The Founders knew

Do you really believe most k-12 students leave high school understanding the true horror of slavery? I certainly wasn't. It was presented as an inconvenience, an oops that we, white people, fixed. Admittedly that was more than a couple years ago. I would imagine, any public teachers teaching that blunt, honest, awful reality today will be attacked as liberal, teaching CRT, and "attempting to indoctrinate". Heck, pretty sure a couple governors actually declared that.
Claims made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.

You're dismissed.
You're dismissed.
What evidence? You have no idea about this topic. You are clueless about public education, history curriculum, and our actual history.

At least I now have evidence that your posts come from ignorance.

Good to know.
Who the hell else can you blame?

I can argue that hundreds of years of slavery, generations of slavery, is worse.

It is interesting that this is what impacted you and caused you to comment.

I took this as a comparison. Germany was willing to look in the mirror and feel ashamed of what they had done. They created monuments honoring the victims.

The US still has people claiming southern pride, waving the Confederate Flag, and fighting over statues of people who fought against this country and for slavery.

I doubt that makes anything perfect. It would be interesting to know how the United States would look if we had the courage to evaluate our heritage and then unify to make sure the future is better.

This is a great country. I do think that is the conversation that needs to take place. I say that as a middle aged, middle class, white guy.

Why: "Who the hell else can you blame? "
Jack: It was a common practice. 1/3 of Rome were Slaves. Do you blame 'White People'? The Code of Hammurabi in ancient Mesopotamia discussed the treatment of Slaves. Do you blame 'White People'? The Africans that were enslaved ... were enslaved by other Africans. Then, like anyone else that was conquered, were sold. Do you blame 'White People'?

Why: "I can argue that hundreds of years of slavery, generations of slavery, is worse. "
Jack: I'm sure every Slave of ever age will agree with you.

Why: "It is interesting that this is what impacted you and caused you to comment."
Jack: Yeah. Knowing that Blacks owned Slaves and that Whites 'freed' Slaves makes me wonder about the 'Blame White People' narrative. It reminds me of 'Blame the Jews' narrative.

Why: "It would be interesting to know how the United States would look if we had the courage to evaluate our heritage and then unify to make sure the future is better."
Jack: Electing a 'Black' President should say something about where we are TODAY. Lots of Black Millionaires.

Why: "I do think that is the conversation that needs to take place."
Jack: Let the 'Conversation' take place.
You're dismissed.

You are such a coward. It must be sad to be so intellectually lazy and deficient.

BTW, I found these boards on Tapatalk. I have no idea of the web address. I am not trying to " evade" anything. We had a good discussion going. You posted random crap baselessly generalizing liberals.

I wittingly used your words to mock your nonsense. Then you cry i all banned.

Talk about being owned and dismissed. Good grief.

I apologize for addressing this here. I don't want to upset poor little leachion. He is sensitive when he is intellectually owned.
The rich, particularly those who force others into lifetime forced labour, will do anything to dodge their taxes. Happy birthday! :)
The rich, particularly those who force others into lifetime forced labour, will do anything to dodge their taxes. Happy birthday! :)

"The Royal African Company (RAC) was an English mercantile (trading) company set up in 1660 by the royal Stuart family and City of London merchants to trade along the west coast of Africa.[1] It was led by the Duke of York, who was the brother of Charles II and later took the throne as James II. It shipped more African slaves to the Americas than any other company in the history of the Atlantic slave trade.[2][3]"

Thanks, Iola. --->"shipped more African slaves to the Americas than any other company in the history of the Atlantic slave trade".
"The Royal African Company (RAC) was an English mercantile (trading) company set up in 1660 by the royal Stuart family and City of London merchants to trade along the west coast of Africa.[1] It was led by the Duke of York, who was the brother of Charles II and later took the throne as James II. It shipped more African slaves to the Americas than any other company in the history of the Atlantic slave trade.[2][3]"

Thanks, Iola. --->"shipped more African slaves to the Americas than any other company in the history of the Atlantic slave trade".

Welsh Involvement in the Slave Trade

Leftists have been trying for decades to rip this country apart so they could “rebuild” it into something else.

We are a nation of individuals with a collective culture, not a collectivist culture or mentality.

But the left seeks to strip people of their individuality, replacing it with collectivist traits – race, ethnicity, sexuality – designed to override common sense. It is evil.

DEMOCRATS have gotten significantly better at their stranglehold on education. Now we seem to have entered a kind of endgame for the left – the deathblow they hope to strike against the United States to they can swoop in and
"build back better.”

The most divisive tool DEMOCRATS use is race.

Of course, race has the same history and issues around the world, with everyone configuration of human being having been both a slave and a slave owner throughout history, but leftists aren’t interested in honesty, they have an objective not a conscience.

