Oh, so you did not mean me when saying "...you to take a dick up your ass" and were not referring to Classic Liberal when using the same phrasing? Okay.
So would it be okay if I use "you" as an indefinite pronoun or in the third person, the same as you, to describe those who want have sex with 12 year olds or animals? No, even though I wouldn't be using the same sort of crude language you (second person) prefer, you will cry about it and I have no desire to cause Damo troubles.
Excuse me, but when I encounter people who want to act like not allowing homosexual marriage is akin to slavery, I assume they must have close personal connection to the issue, so if you're not the one who takes the dick up the ass, and instead, are the one who likes putting your dick in someone's ass, I apologize, but the argument remains the same. And you've already inferred that I want to have sex with 5-year-olds, that was in the other thread.
No, the constitution does not say that one has a right to have sex with animals or those over the age of 12.
It also doesn't say one has the right to marry the same sex. I never claimed it did. However, it does say that you can't discriminate, and if you allow marriage to be based on a certain kind of sexuality, then it has to be allowed for other kinds as well. If you allow laws to be based on non-moral "it ain't hurtin' nobody" standards, then it has to apply universally, even though you may not like it.
Marriage is not being "redefined" by sexuality or what sort of sex one prefers.
Well sure it is, that's what this is all about. "Marriage" is the union of a man and woman, always has been, here in America. You wish to redefine it, and make it mean something completely different, based on homosexuals wanting to marry the same sex. Now, we can dance around with the 'semantics' game, but so can those who want to marry 12-year-olds or animals.
As you have noted a homosexual can get married in every state in the union to a member of the opposite sex. There is no restriction based on what sort of sex one prefers. It is the restriction of who one may marry based on gender that will be struck down. There is no state interest in it, except invidious discrimination. Heterosexuals will be able to marry people of the same gender too just as Lawrence v Texas ensures that heterosexuals can engage in those acts that were defined as sodomy.
You're actually making a compelling argument for why Lawrence v Texas was a bad ruling by SCOTUS. The 'slippery slope' caused by that ruling, brings us to gay marriage, something that was laughed at when the ruling was made, just as you are laughing at the prospects of recognizing 12-year-olds as sexually mature adults who can make their own moral determinations without your permission.
Our sex lives are private and the state CANNOT restrict us in this area for purposes of invidious discrimination or without a valid state interest. You continue to evade that point to claim that this about perversion. Nope. It is about a fundamental right far more important than your right to own a gun.
Again, if our sex lives are private and the state CANNOT restrict us in this area, so be it... Welcome to the world of 12-year-old marriage and bestiality, because you've just paved the interstate highway for that.
I have not argued that the reason beastiality or sex with children can be limited is simply because it is immoral or, that is, because it violates some religious moral code, which is all you have to argue against homosexuality.
That's the only argument I've seen presented. Age of majority is most certainly a moral determination. Sex with animals, same deal.
You are back pedaling on "consenting adults." I would be fine with you taking your lumps and admitting your stupidity but you will revert to form again once beaten out of your other dodges. But you certainly are talking about 3 year olds.
No, I have not made ANY argument regarding 3 year olds or 5 year olds, you continue to infer that. I've not backpedaled on anything, I have consistently maintained that "consenting adults" is an arbitrary standard based on moralistic determination. If we can change and alter the meaning of 8,000 year old traditional marriage, we can certainly change the 80 year-old standards for "consenting adults."
The point here is that the laws against sex with children are due to age of majority laws.
Which CAN, and HAVE BEEN, changed! These are "morality-based" arbitrary laws, and you are seeking to destroy "morality-based" law in favor of a more "libertine" standard. But for some mysterious reason, you think we can somehow maintain certain morality-based laws, even after you've destroyed the argument for them.
You could argue for a change in the age of majority laws. They certainly may change again. However, if you accept that "consenting adults" is a part of the premise then your points about discrimination against those who would have sex with 12 year olds or 3 year olds fails. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either age of majority laws are a valid reason for discrimination against actions involving 3 year olds and 12 year olds or it is not. So what is it Dixie are you going to abandon your position or claim that limits against sex with toddlers is discriminatory?
