The Godless Left

Does that explain Jewish Deicide, Judas Iscariot & the Talmud stating Jesus is boiling in excrement in Jewish Hell called Gehenna?

This is a very good question and one to which the Rabbis are not able to use the Torah to defend their error.

Circa 400 BC Rabbinic Judaism instituted a fence to be built around the 613 provisions of the Mosaic Law called Mishna.

By the time of the first century Mishnaic Law superseded Mosaic Law. When Yeshua began his ministry he deliberately broke the fence down causing a violent reaction from the Sanhedrin. It’s an imperative vantage point to study the life of the Messiah from. Long story. But I’ll give you this: the house built upon the sand is the teachings of first century Pharisaic Judaism. The house built upon the rock is the teachings of the Jewish Messiah. Find one evangelical Christian who knows that. They are rare
When people started living in large groups like cities and towns, it was necessary to establish rules. Rules were in place long before Christianity was involved. The Babylonians had a legal code 2 centuries before Christ supposedly existed.

did you know none of the Ten Commandments were in it?......
Only true comment in your entire garbage rant. Tell us how you can ignore the evils of your lord and master trump while claiming others are lacking is such?

I for one have not seen evidence to support the salvation of Donald Trump. However, the policies towards Israel are inspiring enough for me to pray for his salvation and reelection.

Because humans on the left do not have relationships with God they have to believe lies in order that they can perform acts of sin and iniquity. Otherwise, they can’t see themselves as decent people.

For example, the Russian hoax and fake kkk and Jussie Smallet and burnin lootin and killin etc etc etc. these things that are done in broad daylight for the world to see are intellectually owned as either not happening or happening depending on the preconceived philosophical prejudice of the moment.

Attention all ignorant millennials listening. True morals come from God not you. You’re just making life harder for yourselves. Seek the Lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is near. You will die and it will be soon and then it’s too late.


Blessings my ass!



How dare you come here and insult the intelligence of mankind YOU SQUALID MISERABLE HYPOCRITICAL scum-sucking excuse for human flesh!

GOD! IF YOU ARE LISTENING.................................
The religious threw their belief systems out so easily when Trump came along. He is the first atheist president in a long time. The Christians choose quickly to jump onto the nasty, low level, foul and cruel Trump bandwagon. We have to question whether they really are religious. Trump has abased political dialogue and lies for sport. Some of his lies are so blatant that they are laughable. He has a cruel streak and does not care about others. That has to conflict with your religion, yet you do it and brag about it.
The religious threw their belief systems out so easily when Trump came along. He is the first atheist president in a long time. The Christians choose quickly to jump onto the nasty, low level, foul and cruel Trump bandwagon. We have to question whether they really are religious. Trump has abased political dialogue and lies for sport. Some of his lies are so blatant that they are laughable. He has a cruel streak and does not care about others. That has to conflict with your religion, yet you do it and brag about it.
