The Godless Left

I dunno how much a lot is but the vast majority was not, @ least in Europe........

I dunno if I actually believe in that concept of holding ppl responsible for the actions of others, even if they are related in some manner, especially over multiple generations......

The church fully condoned the actions of spain & portugal even as many of the spiritual leaders sent along condemned their actions..

The church in recognizing these past mistakes apologized more than once I believe for their role in the slave trades.......

Islamic Tatars enslaved about 4 million Eastern Europeans.

Before that Jews played a role in the slave trade of Christians between Iberia & Khazaria.
I dunno how much a lot is but the vast majority was not, @ least in Europe........

I dunno if I actually believe in that concept of holding ppl responsible for the actions of others, even if they are related in some manner, especially over multiple generations......

The church fully condoned the actions of spain & portugal even as many of the spiritual leaders sent along condemned their actions..

The church in recognizing these past mistakes apologized more than once I believe for their role in the slave trades.......

I'm not necessarily just blaming past Grrmsnics.

A lot of Germanics in Europe support Abortion & Euthanasia.

A lot of USA Germanics support War, Guns. Greed & anti poor measures.

Germanicd make lousy Christians.
Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet
how about people who don't believe in a deity and have nothing to keep them from murdering or raping?.......

You really have no logic and I hope those dots mean sarcasm. Nothing but themselves stops those things. Even the faithful have committed some of the most heinous atrocities and most none faithful don't do those things by humane principle alone.

Here's some critique you need to hear for your sake. You are acting as one of those holier than thou types I mentioned to Jack and that's antichristian behavior. There is no exclusive club, the faith and sacrifices made were for everyone. You need to point that finger back at yourself and better yourself instead of telling others to better themselves on principle. Bettering yourself and helping others is Christianity and pointing the finger and sitting up high on your laurels is an antithesis to it. It's Antichrist territory to enrobe yourself in the faith and use it against your fellow people.

It's this.

Not this.

West of the Danube?
What was different to the East of the Danube?

A figure of speech for the Eurasian lands and Vendic/Buddhist traditions outside the Greco-Roman world and early Medieval European tradition.

(Yes, I am aware the Greeks technically lived as far as Crimea and Bacteria).
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Islamic Tatars enslaved about 4 million Eastern Europeans.

Before that Jews played a role in the slave trade of Christians between Iberia & Khazaria.

Yes, but the Tatars were mostly in Asia & east of turky but did play a huge role until the Russians started slaughtering them..

Never heard of a trade between them-Iberia, Iberian Peninsula~ Portugal & Spain mainly dealt w/ the New World w/ African slaves, along w/ other Euro traders & the Khazars w/ Slavic/Nordic Christians sold into Islamic turkey
Because humans on the left do not have relationships with God they have to believe lies in order that they can perform acts of sin and iniquity. Otherwise, they can’t see themselves as decent people.

For example, the Russian hoax and fake kkk and Jussie Smallet and burnin lootin and killin etc etc etc. these things that are done in broad daylight for the world to see are intellectually owned as either not happening or happening depending on the preconceived philosophical prejudice of the moment.

Attention all ignorant millennials listening. True morals come from God not you. You’re just making life harder for yourselves. Seek the Lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is near. You will die and it will be soon and then it’s too late.

Blessings are blindly guessing that there is a "god"...and that there is something wrong with anyone who does not make that same blind guess.


That is such a stupid proposition, wouldn't it be better to hide it rather than post it?
Mist atheists were steeped in religion just like you. They just made a wiser decision when they reached the age of reason.

I do not proclaim the superiority of either Christianity, atheism, Judaism, or Buddhism.

To the extent I know anything about world religions, it is because I feel one cannot understand history, philosophy, sociology, even science without attempting to be informed about religion.
I'm not necessarily just blaming past Grrmsnics.

A lot of Germanics in Europe support Abortion & Euthanasia.

A lot of USA Germanics support War, Guns. Greed & anti poor measures.

Germanicd make lousy Christians.

I think most Europeans/Euro countries support the legalization..

I dunno if Americans of German decent do so more than anyone else, I have never seen anything to support that...

Again, I have no way to measure/no quantifier to compare German Christians opposed to others.. Do you??
Were there even abortions at the time of Jesus in the Mid East?

The Romans had a custom for unwanted children-they left them out in the elements... Infanticide was practiced in much of the world..

It was finally outlawed by Constantine & Valentinian.......
The Romans had a custom for unwanted children-they left them out in the elements... Infanticide was practiced in much of the world..

It was finally outlawed by Constantine & Valentinian.......

Nice work.
Banning infanticide was inspired by Christian ethics. The Greeks and most societies of the bronze and iron ages practiced infanticide on a regular basis. To be semi-fair, they considered it a matter of survival and self-preservation, because most pre-Empire pagan cultures were subsistence societies, always on the edge of starvation and incapable of allowing over-population are blindly guessing that there is a "god"...and that there is something wrong with anyone who does not make that same blind guess.


That is such a stupid proposition, wouldn't it be better to hide it rather than post it?

It was delivered in love brother frank

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Blessings my ass!



How dare you come here and insult the intelligence of mankind YOU SQUALID MISERABLE HYPOCRITICAL scum-sucking excuse for human flesh!

GOD! IF YOU ARE LISTENING.................................

Can you imagine if I were the grand inquisitor of Spain lol. I’m not. I think Torquemada was a leftist actually.
The religious threw their belief systems out so easily when Trump came along. He is the first atheist president in a long time. The Christians choose quickly to jump onto the nasty, low level, foul and cruel Trump bandwagon. We have to question whether they really are religious. Trump has abased political dialogue and lies for sport. Some of his lies are so blatant that they are laughable. He has a cruel streak and does not care about others. That has to conflict with your religion, yet you do it and brag about it.

That’s possible. But not me my child.