1. progressive income taxes limit the rate at which the wealthy can increase their wealth.
They do? So what you are saying is that if a wealthy person owns a high rise building, progressive tax rates limit how much that building will appreciate with time? How so?
If the wealthy person owns stocks worth $1 million, progressive tax rates will lower the rate of return on those investments? How so?
What is apparent is that you have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about or the difference between wealth and income or how wealth is created.
2. the government redistributes funds by providing social services.
So you think “funds” equates to wealth? Interesting presumption; but NO, funds do not equate to wealth and redistributing those “funds” will not make anyone “wealthier.”
3. wealth is definitely to the same as income. Net income adds to wealth.
Wrong; perhaps you need to look it up. NO wait, you’re too lazy and dishonest; I will do it for you.
I am amused that you think one needs income to increase wealth; where do you get this dimwitted nonsense?
Tell me how these two are the same:
in•comeˈɪn kʌmShow Spelled [in-kuhm]
1. the monetary payment received for goods or services, or from other sources, as rents or investments.
2. something that comes in as an addition or increase, especially by chance.
3. Archaic. a coming in.
Wealth wɛlθShow Spelled [welth]
1. a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches: the wealth of a city.
2. an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount: a wealth of imagery.
3. Economics .
a. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
b. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.
4. rich or valuable contents or produce: the wealth of the soil.
5. the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence: persons of wealth and standing.
Example; if I buy 1000 shares of apple at $10, and then the stock value increases to $20 in a year, I am now wealthier. Income had NOTHING to do with that. Progressive tax rates will not change that no matter how much you try to twist and spin like a top.
And I never said that progressive taxation "exists" to redistribute wealth.
Here is exactly what you said so that you can be less confused because you have a problem remembering through all your obfuscations and deflections:
Do you know what a progressive income tax DOES? Here's a clue... it adjusts the inequity between the wealthy and the poor by taxing the wealthy a greater percentage of their income than the poor are taxed.
I would argue that your claim that it adjusts the inequity between the wealthy and the poor is basically arguing that some form of exchange occurs to make things more equitable. We call this “redistribution.”
now...answer mine:
are you suggesting that a progressive income tax does not impact the rate at which people amass wealth?
Yes, that is exactly what I am suggesting; a progressive income tax has ZERO impact on the rate people amass wealth because the two are NOT the same and it is painfully stupid to suggest that they do.
See above.
Are you saying that if we allow poorer people to keep more of their earned income that they will not have the potential to see their wealth grow in a way they would not see if they were taxed at the same rate as wealthy people?
First, let’s be clear; when have I ever advocated that poor people should NOT be allowed to keep more of what they earn? The correct answer would be NEVER. So what is the purpose of this strawman claim? It serves no purpose other than to be dishonest and deflect; nothing more, nothing less because you just can’t help yourself.
Can the poor accumulate wealth by retaining more of their income sheltered from income taxes; that answer is an unequivocal NO, because accumulating income does not equate to wealth.
Are you saying that poor people can become wealthy simply by Government allowing them to keep more of what they earn? That is simply stupid.
Yes really; you are THAT incredibly dumb and uninformed. No wonder you voted for Obama twice.
And you call me stupid; rather ironic don't you think?