The Goode Family

No doubt!

My dog is a sissy little shi-tsu, so it's not really the type you take out to roll in cow dung or play frisbee with. LOL. She's a total girly dog, which explains the puppy spa and fancy groomer. Ha, trust me, I never wanted a shi-tsu, but she was homeless and I'm a sucker for homeless animals.
Trust me. Shi-Tzu's love rolling in cow poo. Where do you think their name comes from?
A likely excuse O_O

what there were no manly dogs to save?

I was kidding around dork. LOL.

I'm sure if I went to the dog shelter, I would have gotten a frisbee dog, or something. But, that's not what happened. My neighbor died, and left her shi-tsu homeless.

Thanks for your intense, but rather strange, interest in puppy choices.
I was kidding around dork. LOL.

I'm sure if I went to the dog shelter, I would have gotten a frisbee dog, or something. But, that's not what happened. My neighbor died, and left her shi-tsu homeless.

Thanks for your intense, but rather strange, interest in puppy choices.
Those little shitzoos live for a long, long time, so I hope you've planned on that. Their breathe gets stinkier and their teeth fall out and don't move around all that much, but they're still breathing. If you're not careful they could be dead for a week and you won't know, and you grab what you think is the head of a dust mop and it falls apart all over you. *shrug*
Those little shitzoos live for a long, long time, so I hope you've planned on that. Their breathe gets stinkier and their teeth fall out and don't move around all that much, but they're still breathing. If you're not careful they could be dead for a week and you won't know, and you grab what you think is the head of a dust mop and it falls apart all over you. *shrug*
Sounds like my old Plymouth.
I was thinking more in line with 'liberals who run the networks'. *shrug*

oh, like the same 'liberals' who put the show on to begin with.

What the hell's up with the shrugging after every post? Are we to assume you're completely unsure about every fucking thing you post?
oh, like the same 'liberals' who put the show on to begin with.

What the hell's up with the shrugging after every post? Are we to assume you're completely unsure about every fucking thing you post?

That would be creative liberals who like to make fun of anything v those now in charge who work to quash anything that conflicts with their narrow views.

You may assume anything you want about the shrug; how you interpret it says more about you, perhaps. *shrug*
That would be creative liberals who like to make fun of anything v those now in charge who work to quash anything that conflicts with their narrow views.

You may assume anything you want about the shrug; how you interpret it says more about you, perhaps. *shrug*

I take the shrug to mean you don't really give a $hit what these lemmings think.


oh, like the same 'liberals' who put the show on to begin with.

What the hell's up with the shrugging after every post? Are we to assume you're completely unsure about every fucking thing you post?
He does it to irritate people. It's kind of a cultural thing with southern men. They take great pride in being contrary sonsabitches! LOL You say yes, they'll say no. You say black, they'll say white and they don't care what the topic is, as long as they get last word.