The Global Elite: Rigging the Rules That Fuel Inequality

he's quite the tough guy calling my kids names from the safety of the internet.....

not so tough in other circumstances, I'd imagine.
"everyone deserves an equal playing field" is the key flaw in America. Our founders system of "The harder workers do better" is gone and today it's the Company that finds the Country with the cheapest labor.

We are a VERY successful Country and we DEMAND that our manufacturers be paid less than someone in a 3rd world Country otherwise we will outsource the job.

Since very young Children working for nearly nothing are cheaper than an American Wage jobs are outsourced.


In order for America to stay a successful Country we either have to drop our workers pay or we find reasons our employers should hire local.

Well Goober as I’ve explained to you so many times before, it’s your beloved fucking government you can blame for outsourcing.

America with its highest corporate tax rate on the globe only benefits the wealthiest corporations and their political partners in Washington, along with some of the world’s most burdensome regulations. It curtails most of their smaller business competition based in America because they lack the resources to move off shore where tax rates are lower and regulations less burdensome.

Manufacturing in America isn’t small and smaller business friendly thanks to your beloved bastards in Washington, you leftwing moron!
these idiots actualy think the world would be better if it was run by corporations.

how fucking stupid can you get
these idiots actualy think the world would be better if it was run by corporations.

how fucking stupid can you get

Wrong again shit-for-brains; the idiots are people like you who support massive Government thinking politicians can be the arbiters of what is good, what is fair and what kind of jobs should be created.

But since when did dunces like you with the economic acumen of an earthworm ever comprehend anything beyond the dullard talking points you are spoon fed to parrot like circus monkeys.
And you somehow think that politicians do not arrive in their postions of power without the support and approval of those who elect them....

Fucking weird.
Then why do you like GovCo?

Ironically, dunces like Comrade Dimwit are only enamoured with BIG Government when their "deciders" are in charge. The irony for dunces like these is that Government was NOT good when, say, Bush was President; but it miraculously became good when Obummer stepped into the White House.

That is how these simple minded dunces on the left think (oxymoron).
Ironically, dunces like Commander maineman are only enamoured with BIG Government when their "deciders" are in charge. The irony for dunces like these is that Government was NOT good when, say, Bush was President; but it miraculously became good when Obummer stepped into the White House.

That is how these simple minded dunces on the left think (oxymoron).

I am always skeptical of any president... what they say they will do and what their opponents in congress let them do are always worlds apart.