The fact that Africans were enslaving other Africans (and Asians and Europeans) before America slave traders existed, or that Africans sold other Africans into the international slave trade is ignored by the left because it’s counter-productive to their objective.

If it divides people, DEMOCRATS are for it.

If it doesn’t, they have no use for it.

Nothing is sacred, nothing is off limits; narrative über alles is the order of the day.

This tactic has now infiltrated the celebration of Independence Day.

The Hill reports, “American actress and vocalist Vanessa Williams will be performing the song ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing,’ widely known as the Black National Anthem, while hosting PBS’s 41st annual ‘A Capitol Fourth’ celebration.”

There is no such thing as “the black national anthem” because there is no black nation, at least not here.

DEMOCRATS have created an imaginary one and embraced its supplanting the actual national anthem because it divides people.

Candy Land has a song too, but it’s not a real place either.

The United States of America has no race. If you value skin color more than character, do the rest of us a favor and get out.

The Hill reports, “Williams said that she will be singing the anthem as a way to promote Juneteenth during the show. ‘It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times.’”

The times they are reflective of are a non-stop leftist assault on unity and an obsession with differences.

DEMOCRATS want people to get along the way despots throughout history have – not at all.

DEMOCRATS have pretended for the past year to give a damn about black lives, yet they’ve done nothing to improve the quality of black lives.

They don’t even bother pretending to care when scores of black people are murdered every weekend, instead focusing on the rare “black person killed by police” every chance they get.

Either way, it doesn’t matter and you shouldn’t care.

If the left wants to replace Independence Day based on skin color, it won’t make a difference, but next year they will be back with more. Moreover, they will be back with more by this time next month.

DEMOCRATS are on this path of race obsession and division, let them walk it alone.

They want a nation divided so they can replace what we have with what they want.

It’d be so much better if we simply replaced them.

"Many Welsh sailors and captains took part in the slave trade but one in particular has become famous because he wrote a detailed diary of the slave voyage he made in the 1690s. Thomas Phillips from Brecon got money from the local MP and slave trader Sir Jeffery Jeffries to buy the Hannibal, a large slave ship. "

I doubt Iola will raise his hand on this one.
"Many Welsh sailors and captains took part in the slave trade but one in particular has become famous because he wrote a detailed diary of the slave voyage he made in the 1690s. Thomas Phillips from Brecon got money from the local MP and slave trader Sir Jeffery Jeffries to buy the Hannibal, a large slave ship. "

I doubt Iola will raise his hand on this one.

The Welsh were in the slave trade up to their sheep-shagging dirty necks.
"The Royal African Company (RAC) was an English mercantile (trading) company set up in 1660 by the royal Stuart family and City of London merchants to trade along the west coast of Africa.[1] It was led by the Duke of York, who was the brother of Charles II and later took the throne as James II. It shipped more African slaves to the Americas than any other company in the history of the Atlantic slave trade.[2][3]"

Thanks, Iola. --->"shipped more African slaves to the Americas than any other company in the history of the Atlantic slave trade".

Unlike you, we mostly grew ashamed of this filth, and abolished it by mass consent at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. They don't teach you about such things because of McCarthy, believing drunkenly that ignorance is bliss
"Many Welsh sailors and captains took part in the slave trade but one in particular has become famous because he wrote a detailed diary of the slave voyage he made in the 1690s. Thomas Phillips from Brecon got money from the local MP and slave trader Sir Jeffery Jeffries to buy the Hannibal, a large slave ship. "

I doubt Iola will raise his hand on this one.

Probably one of the many monuments we have just been removing, if this quisling had one. It's Iolo, by the way.
The North (White People) liberated the Slaves of the South. So to blame 'White People' for Slavery isn't honest. To compare the Holocaust (killing 12 million people) to Slavery is dishonest.
If you want to have an 'honest' reckoning, you need to have an honest appraisal of the situation.

Blaming 'White People' for Slavery is like blaming 'The Jews' for Germany's Problems.

Southern Whites owned slaves,and fought with all they had to hold on to them.
But blacks got off easy compared to the near genocide of the Native Americans and their culture
Unlike you, we mostly grew ashamed of this filth, and abolished it by mass consent at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. They don't teach you about such things because of McCarthy, believing drunkenly that ignorance is bliss

Yes, yes, yes. The Opium Trade much more lucrative. Britain, the First Drug Cartel. Please, carry on Old Boy. Tell us all about your Virtues.
Unlike you, kid, we don't identify with past criminals.

:) Oh my. It's quite the thing here. You 'White People' should be ashamed of your role in selling Opium to China. Even going to War with China over your 'Right' to sell Opium to the Chinese People.