The Freedom of Speech Thread.

Well that's part of having private companies. Would you rather all companies be nationalized like in a communist country?

Have you ever watched the documentary "The Corporation." It is a little long winded. But they make some very good points. Such as that corporations are psychotic and sociopathic entities. (As well as some other bad things) That isn't something any sane person would want to be ruled by.

Next, only a sane person would want industry nationalized. Companies do what they do for profit. Governments do what they do, in theory, for the people they govern. I want all businesses be nationalized. Not like the communists. But like the Nazis! Not long before Hitler was elected, or maybe at the time that he was elected, Germans literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Unemployment was also rampant. Hitler fixed all that. He turned Germany economic woes into the economic envy of the world! It's no wonder that slavery promoting capitalists and believers in our laughable "democracy" wanted him destroyed.
Have you ever watched the documentary "The Corporation." It is a little long winded. But they make some very good points. Such as that corporations are psychotic and sociopathic entities. (As well as some other bad things) That isn't something any sane person would want to be ruled by.

Next, only a sane person would want industry nationalized. Companies do what they do for profit. Governments do what they do, in theory, for the people they govern. I want all businesses be nationalized. Not like the communists. But like the Nazis! Not long before Hitler was elected, or maybe at the time that he was elected, Germans literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Unemployment was also rampant. Hitler fixed all that. He turned Germany economic woes into the economic envy of the world! It's no wonder that slavery promoting capitalists and believers in our laughable "democracy" wanted him destroyed.

You skipped what caused the Inflation was Reparations to the allies.
Do you masterbate while reading Mein Kampf?
I'm a Democratic Marxist

How does that work? Marx essentially wanted a Dictatorship that, he believed, would eventually wither away along with the government itself. In order to get to Communism, you have to go through Dictatorship.
I guess you could say all businesses should be nationalized without us giving up our Democracy. However, at that point, the government would have so much power, it would be almost impossible to not end up with some form of Authoritarianism.
Have you ever watched the documentary "The Corporation." It is a little long winded. But they make some very good points. Such as that corporations are psychotic and sociopathic entities. (As well as some other bad things) That isn't something any sane person would want to be ruled by.

Next, only a sane person would want industry nationalized. Companies do what they do for profit. Governments do what they do, in theory, for the people they govern. I want all businesses be nationalized. Not like the communists. But like the Nazis! Not long before Hitler was elected, or maybe at the time that he was elected, Germans literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Unemployment was also rampant. Hitler fixed all that. He turned Germany economic woes into the economic envy of the world! It's no wonder that slavery promoting capitalists and believers in our laughable "democracy" wanted him destroyed.

The Nazis didn't nationalize all businesses. They were actually a lot more capitalist than the Right likes to admit.

Anyway, I agree that corporations should be regulated. It's why I want Social Democracy, not Capitalism. However, total nationalization would take away so much freedom, we would be even more of an Oligarchy than we are now. And it would also be terrible for the economy, as shown by every country that has tried this.
How does that work? Marx essentially wanted a Dictatorship that, he believed, would eventually wither away along with the government itself. In order to get to Communism, you have to go through Dictatorship.
I guess you could say all businesses should be nationalized without us giving up our Democracy. However, at that point, the government would have so much power, it would be almost impossible to not end up with some form of Authoritarianism.

I prefer that then being ruled by Corporate Capitalist pirates that buy and sell our Representatives.
How true. If only the government would pass a law saying that if people say things, they must be true things. But in the cause of evil and criminality, that will never happen. As for anything you might see on TV in the way of news, it is only those with money who have any voice. My avatar shows the only cure to any of that.

Your Avatar reminds me of an image on a deck of Tarot Cards.
Tell that to the FCC,

Tell that to any used car salesman who says the car used to be owned by a little old lady from Pasadena. Also, what happens if they get caught. A slap on the wrist if they're really unfortunate. Look at the EXXON Valdez oil spill. After 10 years of litigation, (lying) Exxon basically got off the hook for any damages.