The Godless Left

Rabbinic Judaism does not follow the biblical definition of a Jew. In fact many think of Jewishness as a religion. In part because of Messianic Christianity. Did you know that a Jew can’t be a Christian and immigrate to Israel?

The biblical definition is a son of Abe Isaac and Jacob (not Ishmael).

Jewish motherhood became a thing in Judaism because of the Christian rape of Jewish women during the crusades. Who’s the daddy? Jew dad or Christian raper?


Synagogue of Satan.
Anyways back to topic.
Humanity is in such total depravity that if God wanted to do something he had to intervene.

The natural progression of the progressive left is to degrade into the type of humans who inhabited the land of Canaan prior to the Joshua invasion.

Men on all fours being humbled by other men sometimes multiple men at a time.

People performing bestiality.

Worshipping devils by human sacrifices.

This is where you are headed. This time it won’t be a flood. And won’t be Israel burning through the chaff. It will be the great and terrible Day of the Lord, the Tribulation.

No sis, I’m new. I live in Hawaii. That’s why I’m posting while you’re catching flies


Sure thing there, Stevie Blunder. :rofl2:

Someone asked me my opinion on your status. Verified! Your gf has been pining; don't forget to drop by the TSSH and reassure the pathetic thing. Just in time for Xmas!
Synagogue of Satan.

It could be. And it could be a reference to the Catholic Church of the 3rd century. These are two views which can be investigated and then brought to our opinions concerning the passage.

I do know that the current state of Israel will be going into the Tribulation for the wrath of God to be poured out. So if Israel is not Israel and the church is Israel according to you, buckle your seatbelt cause God ain’t happy w/u

It could be. And it could be a reference to the Catholic Church of the 3rd century. These are two views which can be investigated and then brought to our opinions concerning the passage.

I do know that the current state of Israel will be going into the Tribulation for the wrath of God to be poured out. So if Israel is not Israel and the church is Israel according to you, buckle your seatbelt cause God ain’t happy w/u


Sure thing bub, the Catholicd of the 3rd century called themselves as Jews.

Jesus spoke of true Jews as those who accept him.

The Bible speaks of the one true church.

Catholics are the true spiritual Jews.

Protestants are traitors & Askenazis are the anti- Christ's.

This explains your political views.
You need to read the Bible for yourself and disregard the pope telling the masses that scripture is above their pay grade. I place your level of spirituality on the same level with that crazed woman pastor behind trump. The blonde lady.

Rabbinic Judaism does not follow the biblical definition of a Jew. In fact many think of Jewishness as a religion. In part because of Messianic Christianity. Did you know that a Jew can’t be a Christian and immigrate to Israel?

The biblical definition is a son of Abe Isaac and Jacob (not Ishmael).

Jewish motherhood became a thing in Judaism because of the Christian rape of Jewish women during the crusades. Who’s the daddy? Jew dad or Christian raper?


However it came about...IT CAME ABOUT.

According to order to be considered a Jew, you must be the child of a Jewish woman.
I pulled this out from the archives in my study of revelation. This will help our Catholic friends understand what scriptures say when taken literally.

Destination: Thyatira
Name: means perpetual sacrifice, fitting picture of the continual sacrifices of Christ in the Mass.
Date: 600-1570 A.D.
Description: Eyes a flame of fire - symbol of judgement
Commendation: they are commended for producing more than they did earlier
Condemnation: one key thing - the toleration of jezebel a reference to Queen jezebel a Phoenician, who introduced a new religious system in Israel, the worship of Baal. During this period of church history idolatry introduced. 10 doctrines made by Roman Catholicism introduced resulting in spiritual adultery. (1) baptismal regeneration, (2) salvation by works, (3) the worship of images, (4) celibacy, (5) confessionalism , (6) purgatory, (7) transubstantiation, (8) indulgences, (9) penance, and (10) Mariology. These ten things corrupted the original faith resulting in a brand new religious system.
Judgement: the Roman Catholic Church will be thrown into the Great Tribulation.
Exhortation: those individuals during this period are to hold fast, remain pure, not to get involved in the things of jezebel
Promise: (1) They are not to try and exercise authority over the nations during this time as the Catholic Church did, they will have a part in the Kingdom at which time they will be given authority over the nations. (2) they will be given the Morning Star - Christ Himself.

This explains your political views.
You need to read the Bible for yourself and disregard the pope telling the masses that scripture is above their pay grade. I place your level of spirituality on the same level with that crazed woman pastor behind trump. The blonde lady.


Semantics gone wrong.
I pulled this out from the archives in my study of revelation. This will help our Catholic friends understand what scriptures say when taken literally.

Destination: Thyatira
Name: means perpetual sacrifice, fitting picture of the continual sacrifices of Christ in the Mass.
Date: 600-1570 A.D.
Description: Eyes a flame of fire - symbol of judgement
Commendation: they are commended for producing more than they did earlier
Condemnation: one key thing - the toleration of jezebel a reference to Queen jezebel a Phoenician, who introduced a new religious system in Israel, the worship of Baal. During this period of church history idolatry introduced. 10 doctrines made by Roman Catholicism introduced resulting in spiritual adultery. (1) baptismal regeneration, (2) salvation by works, (3) the worship of images, (4) celibacy, (5) confessionalism , (6) purgatory, (7) transubstantiation, (8) indulgences, (9) penance, and (10) Mariology. These ten things corrupted the original faith resulting in a brand new religious system.
Judgement: the Roman Catholic Church will be thrown into the Great Tribulation.
Exhortation: those individuals during this period are to hold fast, remain pure, not to get involved in the things of jezebel
Promise: (1) They are not to try and exercise authority over the nations during this time as the Catholic Church did, they will have a part in the Kingdom at which time they will be given authority over the nations. (2) they will be given the Morning Star - Christ Himself.


Delusional if you think Catholics are anti Christs & Ashkenazis are not.
Delusional if you think Catholics are anti Christs & Ashkenazis are not.

I did not say Catholics were Antichrists. The Antichrist will be a non Catholic of Italian descent. We know this because Daniel says he will be of the people that would come and destroy the second Temple, the Romans.

The Antichrist is not a Jew. That defeats the purpose.

There has been a two pronged attack on Jews since Matthew 12. Because Jesus literally presented himself as the Jew God Man King, the Messiah of Israel and was rejected by the Jewish leadership (not the people), Satan has implemented a dual strategy in order to thwart the Kingdom of God.

After the unpardonable sin in Matthew 12 Yeshua tells the Jews that they will not see him again until they confess him as God.

Satanic stratagem one: genocide
Number two: persecution in the name of Jesus.

If there is no literal Israel then Yeshua has no one to come back to so as to set up the Kingdom.

The prerequisite to the second coming of Yeshua is, the national confession of his Messiahship. Therefore if Satan can use the polish, the Russians, the Germans, the Spanish to massacre Jewish populations who are within their borders in the name of Jesus, then the Jew axiomatically is anti Jesus and anti Christianity.

Again thwarting the second coming which of course is impossible. Yet we have on display the very same behavior of pride by the leftist CV19 bullshittery and the lefty’s willful ignorance of truth. Satan in his pride knows that he cannot stop God’s plan yet he continues..
