The God Equation

We all believe in a lot of things which cannot be scientifically tested in a mass spectrometer or particle accelerator.

The Declaration of Independence asserts that all humans are created equal and are endowed with natural rights which supercede any king, secular law, or social convention. The French Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes similar claims.

There is no laboratory or experimental evidence to support that belief.

It is a social construct rooted in the philosophical belief in natural law.

Soren Kierkegaard said that most religious belief is fake and inauthentic. In 19th century Denmark, he felt most people claimed and demostrated belief simply by attending Church once a week and listening to the pastor. Kierkegaard maintained that true belief was far more difficult and complex than that.

"Believe in?"

We all?

I guess about some things; I speculate about some things; I hypothesize about some things. I do not hide the fact that I am guessing, speculating, or calling it "belief."

So, respectfully as possible, Cypress...not all of us do.
Most religions agree with Kiekegaard

They say THEIR religion is the only true one

So they believe most are fake

I do not think that is true of all religious traditions.

I am pretty sure Buddhism is silent on other religions. I doubt Hinduism Jainism, Daoism, animism have anything theologically or philosophically hostile to say about other religions.

I believe the Hindu-Muslim conflict in Kashmir, or the Buddhist-Muslim conflict in Myanmar originates from political differences, not religious.
"Believe in?"

We all?

I guess about some things; I speculate about some things; I hypothesize about some things. I do not hide the fact that I am guessing, speculating, or calling it "belief."

So, respectfully as possible, Cypress...not all of us do.

Cypress cannot understand why everyone is not a fundamentalist Christian like himself.
I do not think that is true of all religious traditions.

I am pretty sure Buddhism is silent on other religions. I doubt Hinduism Jainism, Daoism, animism have anything theologically or philosophically hostile to say about other religions.

I believe the Hindu-Muslim conflict in Kashmir, or the Buddhist-Muslim conflict in Myanmar originates from political differences, not religious.

Which is why I said most and not all
"Believe in?"

We all?

I guess about some things; I speculate about some things; I hypothesize about some things. I do not hide the fact that I am guessing, speculating, or calling it "belief."

So, respectfully as possible, Cypress...not all of us do.

According to the Oxford dictionary, belief is somewhat stronger than baseless opinion, but does not reach the level of an object of knowledge.

It is somewhere in between those two end points.

Therefore, when someone says they believe in natural law, in god, in a certain moral code, I myself cannot really quibble with that, or proceed to explain to them how wrong they are.

Just my two cents
Christianity and Islam seem to present themselves as the only true path to spiritual liberation. I think that trends to be pretty unique in the pantheon of world religions

Most religious people believe those fractured up faiths

There are many versions

And they can even hate each other’s interpretations
What debate?

There are many debates

This is just one debate

So it isn’t THE debate
Are mathematicians close to figuring out the universe?
Should mathematicians receive most of the funding for cosmology?
Will mathematicians come up with the next big breakthrough in astrophysics?
Is there any evidence that a black hole is actually dark matter?
I know it’s a lot to ask

But did you listen to this guy?

It’s pretty interesting

Well documented

This famous neurosurgeon had no reason to manufacture these experiences and all the experts and testing said his higher brain was reduced to basically puss infected dead cells

They could not find any explanation for how he was alive let alone with an intact brain

CAUTION: this poster forgot to fully investigate
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Are mathematicians close to figuring out the universe?
Should mathematicians receive most of the funding for cosmology?
Will mathematicians come up with the next big breakthrough in astrophysics?
Is there any evidence that a black hole is actually dark matter?

Question 1. They are closer every day and discovery

Question 2. Per my Tesla quote I say no

Question 3.I say yes. That is where the finding is

Question 4. I’m not sure. I don’t think so

But Higgs bosen was just an idea for quite awhile until it was proven
Are mathematicians close to figuring out the universe?
Should mathematicians receive most of the funding for cosmology?
Will mathematicians come up with the next big breakthrough in astrophysics?
Is there any evidence that a black hole is actually dark matter?

The video before that one is an scholar in the field discussing the field and it’s documented cases


I quoted the wrong poster

That was for cy
--->" My own point of view is that you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God."<---
This is the Agnostic view.

"ag•nos•tic ăg-nŏs′tĭk►
n. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God."

Disagree with this. The quote suggests that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. So science is agnostic, because God is not part of the natural world. Knowledge about anything is a sliding scale, not an absolute. So I guess that makes me agnostic about Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Unicorns, leprechauns, and Harry Potter. It's why I think the term 'agnostic' is a dodge. It implies that both possibilities are equally probable, and they are absolutely not.
Disagree with this. The quote suggests that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. So science is agnostic, because God is not part of the natural world. Knowledge about anything is a sliding scale, not an absolute. So I guess that makes me agnostic about Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Unicorns, leprechauns, and Harry Potter. It's why I think the term 'agnostic' is a dodge. It implies that both possibilities are equally probable, and they are absolutely not.

Exactly my point about agnosticism, as well.
Disagree with this. The quote suggests that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. So science is agnostic, because God is not part of the natural world. Knowledge about anything is a sliding scale, not an absolute. So I guess that makes me agnostic about Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Unicorns, leprechauns, and Harry Potter. It's why I think the term 'agnostic' is a dodge. It implies that both possibilities are equally probable, and they are absolutely not.

Why don't people say they are agnostic about Zeus? Zeus is a God. Because they start off believing Zeus is a belief by ancient Greeks.
Why pretend the Christian God is no less a cultural construction? Why pretend to be agnostic about that God?
Disagree with this. The quote suggests that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. So science is agnostic, because God is not part of the natural world. Knowledge about anything is a sliding scale, not an absolute. So I guess that makes me agnostic about Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Unicorns, leprechauns, and Harry Potter. It's why I think the term 'agnostic' is a dodge. It implies that both possibilities are equally probable, and they are absolutely not.

Well. That is the definition of 'Agnostic'. You can call it whatever you want to call it, but that is the definition.
'God' may or may not be "part of the natural world". There may be some ultimate 'force' out there that created everything. (Probably not an old white guy with a beard that resembles Zeus though)

Concart: "It's why I think the term 'agnostic' is a dodge. It implies that both possibilities are equally probable, and they are absolutely not."
Jack: We all have our opinions. At this point, I can neither prove to myself there is or is not a 'God'. The people that are POSITIVE there IS (or ISN'T) a 'God' are just operating on 'Belief' ... or wishful thinking.
Well. That is the definition of 'Agnostic'. You can call it whatever you want to call it, but that is the definition.
'God' may or may not be "part of the natural world". There may be some ultimate 'force' out there that created everything. (Probably not an old white guy with a beard that resembles Zeus though)

Concart: "It's why I think the term 'agnostic' is a dodge. It implies that both possibilities are equally probable, and they are absolutely not."
Jack: We all have our opinions. At this point, I can neither prove to myself there is or is not a 'God'. The people that are POSITIVE there IS (or ISN'T) a 'God' are just operating on 'Belief' ... or wishful thinking.

I think you are missing his point. You clearly have an idea of God and what God existing means. You only imagine the negation as its opposite.