I've never made an argument for toddlers having sex or being considered adults. You continue to infer this, and accuse me of this, and it's simply a dishonest and despicable attempt to dodge your total ass whooping in this debate. I guess you think this bothers me, or rattles my cage, but I don't care what a fool you make of yourself, or how much you demonstrate the level of desperation you've reached in the argument. I think it speaks volumes for how poorly you've done here, and the more you do it, the more it reaffirms this.
Again, I am not the one that insists on bringing up this uncomfortable topic repeatedly. That is all on you.
I don't keep bringing up anything except the reality of what the constitution says. I'm not the one who is constantly advocating we strike down morality-based laws in favor of "if it feels good, do it" laws. That would be YOU and your butt buddies, who think we live in some alter universe, where people all think and act like libertarians, and there is never a slippery slope, you can run back and forth from morality-based law to libertarian-based idiocy, and no one will have a problem with that.
Of course, age of majority is based on considertaion of biological factors and maturity. It is not simply based on biblical standards or any other religions morality. If you are going to argue otherwise then please cite what standard it is based on? You don't seem to understand that moral considerations can be based on lots of things and that laws certainly may be based on moral considerations. They can not be based on religion or invidious discrimination against specific classes. Age of majority laws are not and instead are based on protecting children. The purpose of the laws is not to discriminate against some one that wants to have sex with children.
*sigh* How many times do we have to go through this? I mean really, haven't we been over this at least a dozen times now? How many does it take to penetrate your concrete skull? Maturity simply can not be determined by an arbitrary age. So arbitrary age of majority is certainly NOT based on maturity. Biology isn't on your side, because it says that 12-year-olds are sexually able to procreate, which is how biology defines "adulthood" in any other mammal. YOU have made the moral determination to define humans age 12-16 as "children" then run around claiming you are "protecting" them with your laws. What happened to "it's none of your business, and not harming you?" If you aren't discriminating against 12-16 year old sexually mature humans, what the hell are you doing? It does not matter that the intent of the law isn't to discriminate against a certain sexual lifestyle, that's what it does. The very same arguments you apply to homosexual same-sex marriage, can also be applied to other sexual lifestyles, and you need to get used to it, because once you've removed the moral standards in place, that's exactly where we are headed.
Again, I did not set the age of majority laws and have not argued against changing them. My argument has nothing to do with what the age should be. My argument is simply that we have established these laws justly and they are a valid use of state power.
Here you are again running to the old standards of morality-based laws, when that is what you seem to oppose with regard to homosexuals. You don't seem to comprehend basic logic here, if you've destroyed the argument for morality-based law in order to pave the way for same-sex marriage, then you've destroyed those same barriers to other forms of sexual behavior, and the Constitution guarantees them equal consideration under the law. You can't escape this by running back to the arguments you've struck down.
The question about the numbers is based on your argument. I am trying to see if you can establish the point that there is a specific identifiable class that is being discriminated against and that is seeking a change to the laws. Further, the point is made to dismiss your slippery slope nonsense. African Americans are only 13% of the population. They did not need to be 51% of the population to have their right protected. They did not even have to convince 51% of the population to grant them rights. But they did need to convince a considerable part of the population before their rights were protected. Homosexuals have had to, as well. That is not about what should be, but what is. It is the political reality and your claims that that the argument for marriage equality or against laws barring homosexuality will lead to legalization of beastiality or pedophila is absurd.
Well, there IS a specific class of people who are between the age of 12 and 16, who are human beings that are sexually mature enough to procreate. There IS a specific class of people who think this should be perfectly legal, doesn't "harm" anyone, and ought to be allowed by a non-moralistic society that doesn't judge others. Many of these people can be found in your corner, arguing for gay marriage! No, it's not legal right now, no, there aren't huge movements to make it legal right now, but we still have the laws based on moralistic determination, which have to be destroyed first. Once that is the case, these people will come out of the woodwork, and you will probably be right there in their corner when the time comes. You can argue that it's absurd, but when sodomy laws were struck down, people said it was absurd to think they would demand same-sex marriage.
Your argument on the legal and moral basis has been defeated. You now run to your ridiculous fear mongering over slippery slopes that don't exist and throw a tantrum every time someone calls you out on what you are supporting.
You've certainly NOT defeated anything here.