Peace n Safety
Why are you giving one of the most prominent liberals here that shit? Cypress really irks the Trumpies.
I don’t my Cypriano at all. She knows how to disagree in the spirit of aloha
Why are you giving one of the most prominent liberals here that shit? Cypress really irks the Trumpies.
The "religious right" are as ungodly as they come.
He sounds like another role playing troll. His religious statements seems a bit out of sorts with both the loving devout and the holier than thou devout. He sounds like he's playing and is as Christian as you are a heavyweight boxing champ.
The Jewish Messiah
A Christian is one who has eternal life.
Um that was after the Catholic crusaders raped Jewish women during their pilgrimages to Jerusalem. Because nine months later one couldn’t be certain that the father was the Jewish husband or crusader rapist, rabbinic Judaism decided to depart from the biblical determination that is always through the father. I thought you knew things.
No of course not.
The Bible teaches that a Jew is determined by the father’s nationality. However, a half Jew where the mother is Jewish and not the father, in such cases the son can choose to identify with his Jewish side by circumcision. This was the case with Titus who was a gentile believer was not circumcised and Timothy whose mother was Jewish was circumcised in the book of Acts 15.
Saved from death.
From sin, because Adam brought sin and death into this world.
So that we can love one another unconditionally and completely into the eternal order.
Between the husband and wife all is permitted so long as each spouse agrees.
No, heaven, and he has sent his Son to be the penal sacrifice for you.
Ungodliness is not just immorality. It’s much much more. Like taking God’s name in vain. For example Creepy Joe Bidophile claims to be a follower of Christ but he insists on murdering black babies in the womb as if God supports him in that wicked procedure.
Not at all. I’m a great student of the Bible and a God worshipper and can prove it. Ask any Bible questions you want. I got this.
Which Bible do you use?
Here is a bibliography of the ones I use:
St. Joseph Edition of The New American Bible; Catholic book Publishing, NY; 1968 (Catholic)
The New American Bible; Thomas Nelson Inc, Nashville; 1971 (Catholic)
The Holy Bible King James Version; Thomas Nelson, Nashville: 1984 (Protestant)
The Holy Bible New International Version; Zondervan Bible Pub. Grand Rapids; 1978 (Non-demoninational)
The Scofield Reference Holy Bible (King James Version); Oxford Univ. Press; NY; 1909 (Protestant)
The Holy Scriptures Masoretic Text; Jewish Publ Society; Philadelphia: 1955 (Jewish)
The Holy Bible, St.Joseph Textbook Edition, Confraternity Version; Catholic book Publ: NY; 1963; (Catholic)
The Holy Bible Revised Berkeley Version; The Gideons Intrl; 1984; (Non-denominational Protestant)
The New American Catholic Edition of The Holy Bible; Benziger Bros, Boston; 1950 (Catholic)
The Old Testament; Guild Press NY; 1965 (Catholic)
The Living Bible; Holman Illustrated Edition: A.J. Holman Co; Philadelphia; 1973 (Protestant)
The Holy Bible; King James Version; The World Publ Co: Cleveland; (no date); (Protestant)
The Old Testament; Hebrew Publishing Co: NY; 1916 (English & Hebrew) (Jewish)
**** Also I use
The Common Catechism of the Christian Faith: Seabury Press;NY 1975 (Protestant)
Catechism of the Catholic Church: Libreria Editrice Vaticana; Urbi et Orbi Comm; 1994 (Catholic)
The New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism: Catholic Book Publish; NY; 1962 (Catholic)
*****Plus, I have (estimated) 40 - 50 other books dealing with the Bible, religion, and philosophy that I use when posting.
Fuck you.
Your inner child is surfacing bp. No need for hostility. We are all friends here
Your god...which I am assuming is the god Jesus worshiped...thinks killing babies is no big deal. Interesting that your god is offended by people "taking his name in vain"...yet feels there is nothing wrong with owning and trading in slaves.
Weird god.