the force: dark side or not ?

I am not graded according to self righteousness. a halo is a real anomaly, , biblically referred to as an "ornament of grace" it is a special empowerment for those who do minister the words of God, according to His will. it is as real as a light bulb burning. it is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit; as such, blasphemous, foolish words are discouraged. since this thread is light/ darkness based, I will expound a little. the light of The Lord is real spiritual energy. the dark side has an imitation; it is called "self" righteousness. 27. self righteousness is synthetic righteousness, generated by the will of man , which is desperately wicked. whatever is not of faith is sin...23...

Talking like that is chasing people off, you can't turn on a dime, people then think that you are not a true witness, you have to stay Christlike in manner and deed.
the "bit" about the 144,000 has never cracked me up; it has caused me to be careful to understand. I do not think I will be here. if I am here; they will be easy to identify. the light side is enlightened, even if the realization occurs as the event is transpiring. not so with the darkness.

Think of the millions upon millions of people who populated the earth and the millions more to come, Gomie. And ask yourself how only 144,000 will be fit to enter the kingdom. Your God doesn't seem very loving toward his handiwork, Gomes.
what the hell is this ? is it ladies night and you two are silly on $1 jello shooters ? you both speak as drunkard mockers.
Wrong movie

That's right, bitch.

Here's the movie you and your disgusting ilk will be looking forward to...

you mind your testimonies. you speak of pretense and self righteousness. I am crucified with Christ... self righteous works=worthless....... as filthy rags [used tampons], ./ 6---

[h=3]Romans 16:17-18 ESV /[/h][h=3][/h][h=3][/h] I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
Think of the millions upon millions of people who populated the earth and the millions more to come, Gomie. And ask yourself how only 144,000 will be fit to enter the kingdom. Your God doesn't seem very loving toward his handiwork, Gomes.

you worship your god, allah/ Lucifer/ [satan] and I will trust my God, YHWH, The Lord Jesus Christ. the 144,000 are repentant, converted witnesses ; 12,000 each of the twelve tribes which have been regathered to the homeland of Israel [The Lord knows the DNA of every person], during the great tribulation/ 2nd 3.5 year period of tribulation/ the wrath of The Lord upon the unrepentant inhabitants of earth. some Jehovah's witnesses and Mormon cult sects believe what you speak of. I do not subscribe to that doctrine. I am just a witness.
[h=3]Romans 16:17-18 ESV /[/h][h=3][/h][h=3][/h] I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

are you describing yourself ? you do sow discord and deny the gospel of Jesus Christ. you do direct naïve, young people to the worship of antichrist spirits of the fallen angels/ the dark side [chitlu]. you do use subtilty to deceive. I have observed this continual activity and do testify.
are you describing yourself ? you do sow discord and deny the gospel of Jesus Christ. you do direct naïve, young people to the worship of antichrist spirits of the fallen angels/ the dark side [chitlu]. you do use subtilty to deceive. I have observed this continual activity and do testify.

You really shouldn't use those naughty words that you do or pass judgement on Muslims, you really should trust in your lord that he knows better than you. Seems like you really don't have much faith in Yahweh, witness. You also keep falling into sin, that also shows that you truly haven't been a witness to Jesus, because as my brother tells me, when you truly follow Jesus you don't sin.
You really shouldn't use those naughty words that you do or pass judgement on Muslims, you really should trust in your lord that he knows better than you. Seems like you really don't have much faith in Yahweh, witness. You also keep falling into sin, that also shows that you truly haven't been a witness to Jesus, because as my brother tells me, when you truly follow Jesus you don't sin.

you follow your fallen angels and I will continue to have faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. if you had faith in The Lord, you would understand what your brother says. muslims are the same as all who deny Jesus... antichrists.
you follow your fallen angels and I will continue to have faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. if you had faith in The Lord, you would understand what your brother says. muslims are the same as all who deny Jesus... antichrists.

Well, if you are right, only Yahweh knows my fate and you are just guessing, and remember, by your own words ye shall be judged.