The God Equation

The laws of motion are natural laws that give researchers a place to start experiments. There are a few boundaries that normally can't be violated but can evolve.

I was referring to the natural law invoked by Declaration of Independence, the French Revolution, John Locke, and the medieval Christian theologians, et al. It exists firmly in the context of jurisprudence and perceived universal moral code. There is no scientific experiment which can prove the truth of natural law and natural rights.
I know it’s a lot to ask

But did you listen to this guy?
I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I skimmed it and went to the Wikipedia entry on him.

Consciousness is a mystery that modern science really does not have a coherent theory about. There is a mystery about consciousness which will not be solved in our lifetimes, if ever.

To me, consciousness and the ultimate origin of the universe are the most profound remaining mysteries, and they may ultimately be incomprehensible to our limited cognition.
I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I skimmed it and went to the Wikipedia entry on him.

Consciousness is a mystery that modern science really does not have a coherent theory about. There is a mystery about consciousness which will not be solved in our lifetimes, if ever.

To me, consciousness and the ultimate origin of the universe are the most profound remaining mysteries, and they may ultimately be incomprehensible to our limited cognition.


It’s his description of the other side

There is a part where he finds himself in the dark

Like he’s a worm underground

But no sense of a body

Surrounded by veins and arteries connecting through and around him

He tries to make the sounds he heard while with the beautiful girl


And everything vibrates and then he transports

He’s describing the matrix

CAUTION: this poster forgot to fully investigate
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It’s his description of the other side

There is a part where he finds himself in the dark

Like he’s a worm underground

But no sense of a body

Surrounded by veins and arteries connecting through and around him

He tries to make the sounds he heard while with the beautiful girl


And everything vibrates and then he transports

He’s describing the matrix

Yes got the impression I got was that his near death experience led him to feel consciousness was separate from the body.

There are actually serious philosophers and scientists who do not categorically rule out that observable existence could conceivably be a computer simulation.
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the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
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That's the dictionary definition, yes. But forced-birthers call abortion "murder" even though it is lawful. They wish to declare it illegal and punishable.
I was referring to the natural law invoked by Declaration of Independence, the French Revolution, John Locke, and the medieval Christian theologians, et al. It exists firmly in the context of jurisprudence and perceived universal moral code. There is no scientific experiment which can prove the truth of natural law and natural rights.
Oh. I still can't tell if you support The God Equation or if you see it as fairy-tale math. The way I understand it is the god equation fits with special relativity, so general relativity will become obsolete. Einstein eventually had to admit that math was overrated.
Oh. I still can't tell if you support The God Equation or if you see it as fairy-tale math. The way I understand it is the god equation fits with special relativity, so general relativity will become obsolete. Einstein eventually had to admit that math was overrated.

Aesthetically, I appreciate the concept that all reality could be boiled down to a single equation. String theory seems elegant, and claims to ultimately be able to unify relativity with quantum mechanics.

I do not have a dog in the fight, and I am not competent in advanced theoretical mathematics to be able to say I personally support one theory over another.
Well. That is the definition of 'Agnostic'. You can call it whatever you want to call it, but that is the definition.
'God' may or may not be "part of the natural world". There may be some ultimate 'force' out there that created everything. (Probably not an old white guy with a beard that resembles Zeus though)

Concart: "It's why I think the term 'agnostic' is a dodge. It implies that both possibilities are equally probable, and they are absolutely not."
Jack: We all have our opinions. At this point, I can neither prove to myself there is or is not a 'God'. The people that are POSITIVE there IS (or ISN'T) a 'God' are just operating on 'Belief' ... or wishful thinking.

What you failed to address is my statement that the two possibilities are not equal. Are you positive that Santa doesn't exist? I rest my case. It is not 'wishful thinking'. It's called observation and science. God, by definition, is not part of the natural world. That isn't even a subject for debate.
What you failed to address is my statement that the two possibilities are not equal. Are you positive that Santa doesn't exist? I rest my case. It is not 'wishful thinking'. It's called observation and science. God, by definition, is not part of the natural world. That isn't even a subject for debate.

It is just as possible the earth is held up on the back of an invisible turtle as not. Agnostic.
It is just as possible the earth is held up on the back of an invisible turtle as not. Agnostic.

Exactly. We are limited by our ability to observe and measure the natural world. There is nothing we can observe that indicates God exists. NOTHING. The conclusion is that God does not exist. Could that change? Sure, if God decides to land in Times Square and let scientists measure his shoe size. But there is nothing in the natural, observable world that indicates the existence of God. Zero. Nil. Nada. Intelligent Design is nonsense, not science. Belief and fact are not the same thing. That argument holds no water.
Aesthetically, I appreciate the concept that all reality could be boiled down to a single equation. String theory seems elegant, and claims to ultimately be able to unify relativity with quantum mechanics.

I do not have a dog in the fight, and I am not competent in advanced theoretical mathematics to be able to say I personally support one theory over another.
Math is a metaphor for our understanding of the universe that changes depending on the galaxy or dimension. Michio Kaku said the multiverse is 11 dimensional, and he has a side hustle on TV advocating for ancient aliens. Would he write a book on the unification of religion if the money was right?

Humans built pyramids without any help from aliens or gods.
What you failed to address is my statement that the two possibilities are not equal. Are you positive that Santa doesn't exist? I rest my case. It is not 'wishful thinking'. It's called observation and science. God, by definition, is not part of the natural world. That isn't even a subject for debate.

Concart: "What you failed to address is my statement that the two possibilities are not equal."
Jack; Maybe they are NOT equal to YOU. I can not refute the existence of a 'Great Spirit'. I, personally, don't have a problem with not knowing. 'NOT KNOWING' doesn't effect my life in any way.

Concart: "Are you positive that Santa doesn't exist? I rest my case."
Jack: Yeah, he doesn't exist ... but does serve a purpose. So, maybe there is something in there for those that want to Believe?

Concart: "It is not 'wishful thinking'. It's called observation and science. God, by definition, is not part of the natural world. That isn't even a subject for debate."
Jack: 'God' may have a very broad definition. Using it in a sense as a 'Watchmaker', with the accompanying small glasses, long grey hair, and aged appearance, (maybe the conventional perception), I would tend to agree.
Math is a metaphor for our understanding of the universe that changes depending on the galaxy or dimension. Michio Kaku said the multiverse is 11 dimensional, and he has a side hustle on TV advocating for ancient aliens. Would he write a book on the unification of religion if the money was right?

Humans built pyramids without any help from aliens or gods.

You made a bunch of claims about Dr. Kaku which I have never heard and which you make no attempt to corroborate by link to reputable source

I have no idea if string theory is a correct interpretation of reality, or not.

I do know that string theory is taken seriously by more physicists than Dr. Kaku. It is not even remotely close to being a lone crack pot hypothesis. It resides well within the boundaries of acceptable ideas in modern physics. That right there is enough for me to at least treat
string theory seriously.

Until a way to test string theory is ever developed, to me it will never rise to anything more than a creative idea. Some physicists seem to think that even if string theory is an incomplete interpretation of reality, there is still something so elegant and profound in it's mathematics it might be telling us something about the nature of reality, even if only in an indirect way.