The Freedom of Speech Thread.

You skipped what caused the Inflation was Reparations to the allies.
Do you masterbate while reading Mein Kampf?

I prefer to talk with those with brains. If you had any, you would know that at various times, many countries suffered terrible inflation. Without any war reparations having been made. I remember that at least at one time, the mexican peso was worth about one U.S. penny. Though you are right that German reparations for a war that they just got sucked into like everybody else did cause much of their problems. But despite that, Hitler fixed it. By the way. I've never read Mein Kampf.
The Nazis didn't nationalize all businesses. They were actually a lot more capitalist than the Right likes to admit.

Anyway, I agree that corporations should be regulated. It's why I want Social Democracy, not Capitalism. However, total nationalization would take away so much freedom, we would be even more of an Oligarchy than we are now. And it would also be terrible for the economy, as shown by every country that has tried this.

The Nazis nationalized what industry they thought needed to be nationalized. Next, corporations are regulated, in theory. And not enough anyway. And the job of republicans it seems is to do away with regulation. The filthy scum. Next, fuck democracy. It doesn't exist. So there is no reason to even bring up the word. Next, we don't live under an Oligarchy. We live under a plutocracy. Next, fuck the economy. Bees, ants and termites live in societies that have no real economy to speak of. Not that we should live like they do. But surely we can do better than bugs. Also, just because some other countries have failed doesn't mean that America would fail. At least a White America. You would do well to watch the Michael Moore documentary, "Where to invade." Not that I agree with absolutely everything in it. But it makes some VERY good points.
Your Avatar reminds me of an image on a deck of Tarot Cards.

I can tell you your future. Which isn't much of one. And I don't need tarrot cards to do it. But I may need a forum where I am allowed to do so. And I know of such a forum. But no doubt it would be against some rule around here for me to do so. I couldn't even do so in a PM.
When it comes to Freedom of Speech Mark Twain said best...”Why do those who know the least know it the loudest?”.

I prefer another of his sayings. Which basically says, "It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It is what you do know, but are just plain wrong about."
You know it doesn’t seem like it because much of popular media is fixated on squeezing that last nickel of profit and won’t risk offending anyone but we really are in a golden era of free speech due to the Internet.

The 70’s were a pretty good era for free speech too just because there were so many culture war movements going on that were geared towards offending the establishment. Then the left won an proved that they could be just as intolerant.

Don’t get me wrong...I’m glad the left won. :)
I prefer to talk with those with brains. If you had any, you would know that at various times, many countries suffered terrible inflation. Without any war reparations having been made. I remember that at least at one time, the mexican peso was worth about one U.S. penny. Though you are right that German reparations for a war that they just got sucked into like everybody else did cause much of their problems. But despite that, Hitler fixed it. By the way. I've never read Mein Kampf.

In 1925 when Garbo was making a movie in Germany,the exchange rate was 3.5 Billion Reich Marks to an American dollar
I can tell you your future. Which isn't much of one. And I don't need tarrot cards to do it. But I may need a forum where I am allowed to do so. And I know of such a forum. But no doubt it would be against some rule around here for me to do so. I couldn't even do so in a PM.

Good. Wise thinking. Always remember 'Stay within the Lines'.