the force: dark side or not ?

This thread gave me many lulz.

Oh my lucky stars, a new stars wars movie. We must choose the light or the dark side.


there is a lot of info in that color chart. I was especially understanding of the fact that the dark side uses sabres powered by synthetic crystals. even as it is with the dark side, even so it is with the spirit of antichrist in the world ; using synthesized forms of spiritual energy through devices and interwebs of a false omnipresent spirit, through armed u.n. forces to synthesize dominion or omnipotence in the earth and a synthesized form of Judaism [islam]. it is the way of the dark side to create an "anti" of the things which are truth and light. Jesus Christ said "i am the light of the world" 12-... john the bapist testified that Jesus the Christ is the "true light". 6-. it is important that The Lord made it clear that He is the "light of the world" because there is an imposter in the earth usurping the place and authority of the only true and living God, YHWH. the identity of the anti of Christ is easy to identify. the darkness flows to this darkness and it has a shout of darkness when it's subjects claim that their god is greater than the true God , YHWH. that shout of delusion is alahu akbar. it is written that there are many who will think themselves to be abiding in the light, but the light that is in them is is testified to many times in the new testament, concerning the division of light and darkness. here are two examples which tesify the same truth, spoken by The Lord Jesus Christ himself... 22- ... 33- in another place the followers of Christ are "children of light". 5-, . 8- anyway; islam is of darkness and synthesized light. The Lord Jesus Christ is the true light. every soul will choose. as children of light, [when translated], time and space will no longer hold us to this earth. do not abide in darkness and be cast into outer darkness.
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I have challenged some people to choose between islam by allah/ Lucifer/ [satan] and The Lord Jesus Christ. I do not think that the timing of the release of the new star wars movie is a coincidence. it is time to choose. will you choose the dark side or be a rebel against the evil empire ? the dark side will lose. the first star wars movie traumatized me for a good while, as a 9 year old boy. I reckon it was the first exposure I had of the ever present struggle between good and evil. I am speculating that the new movie will be prophetic in the context of current events. every soul will choose. I look forward to translating it.

obv troll
That bit about 144,000 always cracked me up.

the "bit" about the 144,000 has never cracked me up; it has caused me to be careful to understand. I do not think I will be here. if I am here; they will be easy to identify. the light side is enlightened, even if the realization occurs as the event is transpiring. not so with the darkness.
Wow, iewitness how many points do you lose for this post? Halo slipping?

I am not graded according to self righteousness. a halo is a real anomaly, , biblically referred to as an "ornament of grace" it is a special empowerment for those who do minister the words of God, according to His will. it is as real as a light bulb burning. it is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit; as such, blasphemous, foolish words are discouraged. since this thread is light/ darkness based, I will expound a little. the light of The Lord is real spiritual energy. the dark side has an imitation; it is called "self" righteousness. 27. self righteousness is synthetic righteousness, generated by the will of man , which is desperately wicked. whatever is not of faith is sin...23...
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