Libertarians are always ready to take the reins, now that the entire infrastructure has been paid for by the taxpayers. I can't think of any meaningful infrastructure project that was completed by the private sector. No interest.
Selling off public infrastructure to private companies, and toll roads really bug me. Private companies profiting off public infrastructure that belongs to, and was built by taxpayers.
Private enterprise is great at creating consumer products: electronics, cars, appliances, phones, gadgets.
But public infrastructure, education, science and research, and health care are core societal needs that cannot be left to the vagaries of the profit motive.
I would go one step further than that: our nation's natural resources - oil, gas, minerals, water - should be a public resource held as a public trust, and used first and foremost for the benefit of the social welfare, and secondarily as a source for extracting profits. That is what the Norwegians do, and they do it quite well.
On another tangent, I am the first to express indignation at the gulag archipelago and the crimes against humanity perpetrated by Stalin, and Mao. But it needs to be acknowledged by everyone - including teabaggers - that throughout history, capitalism has caused more than its fair share of human misery and death.
Condemn communists’ cruelties, but capitalism has its own terrible record
Capitalism was built on the bodies of millions from the very start. From the late 17th century onwards, the transatlantic slave trade became a pillar of emergent capitalism. Much of the wealth of London, Bristol and Liverpool – once the largest slave trading port in Europe – was made from the enslaved labour of Africans. The capital accumulated from slavery – from tobacco, cotton and sugar – drove the industrial revolution in Manchester and Lancashire; and several banks today can trace their origins to profits made from slavery.