The GOP certainly has a crisis, but this was a pathetic and weak argument for it, from the moron Krugman. At the point we find ourselves at, both politically and culturally as a society, the debt doesn't really matter anymore. We aren't going to address it, we are going to continue to elect politicians who promise us stuff we can't afford, and we'll just keep printing money and borrowing as long as possible. At some point, we will experience complete financial collapse, the likes of which no American has ever known. But there is really not a reason to argue this point with Liberals, they don't want to believe this will happen, and that's probably for the best.
We have raised up several generations of individuals who are spoiled and stupid, and this is a dangerous combo, as we will find out soon enough, no need to continue trying to convince them of their stupidity. Many of us loved what this country used to be, the freedoms and liberty it once enjoyed, but those days are winding down, as we slowly and methodically watch modern Liberals convert us into a Socialist totalitarian state. Again, no need to argue this point with them, they simply reject anything that doesn't conform to the propaganda. We will watch helplessly as our freedoms are eroded and liberty becomes a distant memory of the past. We will see our grandchildren enslaved by the state to support the ruling class, and everything that every American soldier has given his life for, will be forgotten.
The GOP had the opportunity to turn things around in 2012, but they were reluctant to take on the Liberals with a strong Conservative message, opting instead, to moderate and attempt to fight on the Liberal's terms. Their reluctance to embrace Conservatism resulted in a great chasm between various factions of Conservatives, and they were simply not strong enough to defeat the Liberals. Since the election, they have attempted to blame the most ardent Conservatives, the Tea Party, and try to continue moderating and capitulating to Liberals, trying to "work a deal" with them, in order to appear formidable and credible as a political party. But the Liberals snuffed them in the last election, so the GOP appears to be akin to an abused animal. They don't know what they should do next, they just cower in the corner and hope to not be beaten again.
The sad thing is, I believe it's now too late to turn things around. I believe 2012 was the last chance, and it wouldn't have been easy then. Now, with 4 more years of Liberal Socialist Marxist policy, we can forget about it. We won't ever bring America back. The momentum from the win, the fracturing of the Conservative base, and the GOP continuing to flounder and fail, will result in more Liberal policy than any of us have witnessed in our lifetimes. These policies are designed to push us into Socialism, then into Communism. Exactly where the Liberals want us to be. The GOP is too damaged to stop it, there could be a viable third party to emerge, but I doubt that as well. I think we have to resign ourselves to the fact that we are destined to become the United Socialist States of America, and the event that kicks this off will be our financial demise.