The Godless Left

Did the Messiah have to come in the first century? Yes. Why? Because all of the genealogical records were destroyed in the fire of A.D. 70.

Yeshua had to prove lineage to David and Judah.

It does not matter what percentages Jew has. If his father is Jewish then he is a Jew.
Salvation is of the Jews. (Sounds like we might need to claim that verse for Catholics so yeah, we are Israel) get the point?

Augustine did not change the scriptures they are intact and they are the plenary inspired word of God.

What happened was the gentile church fathers excommunicated the Jewish church fathers in the 3rd century. This happened out of the Easter controversy. You can look that up if you care.

Because Augustine became a “Christian” (more like a Catholic) he used executive order to decree every citizen of Rome to be Christian. At that time the mysteries religions were the cultural norms in Rome, Greece, and among the Roman provinces. Because the populous were heavily seated in idolatrous practices it was politically prudent for Auggie and Sons to create an interpretation that could mix Christianity the world’s newest religion with the belief systems of their day. This was not possible if the Jewish nation of the Old Testament were seen as a literal race of Abe’s descendants who were called to be spiritual guides to the Gentiles.

In the third century, the mystery religions were all based upon the pre deluge period of history (Gen 6) where angelic beings fornicated with human women creating a hybrid race of super humans. What scripture condemned, the lefty’s glorified producing the same gods in Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Same gods different names.

This was the opening for Auggie and the boys to create a new science of biblical study - allegory. By making the church the true Israel the early church fathers succeeded in the amalgamation of all of the Roman citizens into Christendom.

These are facts. The evidence is there for any Trump Dick and Harry to investigate.
I am a literalist and what Augustine did is a matter of public record.

What on Earth are you talking about here?

What makes you think Agustine could decree anything?
Because humans on the left do not have relationships with God they have to believe lies in order that they can perform acts of sin and iniquity. Otherwise, they can’t see themselves as decent people.

For example, the Russian hoax and fake kkk and Jussie Smallet and burnin lootin and killin etc etc etc. these things that are done in broad daylight for the world to see are intellectually owned as either not happening or happening depending on the preconceived philosophical prejudice of the moment.

Attention all ignorant millennials listening. True morals come from God not you. You’re just making life harder for yourselves. Seek the Lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is near. You will die and it will be soon and then it’s too late.


Can you seriously argue that anyone connected with the American Right is a Christian? You don't know what the word means, child.
You are proselytizing. You like being a Christian. So what.

This is the definition of proselytizing:

"the action of attempting to convert someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another." - Oxford dictionary
There is not a reasonable and honest poster who will ever claim that I proselytize on this forum. I am immune being shamed from stating historical facts.
You are proselytizing. You like being a Christian. So what.
This is the definition of proselytizing:

"the action of attempting to convert someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another." - Oxford dictionary
There is not a reasonable and honest poster who will claim I am proselytizing.

I am immune to attempts to shame me from stating historical facts. More importantly, I do not play on any teams - I do not proclaim the superiority of either Christianity, Atheism, Judaism, or Buddhism. Just because you play on a team does not mean I do.
Because humans on the left do not have relationships with God they have to believe lies in order that they can perform acts of sin and iniquity. Otherwise, they can’t see themselves as decent people.

For example, the Russian hoax and fake kkk and Jussie Smallet and burnin lootin and killin etc etc etc. these things that are done in broad daylight for the world to see are intellectually owned as either not happening or happening depending on the preconceived philosophical prejudice of the moment.

Attention all ignorant millennials listening. True morals come from God not you. You’re just making life harder for yourselves. Seek the Lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is near. You will die and it will be soon and then it’s too late.


Don't forget soul-less, brainless and humorless.
Peace n Safety - Surely it is through the MOTHER that Jewishness passes?

Um that was after the Catholic crusaders raped Jewish women during their pilgrimages to Jerusalem. Because nine months later one couldn’t be certain that the father was the Jewish husband or crusader rapist, rabbinic Judaism decided to depart from the biblical determination that is always through the father. I thought you knew things.
