The Goode Family

He does it to irritate people. It's kind of a cultural thing with southern men. They take great pride in being contrary sonsabitches! LOL You say yes, they'll say no. You say black, they'll say white and they don't care what the topic is, as long as they get last word.

An insightful post. Thanks.
He does it to irritate people. It's kind of a cultural thing with southern men. They take great pride in being contrary sonsabitches! LOL You say yes, they'll say no. You say black, they'll say white and they don't care what the topic is, as long as they get last word.

if a person is usually adversarial about every thing they tend to take on a much more alpha approach in presenting their opinions. Shrugging implies a weakness and insecurity which I guess is totally understandable in his case.
An insightful post. Thanks.
Well don't take this the wrong way. I really don't mean that as a criticism of SM. It's just when your a damned yankee living in the land of cotton you notice the cultural differences and I lived in the south for 7 years. In the south being contrary is often equated with being independant minded. Getting the last word is viewed as winning the argument. Besides, a lot of people here would be shocked at how souther, culturally speaking, southern Ohio is. Particularly southwest Ohio.
if a person is usually adversarial about every thing they tend to take on a much more alpha approach in presenting their opinions. Shrugging implies a weakness and insecurity which I guess is totally understandable in his case.
I thought it indicated indifference. You may have a point though.
Well don't take this the wrong way. I really don't mean that as a criticism of SM. It's just when your a damned yankee living in the land of cotton you notice the cultural differences and I lived in the south for 7 years. In the south being contrary is often equated with being independant minded. Getting the last word is viewed as winning the argument. Besides, a lot of people here would be shocked at how souther, culturally speaking, southern Ohio is. Particularly southwest Ohio.

I thought your analysis of sm was spot-on.

But I also saw some of myself in your post.
I thought it indicated indifference. You may have a point though.

Shrugging can mean I don' t know or I don't care. But if you really don't care why on earth would constantly bother with posting so prolifically and counter every pt. Given his content I'd say say he is that unsure.
Oh ans usf - when I want to take you out the box and play with you like the little puppet you are I will address you. Constantly begging 4 my attention by following me thread 2 thread copying my moderator tom foolery won't get me to address you after this post until I decide that I want to be entertained by wackjob republicans and showcase your stupidity. Consider this a favor - now you know your place. You're welcome.
Shrugging can mean I don' t know or I don't care. But if you really don't care why on earth would constantly bother with posting so prolifically and counter every pt. Given his content I'd say say he is that unsure.
Well that's pretty much what I meant by you may have a point there about the contrary sombitch! :clink:
Oh ans usf - when I want to take you out the box and play with you like the little puppet you are I will address you. Constantly begging 4 my attention by following me thread 2 thread copying my moderator tom foolery won't get me to address you after this post until I decide that I want to be entertained by wackjob republicans and showcase your stupidity. Consider this a favor - now you know your place. You're welcome.
Don't rise to the bait LadyT. Look at it like this, about responding to US Handjob. It's very unsporting for you to enter into a battle of wits with a defenseless individual.
Although writing can be precise and technical it can also be an art form. And like any form of art its interpretation is best left off to the viewer, such that it reveals more about them than the presenter. That helps to explain why Mott views a *shrug* as someone being contrary and Lady T sees it as being unsure.

Although writing can be precise and technical it can also be an art form. And like any form of art its interpretation is best left off to the viewer, such that it reveals more about them than the presenter. That helps to explain why Mott views a *shrug* as someone being contrary and Lady T sees it as being unsure.

Oh shut up you contrary sumbitch! :pke:

Shrugging can mean I don' t know or I don't care. But if you really don't care why on earth would constantly bother with posting so prolifically and counter every pt. Given his content I'd say say he is that unsure.

the first case of tourettes ever displayed over the net.