The Founders knew

Unlike you, we mostly grew ashamed of this filth, and abolished it by mass consent at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. They don't teach you about such things because of McCarthy, believing drunkenly that ignorance is bliss

The Welsh did no such thing. Your English overlords forced you to stop slave trading.
Oh my. It's quite the thing here. You 'White People' should be ashamed of your role in selling Opium to China. Even going to War with China over your 'Right' to sell Opium to the Chinese People.

That was the English.

They have ruled over the enfeebled, depraved Welsh for nearly a millennium now.

They're still trying to stop the Taffs binge-drinking in public.
If you're racist and you know it clap your hands!

If you'd only gotten an education, maybe you'd know.

Hunter-Gatherers lost out to the Agricultural Age.
Thomas Paine had an interesting solution to this.

"Agrarian Justice
Agrarian Justice is the title of a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine and published in 1797, which proposed that those who possess cultivated land owe the community a ground rent, which justifies an estate tax to fund universal old-age and disability pensions and a fixed sum to be paid to all citizens upon reaching maturity.Wikipedia"
Hunter-Gatherers lost out to the Agricultural Age. Thomas Paine had an interesting solution to this. "Agrarian Justice is the title of a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine and published in 1797, which proposed that those who possess cultivated land owe the community a ground rent, which justifies an estate tax to fund universal old-age and disability pensions and a fixed sum to be paid to all citizens upon reaching maturity."

Feel free to donate as much as you can:
Why should they be?

Well, if at the time, you are able to go and pick Oranges off a Tree as a 'Hunter-Gatherer', and the next week there's a Fence with some guy saying "These are my Oranges now", it would seem logical that the person that fenced off the Land would 'owe' the Hunter-Gatherer.
Well, if at the time, you are able to go and pick Oranges off a Tree as a 'Hunter-Gatherer', and the next week there's a Fence with some guy saying "These are my Oranges now", it would seem logical that the person that fenced off the Land would 'owe' the Hunter-Gatherer.

Would it?
Would it?

That (and more) was the view put forth by Paine. The eventual consensus was just to kill off the 'Complainers' and move them somewhere else. (I believe, and you can look this up if you don't believe me, that Plan was called 'The Legion Plan')
That (and more) was the view put forth by Paine. The eventual consensus was just to kill off the 'Complainers' and move them somewhere else. (I believe, and you can look this up if you don't believe me, that Plan was called 'The Legion Plan')

:) Oh my. It's quite the thing here. You 'White People' should be ashamed of your role in selling Opium to China. Even going to War with China over your 'Right' to sell Opium to the Chinese People.

We were too busy being a sort-of-colony at the time. Cymro d'w i.