The final solution to this countries biggest threat.

anyone who claims these patriots are evil is not an American

you're a traitor to America, lying racist. you should be drawn and quartered, with your head placed on a pike at Ellis Island as a reminder to all who would come to this country and try to vote away the rights of the people.
you're a traitor to America, lying racist. you should be drawn and quartered, with your head placed on a pike at Ellis Island as a reminder to all who would come to this country and try to vote away the rights of the people.

You think immigrants still arrive at Ellis Island?
Your not a real conservative or a real man if you let the government regulate you using a seat belt. If you want to be a real tough right winger , you should never wear a seat built and in time that would help resolve the problem that you and your party are by far the biggest threat to this country and its value's!

Yep......conservatives did not live until the Liberal Seat Belt Law of 1968 was enacted, prior to that Conservative Life was just an conservatives were just to stupid to traverse our public highways in a safe manner and every conservative that attempted to drive a motor vehicle was killed instantly. Only conservatives are a threat to themselves and others. Thanks, Liberals for saving the life of the endangered Conservative.....we are so grateful that you are so much smarter and are looking out for the safety of others.....just like you enjoy spending other peoples certainly must be a dedicated liberal to stick your nose up the ass of endangered conservatives assholes..... a species that you find more threatening than ISLAMIC TERROISM:good4u:

Again THANK GOD for BLEEDING HEARTS. TROLLING, TROLLING, TROLLING....raw ass, raw ass.....raw asssssssssss It will not be long before you ROUND UP all the conservatives and place them on a reservation (concentration camp)....just like you did for the native american tribes and the Japanese Americans during WWII (wink, wink) for the Good of the Nation.



To hell with that Constitution thingy.

The reality? Its a PUBLIC HIGHWAY, paid for by PUBLIC FUNDS, and its a "privilege" to use that tax payer funded system....NOT A RIGHT. Thus....its a public system and belongs to the STATE...not to the private citizen. And just like the law concerning Insurance, and the proof that you can drive a motor vehicle in safe manner (Drivers Lic.) and proof that your motor vehicle is safe to use on that system (safety sticker and lic. required).....When WE THE PEOPLE pass a regulation that reg must be adhered before use is allowed..... like a SEAT BELT law...that actually saves lives OR mandatory INSURANCE (proving that you have the means to make others whole should an accident occur that damages the life or property of your fellow citizen using that same tax payer funded system)....its perfectly within the RIGHT of the GOVERNMENT to control that tax funded infrastructure and any vehicle that is used upon it in any manner that WE THE PEOPLE as a whole wish to enact legislation.

If you don't like your own road on your own private property. No insurance, no seat belts, no drivers lic., no safety inspections.....ITS YOUR RIGHT as a private property owner to put your life in danger if you wish...but when you use our public highways, you must comply with the state reg's or lose YOUR PRIVILEGE to use that system. Its not rocket science. But its clear that some don't know the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground....or they would not be attempting to TROLL on a subject that is perfectly and legally CONSTITUTIONAL. After all BIG BROTHER is bound by the Constitution to Regulate inner state trade and commerce along with INFRASTRUCTURE.

There is only one thing that concerns me about liberalism and the feigned worry over the life of our children.....why are there no SEAT BELT LAWS concerning the transport of our CHILDREN TO SCHOOL? Just say'n...looks like our children would come first. How hard would it be to belt the little buggers in? The reality? Its all about the MONEY...there is no lobby from the auto industry to make superfluous options MANDATORY...if the politicians could figure out a way to make money off our children the little tykes would be belted up before you could spell.......

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