The Goode Family


JPP Modarater
The Goode Family is a show by the guy that did King of the Hill and Beavis and Buthead (I think). Its about an ultra liberal family. Its pretty funny.

One of the funniest things is their dog that they made a vegetarian. Its always plotting to get meat! LOL
I guess it wasn't that funny. Either that or liberals didn't like being poked fun at and got it canned. *shrug*
The Goode Family is a show by the guy that did King of the Hill and Beavis and Buthead (I think). Its about an ultra liberal family. Its pretty funny.

One of the funniest things is their dog that they made a vegetarian. Its always plotting to get meat! LOL

Pffftttt. This is weak.

My dog drinks mineral water, and goes to the puppy spa for massage aromatherapy.
Was it? I saw the first episode but didn't watch it again. The vegetarian dog was pretty funny.

You have to be home on a Friday night to watch it unless you DVR. Too bad its in that time slot, I think ti would have much better earlier in the week. Its pretty funny.
That reminds me, I'm taking my dog to Doggy yoga this afternoon.
Trust me, if you really love your dog you'd take her to the barn yard where he/she can roll in some cow flop! Well, that is unless doggie yoga includes becoming one with the tree their peeing on.
You have to be home on a Friday night to watch it unless you DVR. Too bad its in that time slot, I think ti would have much better earlier in the week. Its pretty funny.

Friday night? For some reason I thought the first episode I saw was in the middle of the week however I DVR'd it so I guess its possible it was on a Friday. It is cancelled though? I didn't get hooked after the first episode but it was funny.
Just checked out some bits on youtube. Not impressed. The writting is pretty lame. I don't even think a liberal hating, progressive bashing wingnut like Dixie would find this funny. Except the dog. Now what's funny but there's not enough of him.
My dog eats alpo and rolls in bear shit. I bet he's better adjusted then your dog! :)

No doubt!

My dog is a sissy little shi-tsu, so it's not really the type you take out to roll in cow dung or play frisbee with. LOL. She's a total girly dog, which explains the puppy spa and fancy groomer. Ha, trust me, I never wanted a shi-tsu, but she was homeless and I'm a sucker for homeless animals.