't rage about people of all colors being discriminated against in law enforcement, college admissions and job opportunities. And you seem to think that the white man has it worse than anyone.
Because you cry about the poor qualified white people losing jobs to underqualified minorities, but seem to have no outrage that underqualified white people take the place of qualified PEOPLE. George W. Bush took a slot at Yale that could have gone to someone with the grades and the SAT's to go there. But because Prescott Bush and George H.W. Bush went to Yale, Shrub gets a pass. C level Highschool students with average SAT's don't get to go to Yale. But he did ONLY because of who he was. And the unfortunate history of this country is that Black people have suffered far more from racial preference than they have EVER benefitted from it. If my dream world of not knowing anything but the qualifications of the person applying for the job came true I can bet with a certainty that black males would be fired and laid off from jobs at a higher rate than the average for all people in general. Black men are the targets of racial stereotyping more than ANYONE else in this country. Countless police departments are under federal consent decrees to avoid HUGE lawsuits for racial profiling. Florida's police have been historically some of the biggest offenders.

My complaint with you is that you ONLY have a problem when you perceive the "man" is oppressing the white man. You don't rage about people of all colors being discriminated against in law enforcement, college admissions and job opportunities. And you seem to think that the white man has it worse than anyone.

Wrong, ass chunk. I have a problem when any unqualified person takes a spot from a qualified one. It's too bad you have to make stuff up to perpetuate your outrage. Bush sucks ass.
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