The Godless Left

Hate? How am I hating?

Since when is it "hatred" to criticize someone's political or religious beliefs? It's not like I'm criticizing something you can't control, like your skin color or your sexual orientation.

Not you personally. I just throw stuff out there for all. See, I’m not racist at all.
But I take the Bible questions seriously.
Not you personally. I just throw stuff out there for all. See, I’m not racist at all.
But I take the Bible questions seriously.

Which Bible are we talking about? The Protestant Bible? The Catholic Bible? Or how about the Orthodox Bible.

Neither Bible has the same exact canon. Martin Luther removed several books from the OT and almost removed James from the NT. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church considers The Didache, which is essentially a first-century catechism, as scripture. Etc., etc.
Which Bible are we talking about? The Protestant Bible? The Catholic Bible? Or how about the Orthodox Bible.

Neither Bible has the same exact canon. Martin Luther removed several books from the OT and almost removed James from the NT. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church considers The Didache, which is essentially a first-century catechism, as scripture. Etc., etc.

The ASV 1901

I understand how you believe that completely. And I’m right about the allegorical hermeneutic. You see brother, the literal interpretation cannot be fully utilized with your position. That is why Israel to you is not Israel. I understand. I disagree. I believe the Bible could be taken literally and at face value.

It is when one has a preconceived philosophical prejudice that he must resort to another than literal rendering of the holy texts.

Why does it make sense that a bunch of Yiddish German speakers who reject Christ, best represent Christ?
As a secular humanist whose Catholic upbringing didn't stick, I say worship however the hell you want.

Just keep your "faith" out of the laws of the land. That goes for you fetus and embryo lovers as well.

Theocracy is incompatible with democracy.
Atheists are arguably the primary reason why "democracy" or similar concepts were a mistake, and that a theocracy in which the righteous rightfully govern the immoral is the solution.

Because of the atheist, "democracy" has become but a den of pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and other evil individuals who want to believe that their own perverse worldviews are "equal" to that of God and morality.

In a theocracy, depraved individuals who wish to legalize rape, pedophilia, sexual acts with animals, and other vile perversity would not be allowed to exist - neither would degenerate "art" and entertainment which promotes perversity, nihilism, and similar uncouth notions.

Sadly, it takes a modern "democratic" government to give allowance to such evils - the answer, of course is institution of enlightened, theocratic rule - in which evildoers will be imprisoned or executed by the state, rather than allowed to peddle their perversity to children like the brood of vipers that they are.

(We would also not allow degenerate "churches" or religion, which has been dumbed down the level of crass heathenism simply to sell to the lowest common denominator - such "churches", if you can call them that would be banned and burned to the ground - we would allow only 1 national church and national, publicly funded religion which all heretical sects and degenerates would be forcibly converted to, or else put to death, much as churches of the past rightfully did to heretics, when modern perversity such as "separation of church and state" prevented God's chosen churches from rightfully assuming their God-ordained role of the state).
Question 1. I can be a living sacrifice as a slave or a master, a king or a begger and nothing can affect my joy, it remains eternal.

Question 2. The scriptures are the final authority in all things pertaining to man.

Fuck no they are not. I feel sorry for people who buy that crap from people who are hooking you to them financially for life. It is cruel to terrify children to hook them. Religions are evil cons.
Fuck no they are not. I feel sorry for people who buy that crap from people who are hooking you to them financially for life. It is cruel to terrify children to hook them. Religions are evil cons.

Ah nigberg speaketh. Was there a question in there? Because I answered your two “unanswerable qs”

As a secular humanist whose Catholic upbringing didn't stick, I say worship however the hell you want.

Just keep your "faith" out of the laws of the land. That goes for you fetus and embryo lovers as well.

Theocracy is incompatible with democracy.

That’s nothing to brag about.
Aren’t the masses in Latin so that the laypeople can’t understand a word?

Atheists are arguably the primary reason why "democracy" or similar concepts were a mistake, and that a theocracy in which the righteous rightfully govern the immoral is the solution.

Because of the atheist, "democracy" has become but a den of pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and other evil individuals who want to believe that their own perverse worldviews are "equal" to that of God and morality.

In a theocracy, depraved individuals who wish to legalize rape, pedophilia, sexual acts with animals, and other vile perversity would not be allowed to exist - neither would degenerate "art" and entertainment which promotes perversity, nihilism, and similar uncouth notions.

Sadly, it takes a modern "democratic" government to give allowance to such evils - the answer, of course is institution of enlightened, theocratic rule - in which evildoers will be imprisoned or executed by the state, rather than allowed to peddle their perversity to children like the brood of vipers that they are.

(We would also not allow degenerate "churches" or religion, which has been dumbed down the level of crass heathenism simply to sell to the lowest common denominator - such "churches", if you can call them that would be banned and burned to the ground - we would allow only 1 national church and national, publicly funded religion which all heretical sects and degenerates would be forcibly converted to, or else put to death, much as churches of the past rightfully did to heretics, when modern perversity such as "separation of church and state" prevented God's chosen churches from rightfully assuming their God-ordained role of the state).

A fine piece.

Marcus, you've got serious fucking issues.
I hope you find a good deprogrammer.

You poor child. I really feel for you truly I do.

He is right. Democracy only works when a population is of high moral character.

Once the lefty’s are a majority democracy is replaced with pragmatism. The Republicans are not the moral amount us either. They only do if it is pragmatic and not because it should be done.

Once pragmatism replaces democracies, hedonism sets in. Yes Republicans and Democrats boasting about Devil’s island of pedophilia.

Once hedonism is fully accepted like pornography for example. Anarchy takes the throne to which the final stages of democracy goes back to military dictatorships.

That is why a theocracy is preferable.

Perhaps Trump could usher in a military take over. I’m sure the innocent white people being targeted by radical homosexuals and ignorant fatherless blacks could appreciate that and accept it. I would.